The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1057

Too many firecrackers, straight down from the top of the head, in an instant, crackling into a piece, sparks everywhere.

Cloud shallow moon a startle, complexion a change, cry out urgently, "small seven, careful!"

With her words, people have left the horse and rushed to yuzishu, but yuzishu left the horse faster than she did. At the moment when the cloud and the moon came to him, he reached for her and took her to fall dozens of feet away, which could avoid the explosion of firecrackers.

Two people stand firm, firecrackers fell on the ground, a deafening noise, for a time all the sounds of the street were submerged by the sound of firecrackers.

Yunqianyue turns her head and takes a look at yuzishu. Seeing that he has nothing to do, she has no trace of being burned by the firecrackers. She breathes a sigh of relief and turns back to the firecrackers not far away. Her face is cold.

Yu Zishu also took a look at the firecrackers that were still exploding. She felt the cold air emanating from Yun Qianyue's body. She reached out to pat her shoulder and comforted her with a warm voice, "it's OK! It's just a little thing! "

It is indeed a small thing, small can not be a small thing, but such a small thing, but can not really be seen with small things.

"Moon, are you all right?" Rong Feng quickly turned over and dismounted, walked to the two people and asked nervously.

"It's OK!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, looking at the firecrackers that are still exploding, his face and voice are full of Sen's coldness.

"Is it because Jing Shizi was angry that you came back late?" Rong Feng see two people have nothing to do, but also to those who are still exploding firecrackers, the number is too much, fell on the ground, also ring non-stop.

"No!" Cloud shallow moon decisively interrupts Rong Feng's words.

"No!" Zishu shook her head gently.

Rong Feng's voice stopped, and suddenly he also laughed, "how can I think it's Jing Shizi who is angry with you again? He's not going to do that. You are so friendly with Prince Yu. If he has something to do with him, you will certainly rush to him. Even if he gets angry again, he won't have the heart to hurt you. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, Rong Jing hurt who, also won't hurt Xiao Qi. He clearly knows all the entanglements between Xiao Qi and her, and the importance of her and Xiao Qi in each other's hearts. What's more, he allowed her to spend time alone with Xiao Qi. At a certain time, for a particular person, the scenery is very generous.

Rong Feng looked at the opposite shop and saw that it was the gambling house of filial piety. At this time, there was no one upstairs. He took back his sight and said to Yun Qianyue: "it's a gambling house in all parts of the world, an industry of filial piety palace."

Yunqianyue has already seen the sign of the gambling house opposite. Now it will be dark, but the four big characters of "all over the world" are still eye-catching. She looked upstairs, too, without a shadow. Taking back his sight, he said to Rongfeng, "Rongfeng, you have to work hard. Go to the filial piety palace. Please come and have a look. If the firecrackers hurt us, it's nothing, but if it hurts the jade Prince of Donghai, it's a big thing. "

"Good!" Rong Feng answered, no more words, turned on his horse and went to the house of filial piety.

The trampling of the horse's hooves turned the street away.

Yu Zishu takes his eyes back from Rong Feng and looks at the gambling house opposite. Wen Sheng says, "the casinos are very busy at this time. The good and the bad are mixed up. There are all kinds of people. If something happens, it's hard to find out who did it. "

Cloud shallow moon purses lips, stares at the gambling house, does not say a word.

At this time, the gate of the casino opened, and dozens of people swarmed out. The first few were dressed the same way, with waist tags tied around their waistbands, which was obviously the main business of the gambling house. Behind them were the attendants dressed in uniform clothes, and then the men in all kinds of costumes, including tall and short, fat and thin, were obviously the guests in the casino.

"Miss moon?" At present, an old man in his fifties and fifties went out to see yunqianyue and yuzishu. He was stunned and hurriedly came over and saluted yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon looking at the old man, not far from the firecrackers a finger, "just those firecrackers are thrown down from above."

Looking at the firecrackers, the old man's face changed slightly. He seemed to have thought of something, but he was still calm. He even said, "the little old man heard the sound of firecrackers, so he came out to check what happened. Unexpectedly, it was the firecrackers thrown down from the upstairs..."

"The jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom and I passed by, and firecrackers were suddenly thrown over, nearly injuring the jade prince." Cloud shallow month interrupts his words, complexion is cold, "should the gambling house of all corners of the world take out an account? Who threw firecrackers? And it is so effective that dozens of firecrackers can be ignited together. You can think, if these firecrackers hit the jade Prince's body, what are the consequences? "

The old man's slightly changed face turned white. He had never seen the jade book. But today, it has been spread all over the streets and even in the capital city. It is said that miss Qianyue and Prince Yu go out to race a horse, and the jade Prince is in a state of heaven and man. Now, if you look at the man around Yun Qianyue, is he the prince of Donghai? Even if he has not met with him, there is such a kind of person. As long as the people who see him will think of "jade gaihua" in their minds. He was a little shocked and incoherent, "this The little old man doesn't know how this happened... ""I don't know if you invite Prince Xiao, can you know what happened? It's better to give Prince Yu an account The cloud is shallow and the moon is careless.

The old man was so shocked that he was about to plant on the ground. Fortunately, the people behind him helped him, and he was not allowed to fall down. He looked at the cloud and the moon in fear, and his voice trembled, "miss Qianyue, we have no intention of harming the jade prince, and the Lord will not, not to mention my little Wang Ye to miss Qianyue..."

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks, just looks at him coldly.

The old man wanted to continue to explain, but he could not say a word when he touched the eyes of the moon. He looked at yuzishu. Yuzishu looked calm and stood still. He had no intention of opening his mouth. He took back his sight and looked at the firecrackers left on the ground. Looking up, he saw the window on the third floor. There was a window open, and there was a hanging firecracker hanging on it. The evidence was conclusive. He could not even think about such a thing for half a moment. He calmed down and looked at himself Then he said, "go! Take control of all the people in the gambling house. All the people who come in today are indispensable. Let me find out who has the courage to set off firecrackers in gambling houses all over the world


As the old man said, the people behind him answered in unison. Two people waved, and dozens of people in black appeared in secret. In an instant, they surrounded the casinos all over the world, and several people took people into the interior of the casinos to control them all.

The action is extremely swift and skilful, obviously is accustomed to such unexpected things. But today is especially different, and the speed is faster than in the past, because firecrackers nearly hurt the jade prince on the land boundary of the casinos all over the world. If there was any prince or princess in the capital city, or even the prince's son, they might not be so frightened and nervous. But he was the jade Prince of Donghai state and the jade Prince of the emperor who treated Ruo Shangbin. In addition, there is a cloud moon that no one in Beijing dare to provoke. The king of filial piety has already given orders to them. If she comes to the gambling house, she should be very careful. She should not be offended. Fortunately, Miss Xiaoyue has never come to the gambling house these years, and they have gradually relaxed their mind. No one would have thought that the gambling houses in all parts of the world have fallen in love with these two Buddhas. Moreover, the evidence is so solid that they can't say a word. They can only find out who moved the hand as soon as possible and give an account to Prince Yu and miss Qianyue, so that the people in the casinos in all parts of the world will not be affected Suffer disaster, otherwise, not only the human life of casinos around the world will be hard to protect, but also the filial piety prince will be implicated, and the consequences will be unimaginable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!