The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1026

"How many of her are like that? Don't envy me. Some things are inborn and cannot be envied. " Night day Yu smile, close to her ear and ask in a low voice, "still ache?"

Zhao Kehan was just blushing, and his neck was red when he heard the speech. He nodded shyly and shook his head.

Night day Yu don't understand, "are you painful or not?"

Zhao Kehan buried in his arms, the voice is weak, mosquitoes and flies, "began to hurt, now no pain."

Night day Yu a sigh of relief, some funny, and some sigh, no longer speak, holding her into the main room of the inner hall.

Rongjing's body method is very fast, holding the cloud and the moon, he returns to the moon Pavilion in the cloud palace.

After entering the main room of the East Chamber of the shallow moon Pavilion, Rongjing puts down Yun Qianyue and pats her head in a funny way, "how hard can you live with such a little wine? Wake up! Don't pretend to be asleep

"Didn't you say I was drunk and drunk? I want to tell you, I just want to sleep when I'm drunk. Who has no wine to go crazy? Down the price Cloud shallow moon open eyes, where there is a trace of wine, hum.

Rong Jing chuckled and sat beside her, softly asking, "angry with me?"

Cloud shallow moon again hums, do not speak.

"I know you want to kill the emperor's hidden guard. You even have a chance to kill the royal guards. But today is not the time. Moreover, there are night nature and night light dye in, even if I make a move, it is not likely to win. You should stop when you're good. Otherwise, do you really want the cloud palace to be implicated by the whole family? " Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month pursed pursed lip, "who says only you and I, still have my father also in!"

"You want uncle yuan to be exposed? It was not long after the birth of twins. The emperor kept a close watch on these days, and uncle Yun could not send him away from the palace. You can't see the sky. If Uncle yuan exposed his martial arts, then the national master of Nanliang would be exposed with his identity. In short, there will be a series of implicative reactions, which is not a good result Rong Jing looked at the cloud and shallow moon, held her in his arms, touched her hair and said, "the emperor has scruples, we are also concerned about it. It's not bad for us to step back."

"Yes! You think I don't understand, mother-in-law! " Cloud light moon opens Rong Jing's hand to touch her hair.

Rong Jing looked at her and raised her eyebrows

"Yes, old lady Cloud shallow moon deliberately elongates the tone.

Rongjing stopped talking, pulled her body and pressed her lips heavily on her lips. Toss and turn, like punishment.

Yunqianyue is out of breath and can't speak any more. Thinking about this person, he really can't be provoked. It was funny, but today, in any case, she breathed a sigh of relief against the old emperor and hurt the hidden Lord. A man can't eat a fat man at a time.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue came back from the fourth Prince's house half an hour later and brought back to drink the remaining five jars of pear blossom white.

An hour later, news came back from the palace that the old emperor had smashed the imperial study after returning to the palace.

Cloud shallow month hears the news when HA HA is happy, "all smashed just good! Why didn't he set the imperial study on fire! It is said that tiger poison does not eat children, and he deserves to be a father

Rong Jing Wen Yan looks light, "today I smashed the imperial study, I feel sick and hurt my spleen. I should be ill in bed tomorrow!"

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

Rong Jing looked at her and said with a smile, "it's all thanks to you! Since ancient times, who dares to challenge emperor Tianwei? You've been provocative all the time, and now you're even more defiant. As the son of a country, he has no choice but to you. This kind of anger and gas injury is most harmful to his body, which is exhausted of oil and light. "

"Better to die early!" Cloud shallow moon does not agree.

"He died early, and the day fell." Rong Jing's eyes flashed a glimmer of what, carelessly laughed, and said: "you're right. It's better to die!"

Cloud shallow month feel Rong Jing tone some wrong, raise eyebrow to look at him, he does not speak again.

What happened in the fourth Prince's house spread all over the streets of the capital at almost the same time. However, it was rare that no one spoke about it. Both the common people and the ministers of high-ranking officials and aristocratic families spoke three proverbs. They knew sensitively that it was not suitable to talk about it.

Nothing more happened this night.

The next day, as expected, the old emperor fell ill in bed, unable to make an early Dynasty. The imperial edict came out: "the seventh Prince's night Tianyi supervises the country, and the king Shizi of Rongwang's mansion assists in politics."

With this edict, although the old emperor was ill in bed, the early dynasty did not delay, everything went on as usual. Only the medical staff of the Tai hospital were stationed outside the Shengyang hall, and all the civil and military officials remained unchanged except for those who were dismissed from their posts.

In the early Dynasty, the seven princes appointed and removed one of his confidants, who was also a Zhao surname official, as a servant of the Ministry of war. This move, in fact, is to respect the emperor and perform the duties of the emperor. Night day inclines and night day Yu nature discontented, just want to obstruct, night Tianyi but took out a good edict, blocked two people's mouth.

Two people look at Rong Jing, Rong Jing has no objection to this, they can only give up.

The new recruits took office and moved into the former military department. The former military minister left Beijing and returned home.

Under the early morning, night day Yu with Zhao Kehan personally out of the city to send Zhao Yi. Ten miles outside the city to send Jun Pavilion, Zhao Kehan bit teeth, a drop of tears did not fall. Zhao Yi finally revealed her father's side and shed tears on her clothes.After Zhao Yi left with his family members, Zhao Kehan cried and fell in the arms of night sky Yu, who took her back to the house with her love and pity.

In the afternoon, night day Yu into the palace, did not go to see the old emperor in bed, but went straight to the ronghua palace. These days, even the prince and Princess asked an du to avoid the ronghua palace. He opened the gate and let yetianyu go in. Soon after yetianyu went in, he brought out the queen Yizhi and went to the imperial palace.

After receiving the Queen's order, the imperial warden did not dare to delay and chose a good time for the night sky Yu. Get married a month later.

Ye Tianyu is satisfied with this day because he feels aggrieved by Zhao Kehan. Naturally, he wants to supply her with a grand display on the wedding ceremony. Time is short, not enough preparation, long time and fear of long night dream, just a month later. He took the imperial warden's good time to greet the old emperor. When the old emperor disappeared, he said to Brunei, "I hope my father will recover soon, so that the seventh younger brother can take over as soon as possible." Words fall, also no matter what he said the most treacherous words, turned back to the house and went straight to prepare.

After Brunei passed on yetianyu's words to the old emperor, the old emperor was furious, and a mouthful of blood gushed out and fell into a coma. , the fastest update of the webnovel!