The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1024

Everyone was in a daze.

Rong Jing looks calm and glances at Ye Tianyi without speaking. Cloud shallow moon seems to be drunk, as if not heard.

"It's also her virtue not to drink! Well, you can take care of her from now on The old emperor gave a cold drink and looked at King Xiangyun.

They also followed the old emperor's eyes, and saw the king cloud standing with his head down and his head down. In the eyes of the people, he was not much better than the soldiers' servant on the ground. Everyone can't help but sigh, how can such a weak and incompetent cloud King give birth to such a daughter who is not afraid of heaven and earth? What a mystery! But in the twinkling of an eye, many people think of the cloud princess. A woman like the cloud princess does have such a daughter. Think about it, and then suddenly.

"Brother Yun Wang, you have a good daughter!" The old emperor was insidious.

"Old minister I'm afraid... " King Yun's body trembled, his voice was hoarse, and he seemed to tremble.

The old emperor took a deep look at Wang Ye Yun, no longer paying attention to him. Turning back, he looked at Ye Tianyu and Zhao Kehan, who were kneeling on the ground. He asked, "yetianyu, what's your surname?"

Night day Yu smell speech calmly reply, "return to father emperor, father emperor surname what, son minister surname what."

"I wish you knew you were my son!" The old emperor looked at him in a deep and dark way, "Miss Zhao is not dignified and virtuous, and she does not love herself. If you do this with you today, there is no woman's virtue to speak of. That's all for you today. I won't investigate, but Miss Zhao will be executed at a high speed to set an example to the ladies of the world. "

"No way!" Night day Yu in the old emperor's words down decidedly way: "she is forced by me. In my heart, she is the most dignified and virtuous, since the self love of women. The son Minister decided not to allow her father to kill her. If he wanted to kill him, he would kill him together! In any case, she is going to die, and the minister will not live alone! "

Zhao Kehan originally low head suddenly raised, looking at the night day Yu, calm face broken, showing a touch of gentle and moving. At this moment, she felt that no one could understand her feelings. She did not regret and had a return. Waiting for ruoxhun is to protect the life of a good man at this moment.

Cloud shallow month to night day Yu's words praised a, she helped him today, not for other, just for this one words also worth!

"Are you against me The old emperor had a sharp eye.

"Father, you are the king, the son minister is the minister, you are the father, the son minister is the son. I'm just a woman in my heart. If you have to deal with this small family matter as a matter of national importance, then my son minister has nothing to say Night day Yu calm tunnel.

The old emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Back to the emperor, the fourth Prince is right! The fourth Prince has not yet set up a concubine. He has a woman in his heart. He can be forgiven for his disregard of ethics. Everyone in the world makes mistakes. This is the emperor's family business. I don't think it would be a complete love affair between the fourth Prince and Miss Zhao! " The prince of Germany pleaded again.

"The old minister thinks so too!" The prince of filial piety made a statement again.

"I'm waiting for you..." Many ministers spoke again.

"Shut up With a wave of his sleeve, the old emperor stopped people from making a new round of earnest speeches.

All of them were silent.

"I listen to the words of my ministers and ministers. The fourth Prince is against the etiquette. However, he thinks that he has done a good job in harnessing the water in Qingshan City, and the merits and demerits are balanced. I will not be punished. " The old emperor spoke in a deep voice.

"My son, thank you for your kindness!" Thank you at night.

The old Emperor didn't look at yetianyu, but looked at the servant of the military department. He said, "but the maid of the Ministry of war, Zhao Yi, is incompetent. Recently, the military department has neglected its management and has been slack. I can't tolerate it. From today on, the military Chamberlain has been dismissed and returned to his hometown, and he will not be employed again. That's it

"Thank you, Lord long!" After hearing the speech, the military servant bowed to the ground to thank him. He had thought that he would kill his family, which was the best result.

"Back to the palace!" The old emperor no longer looked at the crowd and turned to go out.

"Wait, father!" Night day Yu called out.

The old emperor stopped and looked back at the night sky Yu, his eyes narrowed, "night day Yu, are you not satisfied with my disposal? What do you want to do? "

Night day Yu shakes his head, "son minister thanks father emperor, satisfied father emperor's disposition. The son minister only wants to ask the father emperor and I and han'er to give marriage. The son minister wants to give her an identity. Since she has followed her son's minister, he can't aggrieve her. "

The old emperor heard the speech and looked at Zhao Kehan.

Zhao Kehan bowed his head, cleverly leaning against the night sky Yu, without saying a word.

After a moment of silence, the old emperor said again, "the status of Zhao Kehan, a civilian daughter, is low enough to match the position of the fourth Prince's imperial concubine. From today on, I will marry the fourth prince. Choose a date to get married. That's it

"Father and emperor, son minister don't want to marry another woman, only take her as the imperial concubine, not the side concubine." Night day Yu even busy road.

"How can the fourth Prince of the royal family want the daughter to be the imperial concubine? Ye Tianyu, for the sake of a woman, you contradict your father and disobey your father. Now I forgive you. Are you not satisfied? " The old emperor looked coldly at the night sky Yu.

"Father and emperor, in those days, uncle Yun married a civilian daughter, and so did the imperial concubine and empress in the palace..." Ye Tianyu gives an example."Night sky Yu!" The old emperor interrupted Ye Tianyu's words.

Night day Yu is unwilling to look at the old emperor.

"Zhao Kehan, do you want my son to be so disobedient for you and me?" The old emperor turned to Zhao Kehan.

Night day Yu still want to say what, Zhao Kehan pulls his sleeve, the voice is gentle and soft, "the civilian daughter thanks, my emperor long live!"

When the old emperor saw Zhao Kehan's gratitude, he snorted coldly, and no longer left. He swung his sleeve and walked out. After him, Brunei and a number of honor guards followed him and left, as if forgetting the story of yunqianyue's great injury to the hermit. I didn't say a word to her.

The leader of the Royal hidden guard waved his hand and led the hidden guard to retreat together.

With the retreat of the hidden guard, the dark air in the courtyard faded like the tide.

Seeing that the emperor was gone, they naturally did not stay here. They took a look at each other and withdrew from the courtyard. In the twinkling of an eye, the people who stood full of a yard all retreated, and only a few people were left.

"Miss light moon is really a woman today Prince de reached out and patted Prince Yun on the shoulder and sighed, "Brother Yun Wang, you have a good daughter. I admire you!" He turned and left.

Prince Xiao took a look at Yun Qianyue and did not speak to Prince de in general. He also turned and left.

As soon as they left, Prince Yun straightened up and shook his head with a sigh to Yun Qianyue. It seemed that he was helpless to her. He could not speak. After half a ring, he said nothing and turned away.

Cloud shallow month in the heart roll white eyes, think her this father will play the play is really too involved!

"Congratulations, fourth brother!" Ye Tianyi looks at Ye Tian Yu and smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!