The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1027

The old emperor fell into a coma, and all the attendants in Shengyang hall were in a panic. The grand doctors guarding the outside rushed in, but no one dared to feel the pulse of the emperor. He was afraid that if a bad diagnosis was made, it would be a big crime of robbing the family and destroying the family. So after some hesitation, he ordered people to call on the seventh prince.

Ye Tianyi is now in charge of the state. After the old emperor smashed the imperial study yesterday, he ordered people to repair it. After going to the court, he read the memorial in the imperial study. When he got the news that the old emperor was unconscious, he threw down the memorial and rushed to the Shengyang hall.

When ye Tianyi arrived at the Shengyang hall, he personally checked the pulse for the old emperor. He saw that he was angry, and his Qi and blood were blocked, which led to coma. This condition can be diagnosed by any imperial physician of Taiji hospital. However, a group of imperial doctors were stationed in front of the hospital bed and no one started. He was very angry and ordered people to drag all the imperial doctors out of the hospital, each with 20 big boards.

Outside the Shengyang hall came the crackling sound of boards and the cry of great doctors.

The two elderly doctors couldn't bear to faint in the past, but the board was a lot, still enough to play enough 20 boards to stop. After that, a group of doctors were carried back to their respective residences.

Shengyang temple after a riot, quiet down.

Night Tianyi gave the old emperor a prescription and ordered people to decoct the medicine. After that, he asked about the cause of his coma.

Brunei came to visit the emperor with yetianyu at the right time selected by the imperial warden. After being rejected by the emperor, he said a word and left. The emperor asked yetianyu what he said. He reported that sentence. After that, the emperor said everything about yetianyi. After that, he knelt on the ground waiting for the board of night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi's gloomy face was smiling. He waved his hand to let Brunei get up. He didn't pay much attention to the way: "the fourth elder brother is right. My father will recover as soon as possible, so I can take over as soon as possible. This is also true."

Brunei stood up and didn't understand that it was a contradiction. How could it be a good thing.

Ye Tianyi doesn't speak any more. He orders people to move the memorial from the imperial study to the Shengyang hall and read it in front of the jade case in the Shengyang hall.

Night day Yu's words and all the hospital's doctors were beaten news, the first time to the shallow moon Pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon is nest on the soft couch to check the news from all over the world from all over the world, Wen Yan ha Di a smile, praise: "recover as soon as possible, take over as soon as possible, night Tianyu has lived for more than 20 years, this sentence is the most standard!"

Ling Lian looked at the cloud and the moon, "Miss, this is a contradiction

Yun Xiaoyue said with a smile: "yetianyu is saying that the old emperor can recover as soon as possible, so that they can be eliminated as soon as possible, and the lady Jiangshan will be handed over to Ye Tianyi. Otherwise, once the old emperor dies, the result will not be sure."

Ling Lian suddenly said, "so it is!"

"So ye Tianyu said a very high standard. It's more effective than yesterday when I had a big fight. Yesterday, I just let him smash the imperial study. Today, I was so angry that I vomited blood and fainted. It was like stabbing a knife into his heart. " Cloud shallow month received a smile, Mou Guang some sneer, "father and son do this, it is really unique. No, maybe the Royal father and son are. There is no real filial piety for father and son. "

Ling Lian nodded and couldn't help but sigh. People who live in the royal family are really terrible.

Yunqianyue looks down and continues to read the secret letter in his hand. After nanlingrui, Prince of Nanliang, used yunqianyue to dredge and drain the water, the flood has been effectively eliminated. However, the flood in Fenghuang pass is too serious, and it can not be removed without the 8th of the 10th. After the flood has been eliminated, it will be the reconstruction of Fenghuang pass. The flood will make the underground soil soft, and even some places have been washed into ravines. I am afraid it will be difficult to repair without several months of construction. Even if it is repaired, it will be difficult to do the same.

The magnificent Phoenix pass, the natural danger of Tianshui cliff, the glorious past is no longer exist.

The southern Xinjiang is still very peaceful. It seems that the disaster of Tianshui cliff in Fenghuang pass has not had any impact on the southern Xinjiang. It seems that the southern Xinjiang has become a seclusion place for the outside world. The king of Southern Xinjiang is still sick in bed, the princess supervises the country, and his son-in-law assists in politics, and he is happy and harmonious.

The emperor of Xiyan killed several doctors because of the serious illness of the goddess of state protection, which made the doctors in Xiyan in danger. After that, even though the king of Xiyan put up the emperor list, and Wanjin or even 100000 gold sought good doctors to cure the goddess, no one dared to accept the Imperial list. The saying that there must be a brave man under heavy money is useless in Xiyan. King Xiyan had no choice but to think of Rongjing. Although Rongjing medical skills can not cure themselves, they still live to this day after suffering from cold and poisonous diseases for ten years. Such medical skills have to be amazing. Master Lingyin, the first eminent monk in the world, once said: "the medical skills of King Shizi, no one is out of his right." Because of this sentence, Rongjing is known as the best medicine in the world, the life and death of people, flesh and bones. So the king of Xiyan sent to Tiansheng to ask for Rongjing. Now the visitors are on their way.

The northern Xinjiang is still peaceful and the autumn harvest is abundant. Compared with other parts of the world, the harvest in Northern Xinjiang is the biggest this year.

This secret letter has been excluded from the east sea state news, this day, unexpectedly, there is a message of the east sea state. It is said that two princesses of Donghai Kingdom, Luoyao and ziluo, have already set out to come to Tiansheng.

Yunqianyue frowns at the news and remembers what Luoyao said when she left two months ago. She calculates the days. Now October is more than two months away from her and Rongjing, Ji and Guan, and Donghai is only a month away from Tian Sheng. Luoyao came a month ahead of schedule. What's the plan? Can you let her go back home again?Thinking for a moment, yunqianyue asked Linglian, "who sent this news back from where?"

"Miss Hui, the last time you asked about donghaiguo, we didn't know. So sister Huasheng said that the Red Pavilion in the master's time was the Red Pavilion in the master's son's time, and now the Red Pavilion is yours. No matter why the master has no record of Donghai state, neither you nor we know anything about Donghai state. If anything happens, it will be very unfavorable to you. In particular, there is a princess Luoyao of Donghai state who has an engagement with Jing Shizi. Only when she knows herself and her enemy can she control her actions. So sister Huasheng sent several people to Donghai state a month ago. Because the time is still short, we have to be careful when we set up a secret pile to investigate intelligence. In addition, we have a long way to go, and we are across the East China Sea. It is also said that the jade Prince of Donghai state has raised a number of eagles and hovers over the East China Sea all day long. If the carrier pigeons are caught, they will bite them or take them back. The communication between the East China Sea and the heaven saints is simply impossible. It can only be sent out artificially. As a result, we can only get some meager information. It's hard to get information from the East China Sea. " Ling Lian sighed: "the jade Prince is really powerful! The eagle is comparable to a guard. "

Cloud shallow month smell speech to smile to nod, eyebrow dye a touch of warm meaning and soft color, "because he is jade son book!"

Ling Lian looks at Yun Qianyue. Although she knows that the relationship between the young lady and the jade Prince is very unusual, she still doesn't understand what kind of origin makes them so different. But she knew that the jade prince was very good to the young lady, and the young lady to the jade prince. But to her surprise, although they were excellent, they did not communicate with each other for more than two months after Prince Yu left Valley County. , the fastest update of the webnovel!