The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1029

Ling Lian should a, turn to go.

Yunqianyue thinks that Leng Shao Zhuo came to her in the rain that day about the third childe. She did not give him an account. Later, Fenghuang pass flood, she had no mind to deal with him. Yesterday began to see him OK, and then it must be that she left to find Ye Tianyu what happened to him.

What happened? Now it's about the third childe who can make Leng Shao Zhuo affect his mood or mind!

From the light moon Pavilion, there are steps, light and heavy, which show the mood of the visitors.

Yunqianyue looks up and sees Leng Shao Zhuo entering the pavilion. He lowers his head and walks step by step. He can't see his face clearly, but his posture seems not to be very good. She gazed at him for a moment, and saw that he was walking more and more slowly. It seemed that there was some puzzle in her mind, which made him entangled and could not get rid of. In a moment, he stopped walking and turned to walk out.

"Cold little prince? Don't you want to see my lady? " Ling Lian sees Leng Shao Zhuo return unexpectedly and asks in doubt.

"It's gone!" Leng Shao Zhuo did not lift his head, dropped a word, the pace of leaving was twice as fast as the pace when he came.

Ling Lian is stunned and looks at the room.

At the moment of Leng Shao Zhuo's turn, yunqianyue got up from the soft couch, walked to the door, and called out to Leng Shao Zhuo, "Leng Shao Zhuo!"

Leng Shao Zhuo steps, but does not turn back, continues to go out.

"You walk out of this door today and never come to me again." Cloud shallow moon will lean on the door frame, lazy tunnel.

Leng Shao Zhuo's feet suddenly stopped and his body was stiff.

"Isn't it because of the third childe? What's the big deal? You come in and I'll make it clear to you. " Cloud shallow moon looks at him, if she guesses right, he this kind of state approximately is to know three childe's matter.

Leng Shao Zhuo turns back slowly and looks at the moon.

Yunqianyue clearly saw that he was haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was a bit messy, as if he had not slept all night. Leng Shao Zhuo looked decadent in this state, which was in sharp contrast to him who had always relied on Laozi as the prince of filial piety to do evil and arrogant. It also contrasted with his modesty and politeness in speaking and handling affairs after he reformed his evil ways. She reached out and rubbed her forehead. How could she feel guilty when he looked at her like this? She reluctantly waved to Leng Shao Zhuo, "come in!"

The words fell, no longer looking at him, turned and walked back to the room.

Leng Shao Zhuo stood in the courtyard, staring at the door bead curtain shaking. After a moment, he slowly raised his step and walked to the room. When he entered the room, he saw Yun Qianyue standing in front of the window with her back on her back. She was a light purple Ruan Yan Luo, with a slender body and a tight grip. There is a wind blowing in along the window, blowing her down the green hair, let her look like a lazy warmth. He stopped and looked at her.

Cloud shallow month does not look back, to cold Shao Zhuo way: "that day you come to look for me, three childe sits on my bed."

Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

"He knows what you mean, but it's probably hurt so much that he doesn't want to forgive you. It's a matter between your brothers. I can't force it. Leng Shao Zhuo, if you have any idea or dissatisfaction with me because of this, and think that I didn't take you as a friend and didn't tell you about him, you can't have to forgive me. " "I've always been right about things, not people. You are you, the third son is the third son, I am me. I have a clear distinction. "

Leng Shao Zhuo opened his mouth and suddenly dropped his head.

Cloud shallow moon did not hear the voice behind him, then also no longer open mouth, waiting for him. For Leng Shao Zhuo, there is a prince of filial piety behind him, and Xiaoqin palace and Deqin palace have always been valued by the old emperor. The four palaces belonged to the extreme. The old emperor could not get rid of the Rong Wang Fu and Yun Wang Fu, while the Xiaoqin and Deqin Wangfu were relied on by the old emperor. Night qingran has already been in opposition to her. Sooner or later, they will face each other with swords as they did yesterday. Then Leng Shao Zhuo, who is loved as his life by Prince Xiao, the little prince of Xiaoqin's mansion, and the only beloved son in the eyes of Xiaoqin king, will make friends with her. What will happen in the future? She's not a fairy, and it's hard to guess the future.

After a long time, Leng Shao Zhuo whispered, "after you left yesterday, night light dye said..."

Cloud shallow month slowly turned around, looking at Leng Shao Zhuo, interrupted his words, "night light dye?"

"Well, yeqingran asked me if I had found my brother? Since you promised to help me find it, let me wait. Later, he said that I was naive and advised me not to look for him, saying that he might be better off than me Leng Shao Zhuo looks at the cloud, and the voice is a little low.

Cloud shallow moon mouth corner slightly pulled a bit, "then?"

"Then he and Rong Feng went to compete in martial arts. The sixth Princess sat down beside me and said something to me." Leng Shao Zhuo raised his head and looked straight at Yun Qianyue. "She told me that the third young master of Xiaoqin's mansion has been in the pavilion of shallow moon and has been honored as a VIP. He is also the leader of the wind Pavilion of the lake and lake organization."

"So, you think I'm playing tricks on you, so you avoid me and go back to the filial piety palace?" Cloud shallow moon eyes squint, six princess?

Leng Shao Zhuo nods slowly."Now that you think I've played a trick on you, you should plan to stay away from me in the future. How can you come to me now? Do you want to confirm it? " Yunqianyue looks at him with a smile.

Leng Shao Zhuo pursed his lips and turned away from the cloud. His tone was a little stuffy: "I began to listen to it. It's hard for me. I sincerely come to see you and treat you as your friend. I'll make a new start and never do those evil things before. But you know where he is and hide it from me. You don't take me as a friend and watch my jokes

"Do you understand that?" Cloud shallow moon cold, frown asked.

"At first it was understood like this!" Leng Shao Zhuo said honestly: "but then I heard about what happened to the fourth Prince's house after I left. For the sake of the fourth prince, you openly fought against the emperor and injured the leader of the hidden guard. Later, the emperor had to step back. You protected the fourth Prince and Miss Zhao. I think you are so good, how can I? You're going to try to trick me? "

Cloud shallow month smell speech Chi ground smile, "you are nothing worth my playing place! However, the identity of the little prince of the filial piety palace may be worth playing for me

"No!" Leng Shao Zhuo retorted, "we have known each other since childhood. After fighting for so many years, the thing I hate most about you is not that I can't beat you, but that you don't look at me as a little prince. You think I'm a person who relies on Laozi to make a great contribution. Xiaowang of Xiaoqin palace may be noble in others' eyes, but worthless in your eyes. I'm very clear."

Cloud shallow moon picked pick pick eyebrow, listen to the following. , the fastest update of the webnovel!