The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1047

After night Tianyi got out of the prison of the Ministry of punishment, he saw the cloud and the moon at a glance, where the carriage stopped facing the sun. Now, in late autumn, the sun was not strong, and she felt warm and cold at first. Her clothes were still thin, and her long water sleeves and ribbons were blown by the breeze, and they floated out of the carriage. There was a kind of beautiful Huashe. At a glance, his soul fell in love, and he stopped suddenly.

Yunqianyue also saw night Tianyi. She stopped her eyes on him for a moment, then passed him and gave a warm smile to the seven princesses who followed him and called out, "sister-in-law, here!"

The seventh princess also saw yunqianyue, and saw that night Tianyi stopped to block her in front of her. She also followed her steps. She heard the cry of yunqianyue and saw her warm smile. The haze of two months was seemed to be dispelled by her sunshine and warm smile. She could not help but show a happy smile. She walked around Tianyi overnight and walked towards yunqianyue quickly.

Come to cloud shallow moon's car, surprised with joy, asked, "how did you come?"

"Come to meet you!" Yunqianyue held out her hand to the seventh Princess and said with a smile, "you have eaten the fast for more than two months and have read the Buddha for more than two months. It's time to go home, too! Go back to stew for me. "

Seven princess heard the word home, eyes a sour, hand to the hand of cloud shallow moon, heavily nodded, "ah!"

Yun Xiaoyue lifted her wrist slightly, but she didn't see any force. The seventh princess was pulled into the car by her. She released her hand, looked at Ye Tianyi, and said faintly, "I'll pick up my sister-in-law home, so I won't bother the seventh prince to see him off!" She put down the curtain.

The curtain falls to block the shadow of cloud and moon and the sight of night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi's heart thumped, and the warmth that had been infected instantly faded into ice, freezing his overflowing, leaking and uncontrollable things. His breath darkened in an instant, his hands curled up in his sleeves and his thin lips closed into a line.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue sit in front of the car and take a look at Ye Tianyi. With a whip, the carriage leaves the prison of the Ministry of punishment.

Ye Tianyi watched the gorgeous carriage go far, and stood like that without saying a word.

Brunei stood behind Ye Tianyi, carefully looking at the face of the seventh prince, the atmosphere did not dare to come out. The soldiers guarding the prison of the Ministry of punishment were sensitive to the cold wind in late autumn. They could not help shivering.

After a long time, Brunei finally couldn't stand the chill from night Tianyi, and bravely reminded him in a soft voice, "seventh prince, are you going back to your house or entering the palace?"

Night Tianyi takes back his sight. In a moment, the black fades away, leaving only a vast expanse of white, which seems to have lost the color of pupils. He walks to the carriage and says, "enter the palace!"

Brunei quickly followed him.

The carriage was supposed to go to the cloud palace, but it returned to the palace gate again.

In the carriage, the cloud light moon falls behind the curtain, and the smile on the face is also light.

Seven princesses sit by cloud shallow moon side, looked at her one eye, light voice way: "seven elder brother to you is not inferior to Jing Shizi, now looks like this situation, he to you still has not died heart."

"So what? After all, he is not the person in my heart, and I am not his dish. " Yun Xiaoyue put up her smile and leaned against the wall of the car with a vague tone. "It's just a mistake. He's my fault. I'm his fault. If it is a mistake, it needs to be corrected. Even if the head is broken and bleeding, human flesh and bones should be corrected. Otherwise, it will be even more wrong. "

Seven princess a Zheng, looking at the cloud shallow moon, she more than once found her body vicissitudes and heavy. Especially when it comes to nightlife, the breath that comes out of her body makes her heart seem to be able to pick it up. At the cost of blood and blood, human flesh and bones, but also to correct the error, that is how deep entanglement?

"It's really cool! It's time to add clothes! " Cloud light moon suddenly breath a change, vicissitudes heavy all fade away, she turned around, a hug seven princess's arm, lean on her body, soft and soft way: "sister-in-law, you miss brother?"

Seven princess did not expect cloud shallow moon change so fast, let her a time reaction not come over, Lengleng Leng looked at her.

Cloud shallow month "ha" ground a smile, roll eyelids to her, "did not see the person that changes face faster than turn a book?"

Seven princess Leng for a moment, also can't help but smile, reached out to open cloud shallow moon's hand, shame and indignation way: "don't stick me, want to stick to the king son. I haven't seen anyone who changes faces faster than you

Cloud shallow month smile complacent, "you these two months of bitterness did not receive in vain, later elder brother was you poison bully, happy?"

The seventh princess was dyed with red glow on her face. She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that my father would agree. In fact, I am not confident in the bottom of my heart. When I married your brother, I asked him nothing but to be nice to me. I didn't think he would marry anyone else except me. Now I'm really surprised. It's like a dream. "

"As expected, it was ruined by the feudal ethics! Why don't you think about why a man should have three wives and four concubines? Women have to share a man with others? Who stipulated this? In ancient times, there was a matriarchal clan in which women could have several husbands. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is humming.

The seventh princess was surprised and couldn't believe it.Yunqianyue took a look at her and said earnestly, "this is true. About 100000 years ago, human beings had just multiplied. In those days, people lived in groups. Countless men and women live together. It belongs to the Paleolithic age. All things and things are made of stone. In the middle and late Paleolithic period, the ancient society changed from the primitive group stage to the matriarchal clan stage. Matriarchal clan is a social organization based on matrilineal blood relationship. It implements primitive communist system and distributes labor products equally. At that time, women played a leading role in society. Women invented primitive agriculture and livestock farming, more creative than men. Young men went hunting and fishing. Women are engaged in collecting fruits, guarding houses, processing food, sewing clothes, managing chores, caring for the old and young. Because the harvesting economy was more stable than the fishing and hunting economy at that time, it became an important source of living materials for clan members, so it was the basic guarantee for maintaining the clan life. Women's special role in childbirth and the lineage of clan members are calculated according to the matrilineal system, which makes women have high prestige, respect and status in the clan. It is not too much for a man to be a subordinate to a woman. It's normal for a woman to have several husbands at that time

The seventh Princess opened her eyes wide and seemed shocked.

"Later, with the development of the matriarchal clan, it came to a prosperous period. Because men were born strong and physically superior to women, they gradually formed a large family with men as the center. Men took the place of women and dominated production, life and public affairs. The leader of the clan was also held by adult men, becoming the main force of social production, thus forming the patriarchal clan 。 Later, after a slow and long period of development, men's status became higher and higher, and they completely dominated society and women. Only then did the system of "man first" become polygamy Yun Xiaoyue explained to the seventh princess that she was shocked and said with a laugh: "therefore, men and women are born equal, and the unequal is the social relationship formed by the integration of various social factors. Monogamy is not recognized by today's society, but it will not be recognized after several years or even thousands of years. You really don't have to feel guilty about it. Brother, because you can't marry again, is his blessing that he can get your heart and soul. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!