The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1058

"Miss moon, this I will find out the murderer and give you and Prince Yu an account. " The old man looked at the cloud and said sincerely.

Yunqianyue looks at the old man in front of him. After all, he is a man who has gone through the storm and can act so quickly. Prince Xiao has capable people under him. Otherwise, he will not let the gambling houses around the world stand firm for 20 years. She nodded faintly. "You'd better take out an account. Otherwise, I don't think the whole world needs to exist in this world. "

The old man was shocked and suddenly there was no sound.

"Zishu, let's wait here for a moment." The moon turned back to Yu Zi.

"Good!" Yu Zishu nodded.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, stand still. This street just when she and Rong Feng, Yu Zishu three people to fight over, there are people shuttle back and forth, at this time no one, about all avoid.

After a while, the sound of horses' hooves came, and the sound of trampling hooves became a sound. Obviously, there were many visitors.

Yun Qianyue looked along the voice and saw several horses coming late at one end of the street. Several people were sitting on the horse. The first one was Rong Feng. After him was Prince Xiao. After him was Leng Shao Zhuo, and then all the black guards. Obviously, he was the retinue of Xiaoqin palace.

When the old man saw the arrival of Prince Xiao, his face turned white and his eyes were full of fear.

In a twinkling of an eye, a group of people came to the front, Rong Feng was the first to turn off the horse, and Prince Xiao and Leng Shao Zhuo also dismounted. Leng Shao Zhuo stepped forward faster than Prince Xiao, looked at Yun Qianyue and asked anxiously, "have you hurt me?"

Cloud light moon face slightly warm, shake head, "no!"

Leng Shao Zhuo looked Yun Qianyue's whole body up and down once, relieved, turned to yuzishu, looked at him again, and said to him, "it's good if the jade Prince has nothing to do with it."

"Don't worry! Although these firecrackers are domineering, they still can't hurt me. " Yu Zishu smiles lightly and shakes his head.

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded, looked at the firecrackers not far away, and then looked upstairs along the position where the firecrackers fell. In a moment, he took back his sight, looked at the old man fiercely, and said angrily, "Leng Kai, what's the matter? Why do you suddenly throw down firecrackers from upstairs at this time? "

At this moment, Leng Shao Zhuo seems to be back to his cruel appearance when someone violated his orders or did something unsatisfied to him.

The old man Leng Kai fell to his knees with a thump, shook his head suddenly, and said in horror, "go back to the little prince, I don't know what's going on! Today, everything is normal in the casino. I don't find anyone in disorder... "

"You don't know?" Leng Shao Zhuo was even more angry, "this casino is your patronage, it has always been your territory. What happened to you, you are still in the dark? What's the use of you? "

"Forgive me, little prince. I have sent someone to check it. I must find out a result..." Leng Kai was so shocked that he repeatedly kowtowed.

"I can't find out. I think it's time to move your head!" Leng Shao Zhuo gives out cruel words.

Leng Kai was too shivering to speak.

"Why are you kneeling here? Don't go and find out! " At this time, Prince Xiao opened his mouth and was slightly angry.

"Yes, yes, I'll go and find out..." Leng Kai gets up from the ground and stumbles into the casino.

Seeing Leng Kai leave, the filial piety king turned to Yu Zishu and Yun Qianyue and said, "Prince Yu, miss Qianyue, I'm really sorry that such a thing happened. Fortunately, you didn't get hurt..."

"If it's hurt, uncle Leng Wang, we can't stand here and talk to you. You probably can't stand here and talk to us Cloud shallow moon interrupts filial piety Prince's words, cold voice way.

The king of filial piety turned pale and nodded, "yes, Leng Kai has already checked. They will give an account to Prince Yu and miss Xiaoyue as soon as possible. As you both know, this casino is full of good and bad people... "

"Although the casinos are mixed up, there are records of people coming and going every day." Cloud shallow moon again interrupted his words, light way: "what's more, how can I know that it's not the king of filial piety who wants to harm the jade prince? After all, you can see this pile of firecrackers on the ground. It's not like a 1.30 firecracker can accumulate such a large piece. If there is no premeditation, no prior preparation, it is impossible to throw it from the upstairs so quickly that we can't even see the personal shadow. It's really not easy to bring so many firecrackers into your casino and not be found by your people. "

"How can I harm the jade prince? Miss shallow moon, you can't talk nonsense... " The king of filial piety was so surprised that he even said: "the jade Prince of Donghai kingdom is a saint of heaven and a noble guest of the emperor. In the past years, you can't invite him. This year, it's not easy to come here. The emperor is the guest of honor. I dare not harm the jade crown prince's heart with ten courage from the old minister As for these firecrackers The old minister will check carefully to see who has the courage to harm the jade prince. "

"No, that's the best. I don't want uncle Leng to have such a heart." Yunqianyue looked at him, "you should know that the king of the East China Sea loves his son like his life, and the subjects of the East China Sea love the prince like his life. If anything happens to him, it will not only be your small casino, but also the gate of filial piety palace. The imperial edict is the whole heavenly saint, and it will suffer. After all, the national strength of the east sea state should not be underestimated. Although our Tiansheng is a big country, the strength of Donghai state is not what we can fight against today's situation of full of holes and disasters! Uncle Leng Wang, in this way, if he really has something to do and he has something to do in your territory, do you think you will become a sinner of heaven saint? "Prince Xiao's old face was so white that he could not speak.

"I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill! See for yourself, uncle Leng Wang! You are an old minister of the two dynasties. After the first emperor's deadline, you will assist the present emperor's uncle. Maybe you will become an old minister of the three dynasties and assist the future monarch. You should clearly understand the current situation and the identity and importance of the jade prince. "

"Naturally, I understand. This matter is absolutely not ordered by the old minister. It must be someone who wants to harm the jade crown prince. The old minister must find out and give the jade Prince justice. " The king of filial piety repeatedly promised that his tone was trembling. Obviously, after listening to Yun Qianyue's words, he knew that it was not her exaggeration. If the jade prince was injured today, he would feel frightened when he thought about the consequences.

"Just understand it!" Cloud shallow moon words fall, slant head read jade son book one eye.

"No matter whether it is related to Prince Xiao or not, since this gambling house belongs to Prince Xiao, firecrackers are smashed from inside, and it is too coincident that this palace passes by. Therefore, it is natural for Prince Xiao to give an account of this matter. " "Jade book slowly opened his mouth," although did not hurt this palace, but this is not a small matter. "

"Yes, that's right. Naturally, the king will give the jade Prince an account. Fortunately, the jade prince was not hurt. Otherwise, the king will account for this old life, and it will not be enough to accompany the jade prince Prince Xiao nodded his head again and again, and his attitude was extremely courteous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!