The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1020

"Father! Although it is absurd for the children's ministers to do happy things in their own homes, they have never been unforgivable. I am your son. If I am a brute, what are the second brother and the royal brothers and brothers? " Night day Yu interrupts the old emperor's words.

"How dare you talk back to me? Somebody, give him to me..." The old emperor could not stop his anger.

"Uncle, heaven has a good life. If you want to catch a traitor, you have to let the people inside come out and kill their heads. You have to give people a chance to defend themselves. If you want to beat and scold, he is your son. You can't blame him for your poor education, don't you? " Yunqianyue throws Rongjing's hand and walks forward with the wine jar, languidly.

The old emperor suddenly turned back to look at the cloud and the moon, and his eyes were full of storms.

"Uncle, am I wrong? So many people here? It is said that domestic ugliness should not be publicized. It must be a matter of love between men and women. We stand here, who doesn't have a concubine? What about the imperial uncle? Who cares when he is in love? Day or night? It's not a big deal. How dare you say that you didn't have a good time with the concubine in the daytime? I don't understand. What are you angry about? " Cloud shallow moon seems to be extremely puzzled at the old emperor.

All of them bowed their heads, and thought that this was what Miss shallow moon dared to say. But it is also true.

The old emperor heard that some kind of storm was even worse, but obviously he could only stare at the cloud and the moon without refuting it for a while.

Yunqianyue didn't have the slightest fear. She winked at the old emperor innocently. "People say that people who drink too much often lose their temper. You don't look like drinking? Why is this temper so fierce? Is it old and dazed? Is your temper on fire? It's about the same as that old man in my family. It's not good. You'd better restrain yourself, or you'll scare your servants away. Who is going to help you deal with the government affairs? "

The old emperor's forehead blue veins straight out, still dead looking at the cloud shallow moon, the old eye has been suffused with killing intention.

Yunqianyue stood lazily, finished a long speech and took a big drink from the wine jar. She clearly felt the killing intention of the old emperor. She couldn't figure out how many times he had killed her, but this was definitely the biggest one. Although the sun was high, the weather was clear, and some were hot, she felt cold and wanted to be frozen from every cell. She was amused and disapproved.

Rongjing, standing beside the moon, seems to have no idea of the old emperor's killing intention. He is a bit careless and quiet.

"Yes, my father and the fourth younger brother have always been in love with each other, and they can't do it by themselves. It's really not a big deal, just like when the children's ministers treated Yu Ning, they couldn't help themselves. Although this matter is not appropriate, please wait for the fourth brother to put on his clothes and ask why. He can't be convicted at will. " Night sky tilt also help.

"The emperor, the second prince and miss shallow moon are right. Wait for the fourth prince to come out first! " Rong Feng opened his mouth at this time.

Ye qingran took a look at Yun Qianyue, pursed her lips, and said, "Uncle Huang, ye Tianyu, this boy has always been an impudent child. Now it is not strange that he has done such a thing at this time. You call him out and ask. By the way, we also want to know which beauty is in it? Can let this guy leave the whole house of guests in broad daylight and hide here to enjoy the gentle country. "

"Emperor, wait until the fourth prince comes out first." King Yun also respectfully asked for instructions.

Prince Xiao took a look at Prince Yun, and then at Rongjing, yunqianyue, yeqingran and Rongfeng. Finally, he took a look at Ye Tianyi, who did not say a word. He seemed to have hesitated for a moment, and went forward to ask, "emperor, there is a reason for this. It's not good to be convicted without asking the reason. The fourth Prince is not a man who is ignorant of the general situation and takes into account the overall situation. "

"Emperor, brother Leng Wang is right." Prince De also said a simple word.

"The Emperor..." All of them expressed their opinions in succession, saying that they all let night Tianyu put on clothes and come out again to make a crime.

Only Ye Tianyi never said a word from the beginning to the end.

The old emperor seemed to take a deep breath, then the murderous spirit at the bottom of his eyes receded, and the storm melted away. He said coldly and calmly, "get out of here quickly! Come out! Let me also see which family of women is the most beautiful, let my son indulge in this, do not engage in official work, day propaganda sex, so absurd

The soldier's leg completely softened, and "Putong" knelt on the ground.

All the warm voices looked at the Minister of the Ministry of war. Some people had already heard Zhao Kehan's scream and guessed what was going on inside. Although some people didn't recognize the woman who was screaming just now, they also knew that it was Zhao Kehan.

As if the old emperor did not see the situation of the Ministry of war, he stepped down the steps and stood in the courtyard.

Cloud shallow month step forward, will wine jar to the old emperor, "emperor uncle, drink a mouthful of wine pressure shock. You are the man who has been in charge of Tiansheng Wanli River and mountain for half a life. How can you make such a fuss? Men and women love each other for ever. You should be happy. Maybe you can get good news next month. Someone in the fourth Prince's house is pregnant with your grandson. What a wonderful thing

"Shut up The old emperor waved and opened the wine handed over by Yun Qianyue.The old emperor exerted too much force, and the wine jar flew out of Yun Qianyue's hand. She seemed to be drunk and didn't catch hold of it. Seeing that the wine jar was about to be smashed to the ground, she lay down on the ground in a hurry and rolled twice. She could hold the wine jar without spilling the wine.

Everyone was shocked by the scene and looked at her.

Yun Xiaoyue sat up with the wine jar in her arms, but she didn't get up immediately. Instead, she sat on the ground and complained to the old emperor: "uncle, you are unreasonable. If you don't drink, you don't drink! As for opening my good intentions? If you don't drink it, tell me I'll take it myself. It's the best pear blossom white. Although it's not very precious, it's hard to buy it in the market. Fortunately, I'm flexible, otherwise I'll spoil the wine. There's not much left, but it's better than spoiling. "

The old emperor looked at her coldly and reprimanded him: "moon girl, you'd better shut up for me. I don't want to listen to you today."

"Well, I won't say it!" Yunqianyue nodded with kindness, holding the wine jar in one hand and extending his hand to Rongjing in the other.

Let's step forward and give her my hand.

Cloud shallow moon put his hand in Rong Jing's hand and stood up askew with his strength. In her and Rongjing's eyes, it seems that there is no such thing.

The old emperor looked at them, his face was dark, but he did not speak again.

People are more atmospheric, also dare not breathe, are quietly waiting. In this courtyard, no one spoke out.

It seems that after a long time, the night sky Yu took Zhao Kehan's hand and walked out. Their clothes were neat and their clothes were smooth. Zhao Kehan's bun was loose and his posture was weak. Besides, he could not see any distress. , the fastest update of the webnovel!