The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1021

"Ye Tianyu, tell me what's going on here!" The old emperor looked at two people to drink anger, "kneel down!"

Night day Yu looked at the people one eye, pulled Zhao Kehan to kneel on the ground, the voice is calm, not half silk fear and fear, "back to the father, is what you see. I can't help myself

"You can't help yourself?" The old emperor was enraged.

"Back to my father, yes!" Night day Yu nods.

"It's sunny and the guests are full outside. How could you tell me that you can't help yourself?" The old emperor looked at Ye Tianyu. He didn't know whether it was night Tianyu's calm attitude that infuriated him again, or for some other reason. His anger rose again when he reluctantly retreated. He said angrily, "it's immoral to publicize immorality in the daytime. If everyone is like this, how can the heavenly spirit be invincible?" The words fall, he does not give night day Yu again open an opportunity, drink a way: "war ministry minister, this woman is your daughter?"

The Minister of the Ministry of war had been kneeling on the ground, and nodded with a white face, "go back to the emperor, it is Old minister, little girl

"Your good daughter! Seduce my son into such a dirty thing in the daytime? You know the sin The old emperor admonished the Chamberlain.

The soldier's pale face suddenly turned pale and said in horror, "the emperor forgive me, I really don't know..."

"Zhao Kehan seduces the fourth prince, seduces and bewitches the fourth prince, and publicizes immorality in the daytime. Come on, drag her down and behead her immediately The old emperor no longer paid attention to the soldiers' Valet and gave orders to his descendants.

Everyone was surprised.

Cloud shallow month heart a cold, think as expected by Rong Jing guess, the old emperor for night day Yu and Zhao Kehan really did not treat night sky tilt and Qin Yu Ning that easy. Now slightly overnight day Yu, directly to Zhao Kehan by a fox flattery, trouble the prince's accusation. It's not a light crime.

"Father! It's not her fault. It's the children's minister's fault. The father should punish him, punish his son's ministers Night day Yu will protect Zhao Kehan in his arms.

Zhao Kehan facial expression is calm, pour is half a minute flustered also have no, silent ground cleverly any night day Yu embraces in the bosom.

"Come on, drag it down!" The old emperor drank cold again.

"Yes, Emperor!" A court guard stepped forward to take down Zhao Kehan.

"The emperor, please forgive me. This is the only daughter. She..." The military servant was frightened and kowtowed.

"The goddaughter is helpless. What else can we talk about? Can teach such women who don't obey the propriety of boudoir, where can their father get better? I don't need such a courtier. Please seal my mouth! Put them in prison and be punished together! " The old emperor drank it cold.

Another bodyguard came forward to hear the speech, and held the servant of the Ministry of war and covered his mouth at the same time.

"Father, han'er and I love each other. Although it is not appropriate to talk about love in the daytime, it is difficult to control it. Just as sister Yue said, how many people have been unable to help themselves in the day and night, and it is not just the children's ministers. Child minister now also does not regret, but is absolutely not Han Er enchanting child minister, is child minister to her early idea, can not help but. If you kill her, you'll kill the child minister. Anyway, my mother's concubine died early, and my father didn't cherish me. Now I can die with han'er, and I don't regret it. " Night day Yu wave to open the front guard, protect Zhao Kehan in the bosom.

"Well, what a good son! Your mother is dignified and virtuous. How can you have a son who only knows women? In this case, the comers will drag them all down and cut them down. I'm here to see. Who dares to do such immoral things in the future? " The old emperor was furious.

The bodyguard hears the speech to come forward again, this time the person that wants to take is not only Zhao Kehan, still have night day Yu.

"My father, my fourth brother and Miss Zhao are fond of each other. Although the day is not appropriate, but..." Ye Tianqing didn't expect that the old prince had the heart to kill Ye Tianyu. In his opinion, at most, he was in a dilemma, and it was hard to change it. He may delay anger and refuse to give marriage, but he didn't expect that the situation was so serious that he would kill the loyal and good soldier of the Ministry of war, who originally belonged to the emperor. It's really a half chance.

"Shut up! It's because I have spared you at the beginning that I have come out later! The reason why I didn't punish you is that you and Miss Qin of the prime minister's house have given me marriage. There are parents' orders and matchmaker's words. And what do these two have? " The old emperor took a sharp look at the night sky and said, "today, anyone who pleads for mercy will use it every time. I see that the weathering is getting worse and worse. If I don't stop it, everyone will do so in the future. What's the system if you don't take etiquette as instruction?"

"Father, fourth brother, he..." Night and sky change.

"Anyone who pleads again will be punished." The old emperor made a bold decision.

"Father and emperor, son minister is not satisfied!" Night day Yu again waved to open the front guard, said to the old emperor: "you are deliberately aimed at the son minister, when you were young, you did not do such things. Because of your lessons from the past, there is the teacher of the children's ministers. If it is to be punished, should the father first punish himself? You have taught me that. "

"Ye Tianyu, you are really my good son. Do you want to reverse it?" The old emperor's gloomy face was covered with frost.

"My son's minister is just talking about the matter!" Night day Yu calm tunnel.

"What a case! I give you life and noble status as a prince. You are not allowed to rebel like this to show me! " The old emperor's tone revealed his anger and murderous spirit, and he burst out and said, "hidden guard, drag them down! Ask immediately. " "Yes The hidden guard in the dark suddenly appeared.Night day Yu face color a change, obviously also did not expect the old emperor to him this matter unexpectedly so big murderous spirit. He had the same idea as ye Tianqing. At this time, he fully understood how cruel his father was. In order to smoothly entrust the throne to his son, he not only refused him half a chance, but also killed him.

"Uncle, if you want to kill, do you want to buy pork in the market? Cut one piece as much as you weigh. If it's too much, you'll lose it, but if you don't add more? He is your son. " Although yunqianyue knew that the old emperor was cruel and prepared in his heart, he was surprised by the result. Looking at the old emperor's appearance, he not only wanted to kill Ye Tianyu and Zhao Kehan, but also cut down the servant boy of the Ministry of war and copied the mansion together, so as to eradicate the evil that ye Tianyu used.

The old emperor, who had never heard of it, said angrily to the hidden guard, "go ahead!"

The hidden guard throws his hand at Ye Tianyu, and the wine jar in Yun's hand also throws his hand. The wine in it pours out, and the water splashes everywhere. Every drop of water is a sharp weapon. In an instant, a move will make the hidden guard scream together, and retreat three feet.

"Son of a bitch, cloud shallow moon, you also reverse not become?" The old emperor was furious.

The wine jar "bang" ground smashes, a broken several petals.

Yunqianyue looked at the broken wine jar and said "pity", then looked at the old emperor and said, "uncle, you can't kill them. They say that lovers get married. I admire this kind of people who love each other so as to make clear their ambition by death. Besides, I really don't think it's a big deal. Lang Youqing, my concubine, intends to accomplish a beautiful thing. This is a good thing. You are going to kill them now. It's a big deal. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!