The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1045

The seventh princess's face did not change

"Seven princesses You What do you want the servant to say! Come out now Brunei is almost painstaking.

"No more! You tell your father that I am jealous. As long as I marry Yunli and live with him for a day, he can't marry anyone else. I know that I have committed seven crimes and am willing to be punished by my father. Now two months, or not enough to punish, because I still think so. After going out and making a mistake again, he is still locked in by his father and the emperor, so he will not go out. " The seventh princess said coldly: "you go! Tell my father so

Brunei wanted to say something more, but seeing that the seventh princess was determined, she sighed and went out.

Seven princess see Brunei leave, prison door locked again, she put down the book, thin face dyed with a touch of missing.

When Brunei got out of the prison, he thought he could see the carriage of King Yun's residence, but he looked around. There was no one else in front of the prison except the soldiers guarding the prison. He could not help wondering, and asked the soldiers, "is there any car from Lord Yun's residence?"

The soldier shook his head, "go back to father-in-law, no!"

Brunei frowned and asked suspiciously, "who will come? For example, cloud leaves the son of the world? "

The soldier shook his head again, "I haven't seen it!"

Brunei feels strange! The distance between the Imperial Palace and the prison of the Ministry of punishment is a few minutes farther than that of the palace of cloud. When he got out of the Shengyang hall, he sent someone to deliver a message to the cloud palace. According to reason, it was time for Yun Li's son to pick up the seventh princess's carriage. But didn't come? He wondered if the messenger had been delayed? Simply stand at the gate of the prison of the Ministry of punishment and wait, look at the cloud from, let him go in and bring the seven princesses out, he is better back to the palace. In his opinion, since the emperor is willing to let people go, it is a matter of business to hurry out. He waited on the emperor. He could see clearly that the prince, son-in-law, and miss of the cloud palace were tough. He wanted to divorce his wife, and he didn't spit out his mouth to marry the sixth princess. He was angry. This time, he was determined to shut down the seventh princess. Now if it was not for Jing Shizi, the seventh princess would not have been locked up for another two months. If the emperor is angry because of the seven princesses just now, and continues to close it, then we don't know when and when we can release people.

Although Brunei was kind-hearted, it was a pity that after waiting for half an hour, he did not see the carriage coming from the cloud palace. He could not wait. She went back to persuade the seventh princess. When she saw him coming back, she glanced at him and did not speak. Because of this, Brunei felt hopeless and turned out of the cell.

The second time out of the cell, Brunei a bite teeth, ready to return to the palace.

"Father in law!" Just then, a gasping voice sounded.

Brunei quickly followed the voice and saw a small eunuch running breathlessly. It was the eunuch he sent to the cloud palace. He immediately asked, "has the news come?"

"Back to my father-in-law, it has been passed on!" The little eunuch gasped back.

"What? What about the son of heaven? " Brunei asked.

"Yunli Shizi said he knew it!" The little eunuch replied.

"And then? Just one word, you know? Didn't you say to pick up the seventh princess? " Brunei glared at the eunuch, "what's going on? You should make it clear to all the other people! "

The little eunuch trembled and did not dare to breathe again. He said, "the slave obeyed the order of the father-in-law and went to the Ministry of rites. Yunli Shizi was working in the Ministry of rites. When he heard the servant's message, he said that he knew. The servant asked Yun Shizi whether he could go to pick up the seventh princess. He shook his head and said that he wanted to give up and what to do with her. He also said that don't disturb his office and drive the slave out. The servant thought about what to do. Miss Xiaoyue was in charge of the house of Lord Yun, so the servant went to the mansion and reported it to miss Qianyue. However, she didn't even see anyone. She said, Miss shallow moon said that the cloud palace couldn't afford such a noble daughter-in-law. Let the emperor's uncle take it back to the palace! In a word, he dismissed the servant. I can only come back and tell you. "

Brunei understood, the feeling is that the palace of cloud does not want seven princesses. This is true, not for the emperor to show backbone. On the one hand, the seventh princess did not come out; on the other hand, the cloud palace did not want the seventh princess. He felt that this matter was really not small. He waved to the eunuch and rushed to the palace.

The eunuch followed him, running, panting and sweating. He looked pitiful.

When Brunei returned to the palace, he breathlessly told the old emperor and ye Tianyi, who had read the memorial before the jade case. At the same time, he also conveyed the words of Yunli and yunqianyue to them. Then he hung his head and listened to the purport.

The old emperor was angry and coughed fiercely, "my good princess!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!