The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1028

"In this way, Princess Luoyao and princess ziluo started their journey a month ago? Have you arrived at the boundary of heaven and God Cloud light moon judgment. It was not a carrier pigeon, but a human relay, indicating that the message was sent at least half a month or 20 days ago, which means that Luoyao and ziluo have already set out for more than 20 days.

"Well, the maidservant thinks so too!" Ling Lian nods.

"That is to say, Luoyao got about nanlingrui's taking beauty with her in the blue family, and that beauty is her thing." "It seems that Luoyao came here in advance, not because of the agreement with me, but for nanlingrui and Nanliang!"

Ling Lian was stunned and suddenly said, "Miss, you are right. The master's son Huan Rong used the appearance of Princess Luoyao. Now in Nanliang, she still uses the appearance of Princess Luoyao. Everyone does not understand how Princess Luoyao of Donghai state followed Prince Rui of Nanliang. It must have been passed back to the East China Sea. Princess Luoyao couldn't sit still and came ahead of time. "

"Oh, if so, it would be nice to come here." Cloud shallow month smile, "this is the matter that mother makes trouble by oneself, let her solve by oneself!"

Ling Lian nodded and said strangely, "there is no news of the master in Nanliang these days?"

"Naturally, my mother followed my brother in Fenghuang pass! She changed her face or changed her face again, and fenghuangguan did not hear about Prince Rui's water governance with the United States. Fenghuang pass is so difficult that everyone in the world talks about it. As long as she doesn't follow her brother as a beauty, who in the world will pay attention to the beauty of a woman and the love and romance she is implicated in? Women, after all, are just such ornaments under the feudal dynasty. If there is one, it will add to the icing on the cake; if not, it will not matter. " Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian felt that Yun Qianyue was right and nodded again, "Miss, now that Princess Luoyao has come, maybe she has entered the heaven and earth boundary, what should we do?"

"Tell Hua Sheng to find out their whereabouts without a sound. They must have come here in disguise. We'll wait until we find out where they are. " Cloud shallow moon thought for a while, command way.

"The maid is going to send a message to sister Huasheng." Ling Lian asked cloud shallow month, see her nod, rushed out of the door.

Cloud light moon will hand the secret letter together, lazily closed his eyes.

Not long ago, the light moon Pavilion door has the footstep sound to spread, the footstep sound is familiar, some drag heavy.

Cloud shallow moon open eyes, see cloud from into shallow moon Pavilion. Yunli is much thinner. Originally, the clothes that are cut and fit are slightly loose, and the look is not very good. There is a trace of anxiety hidden between the eyebrows. The temperament that had been trained to be calm and restrained now seems to have retreated a lot. There's something dark about the whole person.

"Sister!" Yunli stood at the door, through the bead curtain, to the inside of a light cry, voice a little hoarse.

"Brother, come in!" Cloud shallow moon sits on soft couch motionless, wave hand with a square towel to cover the secret letter of Red Pavilion.

Cloud from the bead curtain, walked in, did not immediately speak after coming in, but sat in the chair in front of the table.

"My brother is worried about his sister-in-law?" Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud to leave.

Yun Li nodded and anxiously said, "the seven princesses have been imprisoned by the emperor for nearly a month. Now the emperor is ill again. I don't know when I can think of the seventh Princess and let her out. I really can't bear to suffer in it again. "

"What about that? Do you now run to the old emperor and say that you agree to marry the sixth Princess and let him let the seventh Princess come out Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I will not marry the sixth princess!" Yunli shakes his head, looks at the cloud shallow moon, hopes to ask, "younger sister, can you have any way to let the emperor release the seventh princess as soon as possible?"

"Brother! The seventh princess lived in yunfangzhai, the palace of the imperial palace. She witnessed the massacre of marquis Wenbo's house with her own eyes, and knew that her mother's concubine had used her to kill a door of marquis Wenbo. However, she did not show any trace. She pretended to be frightened and became stupid for ten years. I haven't stepped out of yunfangzhai for ten years. She had learned to endure and how to live well in confinement. Now the small prison of the Ministry of punishment, closed for a month, is no use to her. It's just a piece of cake. Besides, there are people from the cloud palace and Rongjing. She has no freedom of movement. She has special people to serve her food and clothing, so she can't suffer any injustice. You don't need to be so distressed. " Yunqianyue looks at him funny.

Cloud left a face red, sighed: "although the words say so, but if the emperor has not allowed her to come out? Is she being held in the prison of the Ministry of punishment? I know that she eats well and dresses well, but no matter how good she is, she has lived in the palace yunfangzhai for ten years and can't walk out of the prison. Yes, but she has suffered for ten years. Now that she married me, how can I make him suffer again? "

"It's true that my brother loves his sister-in-law." "Cloud shallow month hears speech to smile," but at present this matter son anxious. The old emperor was ill in bed, and now he was unconscious. He ordered his sister-in-law to be released. I will find a way to let my sister-in-law be released as soon as possible. But you can hold on. I can't break down. Don't forget the purpose of the old emperor's sister-in-law Guan. He is to knock on the mountain and shock the tiger. You are in such a bad state. Be more energetic. Don't say that your sister-in-law has not suffered any hardships in prison. Even if she has suffered, you have to bear with it. If you can't bear it, you'll have a big plan. "Cloud shallow month smell speech some shame, "younger sister said in time, is I too anxious."

"It's no shame to be nice to your own woman! This is the man. I won't laugh at you Yunqianyue looks at Yunli with a smile. Because of the flood in Fenghuang pass, she really didn't care about the seven princesses. Now that she has been locked up for a month, her brother can't bear to worry, so she should.

Cloud away from the face of anxiety, nodded.

Cloud shallow month still want to say what, outside Ling Lian reports, "Miss, cold little prince has come to the house, want to see Miss."

Shallow month smell speech pick eyebrows, think of yesterday Leng Shao Zhuo did not attend night day Yu's birthday banquet, then left ahead of time, presumably something must have happened, she looked to cloud away.

Yunli got up and stood up. "I have nothing to do today. I heard that the emperor was in a coma. I was worried when I thought that the seventh princess was still in the prison. Come and ask what you think. Now I have some bottom in my heart. Don't worry! I'm fine. "

"Well, my brother is fine. You're relieved. Your sister-in-law will come out. I'll try to get the old emperor to let her go as soon as possible. " Cloud light moon to cloud departure.

Cloud from nod, "you also don't work too hard! I've lost a lot of weight recently

"You too!" Cloud shallow moon smile.

Cloud from no more words, turned out of the door.

Cloud shallow moon see cloud leave shallow moon Pavilion, think for a while, opposite door outside way: "invite him to come in to see me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!