The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1025

"You are welcome! Let seven younger brother see a joke Night day Yu holds Zhao Kehan to stand up, not salty tunnel.

"Four elder brothers can get one heart person to accompany around, this is a happy event, where is a joke?" Ye Tianyi did not seem to be affected by today's incident. He turned around with a smile, reached out and patted the soldier's shoulder lying on the ground, "Lord Zhao, you are wronged!"

Zhao Yi stood up and was reborn after the robbery. He turned around on the edge of death, so that he could not say a word about today's affairs. Facing the smiling eyes of night Tianyi, he said in half a loud voice: "the old minister and the goddaughter are helpless. They deserve this end."

"Mr. Zhao is a goddaughter and has just been right. A woman like Miss Zhao is not inferior to a woman. " Night Tianyi laughs and flicks his sleeve. Without half silk dust, he doesn't speak again and turns to walk out.

Zhao Yi moved the corners of his mouth, looking at the back of night Tianyi, did not know what to say again.

"Mr. Zhao, it's not a bad thing to retreat in a hurry!" Night light dye came over and patted Zhao Yi on the shoulder.

"Yes, the little prince of dye said it Zhao Yi seems to be a lot of old, quickly nodded.

Night qingran doesn't speak any more. She looks at yunqianyue, but she doesn't look at him. She puts her head on Rongjing's shoulder, blindfolded, and seems to be falling asleep. His eyes light a dark, slowly turn around, go out, step a change has been light free and easy, today especially heavy.

Rong Feng also went to Zhao Yi's side and said with a smile, "the little prince dye is right. It's not lucky to retreat in a hurry. Compared with those who are unable to advance or retreat in the official circles, Lord Zhao is blessed. Please be relieved and enjoy your old age

"Thank you, Mr. Feng. I understand." Zhao Yi nods slowly.

Rong Feng no longer said much and walked away.

"Dad, my daughter has implicated you. You go back to your home and pack your bags! Your fourth daughter has never been a prince since she was born. " Zhao Kehan looks to Zhao Yi, red eye socket way.

Zhao Yi opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. In the end, he didn't say anything. He just nodded, turned and hobbled away.

There are only five people left in the courtyard: night sky Yu, Zhao Kehan, Rongjing, yunqianyue and yetianqing.

"Thank you very much, sister Yue." Night day Yu see to cloud shallow moon, doubt if do not allow scenery to support, she really will fall to the ground.

"No need to thank you. The rest of the pear blossom White who hasn't drunk will send someone to put it on the car and take it back to the cloud palace." Cloud shallow moon languidly waved her hand and leaned the whole body on Rongjing's body, mumbling: "Rongjing, I want to sleep."

"Well, I'll take you back to your house and sleep." Rong Jing laughed and picked her up. Instead of walking to the fourth Prince's gate as they did when they left, Rongjing walked away from the courtyard in an instant.

"Fourth brother, thanks to sister Yue today!" The night sky inclines to see two people leave, the facial expression is dim and unclear, "if is not the month younger sister and the father emperor's hard resistance, today you and Miss Zhao are difficult to live, not only you, the Ministry of war servant also can't be so easily dismissed, may be is to steal the family to destroy the door."

"What the second brother said! My father is cruel. Now he has only seven brothers in his heart. We are not his sons, but the stumbling block that threatens him to hand over the country to his seventh brother. " Night day Yu calm face way.

"Oh, but it's a great day, even if we can't win in the end. But with sister Yue and King Shizi on one day, the father and the seventh brother will not feel better. be it so! There are gains and losses. Although the military servant has been dismissed, it's not like we have lost all our efforts to accompany you with Miss Zhao. " Night sky inclines to smile way: "compare with us, father emperor this return to palace can be more disgusting."

Night day Yu also smile, tightly hold Zhao Kehan's hand, gentle way to her: "just bitter Han son!"

Zhao Kehan shook his head and said gently, "the current situation is not good for you. Although my father is a servant of the Ministry of war, it is only a matter for the emperor to withdraw and strike or to copy his family. Now Dad quit the court like this. Although he can't help you any more, he has saved his mother and his family. As for me, as long as you treat me wholeheartedly, I don't care whether it's the imperial concubine or the side concubine. "

"After that, there was no imperial concubine in the fourth Prince's mansion, only the side concubine." Night day Yu soft voice.

"Now that my father has set Miss Zhao as his side imperial concubine, I'm not sure that he will soon find you a royal concubine." The night sky inclines to remind way.

"Even if there is a royal concubine, it is not." Night day Yu voice cold, "he can show me marriage, also can't affect the woman in my house. It can't control who I treat well. After that, no matter which woman comes into this mansion, I have only han'er. "

Zhao Kehan's smile spread, a little joy, a little moved, and a little satisfied.

Yetian nodded and said with a smile: "how come now one by one have learned from sister Yue and Jing Shizi and become the only wife in this life. If you don't marry, you don't get married? First of all, Yunli and seven younger sisters are still in prison! Yunli said that he was divorcing his wife, but we knew in our heart, let alone that the father did not agree. Even if the father really agreed, he would not really write a letter of divorce. Now there is another one for you and Miss Zhao. In the future, everyone will follow suit, and the wind of the heavenly sage may be changed. "

"There's nothing wrong with it!" The night sky Yu smiles and answers."Since the emperor said that he would marry on a certain day, you would have gone to the imperial prison to choose a date. I think my father will feel sick for today's affairs. He won't help you choose a day. But you can go to the palace and ask the empress mother to preside over your marriage. After the mother these days has been tocolysis, fetal position is normal, also do not need her to do anything, but a word also works. The queen mother is nice to us and will agree to help you marry. Although you and Miss Zhao are on good terms now, we should settle the matter of fame as soon as possible, so as not to have a long night's dream. " The night sky inclines to the right way.

Night day Yu nodded, "second elder brother said right! I'll go into the Palace tomorrow to find my mother. "

Night sky inclines to nod head, no longer say much, also no longer too much courtesy, lift step to go out.

The yard left night day Yu and Zhao Kehan two people, two people did not speak for a time, after a long time, night day Yu will Zhao Kehan lazy waist, Zhao Kehan face red, "you..."

"I'll take you back to your room to have a rest, and then I'll deal with the rest of the mess in the house. After all these birthdays, it's the biggest harvest this year." Night day Yu smile way.

"Zhao Kehan red face nods," shallow month miss is really fierce! "

Night light dye ground a smile, "you just know she is fierce? She's always been good. I have already said that Jing Shizi can control her. If the father could really fight against her, how many times in these years had he been angered by her, he would have killed him. Why didn't he kill her all the time? It's not tolerance. It's not killing her. "

Zhao Kehan nodded, some envious way: "the shallow month Miss lives wantonly, is really enviable." , the fastest update of the webnovel!