The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1048

The seventh princess was shocked and looked at the cloud and the moon. "I don't understand what you said, but I understand it. You know a lot. Things in ancient times In which book did you read this

Which book? Cloud shallow moon smiles and shakes his head, "a lonely book, chance to see, now lost early!"

Seven princess nodded and envied: "I have always admired you. I used to admire your arrogance, willfulness, arrogance and arbitrariness, but now I admire your insight and talent. It is not unreasonable for so many people to like you."

"My good sister-in-law, don't talk so eloquently! I can't stand it. " Yunqianyue pretended to be excited.

The seventh princess looked at her helplessly and said angrily: "you and I are almost the same age, but sometimes I look at you as if you are looking at the queen mother in the palace, dignified and gentle, sometimes like looking at children, and not like half a daughter's home. But it's strange that everyone feels normal like you. "

"I'm used to it!" Cloud light moon funny tunnel.

The seventh Princess laughed and shook her head and stopped talking.

Carriage back to the cloud palace, cloud from has already returned from the Ministry of rites, waiting at the door. Before the carriage stopped, he quickly stepped forward and lifted the curtain. They first called out "sister" and then looked at the seventh princess with some excitement.

Seven princesses smile to him, soft voice way: "I come back!"

"You Suffer Cloud from the voice of a little dumb.

Two people four eyes opposite, two pairs of eyes are full of missing. There was no other sound.

Cloud shallow month looked at two people one eye, thought that she again in here hindrance son, too ignorant of the current affairs. So from the side quietly jumped out of the car, Ling Lian and Yi snow silently made a gesture, two people will, immediately follow her.

No matter how affectionate the scene was behind them, the master and servant entered the yard silently.

Back at the shallow moon Pavilion, Huasheng waits in the room.

When yunqianyue saw Huasheng, she was stunned. If there was nothing important, Huasheng would not come to her easily. She asked Ling Lian and Yi Xue to send letters. She reached out and closed the door and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Hua Sheng saw that Yun Qianyue was back. He even said, "little Lord, something happened to me. I'm afraid of delay, so I came here in person." Then she looked out and saw Ling Lian and Yi Xue guarding the door. There was no one else in the courtyard. She whispered, "a few days ago, the person I sent to the East China Sea didn't send a message saying that Princess Luoyao and princess ziluo had come out of the East China Sea and come to Tiansheng? You ask your subordinates to inquire about their whereabouts in Tiansheng, but they are too secret. Someone protects them along the way and hides the traces left by them. They haven't found out where they are. Today, I got news that Princess Luoyao and princess ziluo are in Qingshan city. "

"Instead of coming to the capital, they went to Castle Peak instead? This shows that I guessed correctly. They didn't come for me, but for Nanliang and nanlingrui. " Cloud light moon road.

"Yes, it was the master's illusory appearance that made her want to go to Nanliang to find out." Hua Sheng nodded, his voice turned, and his voice was lower. "Xiao Zhu knows that if you want to go to Nanliang, you must go through castle peak city and Phoenix pass. According to the people in the Red Pavilion of Castle Peak City, they met the young master of the Cang family three days ago. After that, they lost their trace. It is certain that they have not seen the two people pass through Fenghuang pass. Their subordinates are afraid that the young master of Cang family detained them. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech such as water Mou son tiny MI, "I unexpectedly forgot castle peak city returns a night day Yu, went to a Cang Pavilion."

"Little Lord, if the Lord Cang Shao detained the two men, what should we do?" Hua Sheng asked.

Cloud shallow moon lips slightly pursed, thought for a moment, said to her: "brother and mother are in Phoenix pass, cangting if really detained two people, will not immediately transfer. They should still be in Castle Peak. You send a message to your brother and mother and tell them about it. They are in Fenghuang pass, close to Castle Peak city. They will surely be able to rescue them from cangting

"Yes, I'll go now!" Hua Sheng responds quickly. Seeing the moon waving her hand, she walks out quickly.

Cloud shallow month returns to sit on soft couch, think Cang Pavilion if detain two people, then certainly know two people's identity. Cang Ting knows the identity of the two people. Since he cooperates with Ye Tianyi, he will surely be the first to master yetianyi. What will happen to nightlife? No matter what, now her brother and mother are in fenghuangguan and Xiaoqi is in Tiansheng capital. Even if he gets Princess Luoyao and ziluo from the East China Sea, he may not be able to do anything!

There was no word all night.

The next day, yunqianyue wakes up early, combs, and after eating too early, orders Ling Lian and Yi Xue to prepare a car to go to Rong Wang's house.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue went out of the shallow moon Pavilion, but soon came back and said to Yun Qianyue, "Miss, are you going to find the jade Prince of Donghai kingdom in Prince Rong's mansion? I'm afraid not. This morning, the palace sent a car mill to Rong Wang's house to take the jade prince into the palace. It is said that the emperor arranged a banquet in the palace, and today he entertained the jade prince. "

Cloud shallow moon frown, "this old emperor is really positive!"

"Miss, the jade Prince is here for the first time. What's more, the emperor attached great importance to the richness and strength of the Donghai kingdom. It is said that the emperor wanted to summon the jade prince after listening to King Shizi yesterday. However, he was afraid that the jade prince was tired all the way, so he changed it to this day. " Ling Lian immediately said.Cloud shallow month hums a, "the person just arrived, flatter on!"

"Miss, if you really want to see Prince Yu, you can enter the palace! You haven't been in the palace to see the queen for several days anyway Yi Xue suggested.

"No!" Yun Xiaoyue threw the light silk of wrist and sat back on the soft couch. He said angrily, "he doesn't want me at all. He doesn't want to see me when he comes. Now the old emperor said that he should be allowed to enter the palace, so he agreed to enter the palace. Why didn't you push the old emperor to see me? Don't talk about half affection, break people

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at each other, and they don't make any sound.

The cloud is light and the moon is dark.

After a while, Ling Lian suggested in a low voice: "Miss, the jade Prince is very kind to you. You don't like the engagement between Princess Luoyao and King Shizi, so he gives you an instrument to destroy the marriage. He has come from the East China Sea now. He must have been very tired. He pushed the emperor's banquet yesterday. If he pushes again today, it will certainly be bad. That's why... "

Cloud shallow month hums a, interrupt Ling Lian's words, angry way: "others don't know him, I don't know?"? Who is he? He's like me. I can chase a fox for three days and nights without rest, and so can he. I can hold a little tiger back in Tianxue mountain for a month, so can he. Tired? It's not tiring at all. It's because he didn't see me. If you want to see me, you came yesterday. "

Yi Xue chuckled and said, "Miss, there is king Shizi here! If the jade prince comes to see you in a hurry, Jing Shizi has not overturned the vinegar jar? He may want to see you, but he has to restrain himself. You can't blame the jade prince. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech anger to retreat in general, thought a way: "you say also right." After that, she reached out and rubbed her forehead, a little depressed and said, "Rongjing, this big vinegar jar. Feng Jin, Mo Li, and the third childe were all driven away by him. Xiao Qi finally came, but he can't be driven away so soon. "

Two people to take a look, both bear to smile not to speak.

Cloud shallow moon waved her hand, some helpless way: "forget it, anyway, he has come to the capital city! See you early and see you late. I will bear it! If I rush to the palace, Rongjing should look at me with those black eyes. I'm afraid of him

Two people see her no longer angry, smile and exit the door.

On this day, the old emperor was ill in bed, and gave a banquet to the prince of Donghai, which was placed in the imperial garden of the palace.

Although it is late autumn, royal garden is well protected, there are still autumn flowers in full bloom, fragrant.

The old emperor could not get out of bed and was carried half lying on a soft chair. This banquet was not a state banquet, and he had not summoned the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty to accompany him. Instead, a small number of qualified people were chosen to accompany them.

The emperor's several adult princes, including Ye Tianyi, ye Tianqing, ye Tianyu, Prince Xiao, Prince De, Lord Yun, Rongjing, yeqingran, lengshaozhuo, Yunli, etc. It's not a royal family, it's a royal family of two generations. It shows the cautious treatment of the jade crown prince of Donghai.

During the banquet, the old emperor talked and laughed happily with the disabled and sick body, and introduced his beloved sons to yuzishu one by one. It seems that a few months ago in the fourth Prince's house almost killed parents, blood stained fourth Prince's house, half silk father and son's love has never happened.

Yuzishu nodded with a smile, gentle and intimate, polite and dignified manner. The four words "jade cover China" are well deserved.

The old emperor made a comparison between Rongjing and yuzishu, and jokingly said with a smile, "if you look at the world, there is no one who can go beyond the king's son and the jade prince.". I don't know if there is a comparison between the two, it is necessary to discuss which one is the first, which is the best one in the world? "

Rong Jing was smiling and speechless.

Yuzishu eyes light gentle, not half unhappy, smell speech with a smile: "nature is king son of the world!"

"Oh?" The old emperor was stunned and raised eyebrows at yuzishu. "Why does the jade Prince belittle himself? In my opinion, it's hard to tell the difference between you and me

Yu Zishu shook his head and said with a smile, "it is king Shizi who is the first in the world."

The old emperor was even more puzzled, "how can the jade Prince be so sure?"

"Because there is a man who thinks he is unique in the world, and he is unique in the world. What that person feels is what I feel. " Yuzi's calligraphy.

Rong Jing's eyes flickered slightly, such as jade's hand gently knocked on the wall of the cup, and the wine in the cup swayed for a while, rippling.

The old emperor took a look at Rongjing. Seeing that he still didn't speak and could not see his mood, the old emperor looked at yuzishu in doubt and asked with a smile, "I can't understand the words of jade prince! Can you help me

"If the emperor doesn't understand the private affairs of the palace, it should be!" Yu Zishu smiles and avoids answering.

When the old emperor saw that Yu Zishu had done something private in Tang Dynasty, he didn't want to talk about it. Naturally, he didn't want to ask any more questions. He laughed, "this is really a strange thing! How can someone influence the idea of the jade prince? I always thought that the jade prince was in Donghai. Even the emperor of Donghai can't control it. "

"The emperor joked and boasted. It was my father who loved me." Yuzishu smiles gently.

The old emperor said, "the jade Prince is modest", and hastily let the wine, which was taken over.

During the dinner, the rest of the people were affected by this small disturbance, and they guessed the obscure words of yuzishu, and their minds were different. No one found the wine cup that night Tianyi clenched and the endless black in his eyes which was suppressed extremely deeply.The banquet was soon stirred up again and happily.

In the middle of the banquet, the old emperor suddenly said to Brunei, "Brunei, go and call the sixth princess to play a piece! I've heard that the girl's piano skills have improved again in recent years. She has not only grown up, but also learned new repertoires. Let me hear it with the jade Prince and all the love ministers. "

"Yes, Emperor!" Brunei went down in a hurry.

Not long after, the six princesses appeared in the imperial garden in full dress. After seeing the old emperor, she said "Wan Fu!" to Yuzi Then he sat gracefully and solemnly and stroked the piano. What she is playing is just a "moonlit night on a spring river".

Jade Book micro Leng, eyes flash a little surprised, but fleeting.

There was silence, and only the sound of the piano could be heard. When the piano is half played, ye Tianyi suddenly turns over and asks Yu Zishu, "jade prince, can you recite the Communist Manifesto?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!