The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1056

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Well, I'm dry. What else do you want to hear?" Yu Zishu asked with a smile.

"No, you won't leave for a while. Let's talk slowly! You don't have to pour everything you know to me now. " Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head, puts her thumb and middle finger on her lip and whistles. The horse that grazes grass runs over immediately. She reaches out to untie the water bag and hands it to yuzishu.

She took the book.

Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes, two people for a time no longer speak, quiet down.

After about a cup of tea time, a figure floated and fell, and exclaimed in surprise, "moon?"

Cloud shallow month opens an eye, see Rong Feng stands a few Zhang to open a distance, a face surprised ground looks at her, she to him a smile, "Rong Feng, how are you here?"

Rong Feng looked at them. Yuzishu was sitting idly, and yunqianyue was leaning against him. Naturally, they were at will. His eyes were fixed on yuzishu's body, carefully looked at them, and then looked at the moon. They did not speak for a moment.

"How many days has it been gone? Stupid? " Yunqianyue looks at him funny.

"You Why are you here? " Rong Feng looked at their intimate dependence. He seemed to be stunned and asked tentatively to Yun Xiaoyue, "this is The jade prince

"Well, his name is yuzishu!" Cloud shallow month sits upright body, think she and small seven such posture close, about in Rong Feng's eyes look very startled, so always calm he just so facial expression, she smiles to him way: "he is I therefore cannot be in the old friend."

"Fengshizi of Wenbo Houfu? Good to meet you Yu Zishu smiles at Rong Feng.

Rong Feng settled his mind, collected the surprised mood in his eyes, and slightly arched his hand, "the jade Prince is polite! I am Rong Feng. "

"Fengshizi and Yuner are close friends, and Zishu and she are old friends. Therefore, fengshizi is not polite to Zishu." Yuzishu looked up and down Rongfeng. He didn't call himself the palace, but called Zishu. Naturally, he explained the relationship between yunqianyue and Rongfeng.

Rong Feng's face became loose. Looking at Yu Zishu, he gave an unnatural smile and said, "I was in the military aircraft camp. When I heard the whistle of yue'er, I came here. It was a bit abrupt. Excuse me, Prince Yu. "

"Where! I'm very happy to see feng Shizi Yu Zishu shook his head with a smile.

"I heard that the jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom has come. I thought that the fourth Prince's wedding would be held two days later. I didn't expect to see him today. The jade Prince is just like the rumor Rong Feng said again.

"Today, the emperor of heaven held a banquet in the palace. After the banquet, someone wanted to test my riding skills. I was pulled out before I could sober up." Yu Zishu said with a smile: "it is said that fengshizi is comparable to the talented Wenbo marquis in those years. When I saw him today, he was really extraordinary." Yu Zishu also said with a smile.

Rong Feng was just about to speak when Yun Qianyue reached out and pulled her arm. Rong Feng didn't react, so she sat beside her. She said impatiently, "it's all my own people. There are so many polite manners!"

Rong Feng was dumbfounded.

Yu Zishu had no choice but to glance at the cloud and the moon, and shook his head with a smile.

Cloud shallow month slants head to ask Rong Feng, "you are not the army to walk? Why is it now a permanent military aircraft camp? "

"Night light dye defends the capital, Xishan military aircraft camp is not attended, the emperor and the seventh prince sent me." Yung Fung Road.

"Yes, you are ye Tianyi's younger brother. I won't stab him. " Cloud shallow moon smile.

Rong Feng took a look at her, and the smile on her face faded. "Now Beijing is not peaceful. The emperor doesn't have many days. There are many factions in the imperial court, and there are entanglements in private. However, the new Qingliu school can not live in the scene. Everyone is careful, for fear that one step away will be affected. After all, I have become the most suitable person to guard the military aircraft camp. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "night day Yu big marriage in the future?"? When are you going back? "

"I had planned to go back later, but now I can go back to the city with you." Rong Feng said, "I'm just a caretaker of the military aircraft camp. It's hard to think of anything with the emperor, the seven princes, and the little prince dye."

"In that case, come back to town with us! Let's go. It's getting late anyway. " Yunqianyue realized that it was too late. Rongjing didn't find it or sent someone to come. It was not easy for him to rest assured for such a long time. He could not challenge his limit any more.

Yuzishu and Rongfeng naturally have no opinion, three people stand up.

It's not far away from the military aircraft camp. When Rongfeng hears the whistle of yunqianyue, he shows his lightness skill and comes to the scene. Naturally, he doesn't ride a horse. Yunqianyue turns over and reaches for Rongfeng. Rongfeng does not hesitate, hands him and sits quietly behind her.

Two horses, three people, no more talk, to the gate.

After entering the capital, the sky is already dark. Yunqianyue plans to send Rongfeng back to Wenbo Houfu first, and then to yunwangfu. As soon as they were on the main street, they passed by a shop. Suddenly, they threw down several firecrackers from the upstairs. The firecrackers crackled and exploded. The location of the firecrackers was yuzishu, which was riding on the right side of yunqianyue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!