The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1046

Ye Tianyi looks the same when she hears the speech, and the hand reading the memorial has not even stopped for a moment.

The old emperor managed to stop his cough, but he was still angry. He said angrily to Brunei: "go to the prison of the Ministry of punishment now and tell the seventh princess that if she doesn't want to come out, she will stay in it! Don't expect me to release her again in the future

"Yes Brunei responded and retreated.

"Wait!" Night Tianyi made a voice to stop Brunei, but his pen and ink didn't stop, and he said to the old emperor, "father, are you sure you won't let the seven princesses go? She has been locked up for two months. It is normal for her to feel depressed. It's normal for the cloud palace to be angry. Now that they are in the same breath, they just want their father to give an explanation. What if you give them an explanation? "

Brunei immediately stopped and looked at the night.

The old emperor also turned his head to night Tianyi and asked calmly, "how can I give you an explanation?"

"Since the cloud palace has recognized the seven princesses, Yunli only wants to marry her, and does not want to add another woman. Seven princesses are also so strong, zibafu Jun, two people are interlinked, this may not be a bad thing. After all, the seventh princess is the princess of the royal family. Your daughter has the blood of Yeshi in her body. It doesn't mean that if you marry someone, you can get rid of this surname by exchanging blood. " Night Tianyi light tunnel.

The old emperor's face softened down, "you said it well!"

"So, what's the harm of another edict from my father?" Night Tianyi casually floated out a word.

The old emperor took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to Brunei: "pass on my will. I am grateful for the exchange of ideas between Princess seven and Prince Yun. I am willing to die in prison without changing his mind. I'm proud of having such a daughter. I'd like to give you Rong a special favor. I'd like to make an appointment with the seven princesses for a hundred years in his lifetime. He'd be happy to be old. He'd never marry him again. I'd like to do this! "

"Yes Brunei responded in a panic.

"Tianyi, what do you think of this will?" The old emperor asked Ye Tianyi.

"My father! Very good Ye Tianyi smiles.

The old emperor stopped talking and waved to Brunei. Brunei looked at Ye Tianyi and waited for his intention.

Ye Tianyi put down the memorial and picked up a blank imperial edict. Within a moment, a piece of imperial edict was drawn up. He covered the jade seal, blew the ink, and did not give it to Brunei. He stood up and said to the old emperor, "the son minister himself goes to the prison to release his seven sisters."

The old emperor said, "well.".

Ye Tianyi walks out with his feet, like a mandala in full bloom. Brunei stood at the door and saw that ye Tianyi wanted to go to the prison of the Ministry of punishment in person. After he walked out, he also followed him.

In the prison of the Ministry of punishment, the seven princesses still read the book.

Night Tianyi leaned into the cell, looked at the calm seven princesses, and called out with a smile, "seven sisters!"

The seventh Princess raised her head from the book. Seeing that it was night Tianyi, she didn't stand up, but she laughed and called out, "seven elder brother!"

Ye Tianyi nodded with a smile and sat down on the only bed in the small cell. The small cell was cleaned every day. Although the sky could not be seen, it did not have any rotten and dark atmosphere. It was very clean and tidy. He looked at the small cell and all the furnishings and said with a smile: "these days, living here, suffering seven sisters!"

"What do you say? It's a nice place to live in than the noise outside. " Seven princess light smile.

"It's good for seven sisters to be quiet, but it's a cell after all." Ye Tianyi said with a smile.

"Before I was in yunfangzhai, I didn't leave the palace for ten years. What's the difference between being in prison?" Seven princesses don't care, "it's just a place in the world, a place to sin in the world. But in my opinion, it's no different. They are not free. "

Night Tianyi smell speech not to say no, "Seven Sisters temperament is excellent, no wonder cloud from the love of the son of heaven."

The seventh Princess raised her eyes to see ye Tianyi and said quietly: "is seven elder brother joking? Is the name of my jealousy all over the world now? He wants to quit me. "

"After a month, the people around her will change because of her. She regards the etiquette and law of thousands of years as nothing, and advocates all things that others do not recognize. You say that you are so firm in pursuit of your love that you will not let your husband marry him again. You are in tune with her temper and temperament. How can she not protect you? And how can he really want to abandon you when he leaves the world Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

Seven princess also picked eyebrows, "seven elder brother to understand her."

"Of course I know her!" Night Tianyi got up and stood up, such as Yu's hand flicked his sleeve. His tone was gentle and said: "seven younger sister, let's go! I'll personally take you back to the cloud palace. "

Seven princess sat still, "I have said, if my father does not answer my plea, he is willing not to leave the prison door all his life."

Ye Tianyi suddenly laughed, took out the imperial edict from his sleeve, handed it to Brunei, and waved to him, "read the imperial edict!"

"Yes Brunei took over the imperial edict and read, "I am grateful for the exchange of feelings between Princess seven and Prince Yun. I wish I would not change my mind for her death in prison. I'm proud of having such a daughter. I'd like to give you Rong a special favor. I'd like to make an appointment with the seven princesses for a hundred years in his lifetime. He'd be happy to be old. He'd never marry him again. I'd like to do this! "Seven princesses raised a joy in her heart, but tried to suppress it, trying to make her face look calm.

"Take the order, princess." Brunei looked at the seven princesses with admiration, thinking that it was a blessing in disguise. Since ancient times, which woman can order her husband to marry her only one person? For thousands of years, even as a princess, it was difficult to do it. And the seven princesses did it. He had to admire him.

The seventh Princess sat still, as if she had not heard of it.

"Seven sisters, take the order!" Ye Tianyi smiles.

Seven princess slowly put down the book, kneeling on the ground to thank, "the son minister thanks father emperor's grace!"

Brunei handed the imperial edict to the seventh princess, took a look at Ye Tianyi and said to her: "princess, the emperor was very angry after hearing your words and wanted to keep you for a lifetime. The seventh Prince dissuaded the emperor and said that even if you married into the cloud palace, you would be the Emperor's daughter. The emperor can't bear to shut you down any more. He gives a decree and releases you. "

Seven princess thought move, straight up, take the imperial edict to night Tianyi thanks, "thank you seven elder brother!"

"You, my brother and sister, have broken bones and are still connected with tendons! Why are you so polite! Let's go Night Tianyi light smile, turned out of the cell.

The seventh Princess stood up with the imperial edict, took a look at the small cell she had closed for two months, and went out with Ye Tianyi.

At the gate of the prison of the Ministry of punishment, in addition to the carriage of the seventh prince, there was a magnificent carriage. The curtain of the carriage was lifted from the inside to reveal the half moon of cloud. She was looking lazily outside the carriage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!