The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1022

"My decision, when will you be allowed to set up the world?" The old emperor's eyes were sharp, and he said, "step back!"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "cannot retreat!"

"Yunqianyue despises the imperial power, is arrogant, and talks nonsense. Hidden Lord! Take her down! Together. " Or, who dares to stop and punish the old man

"Yes A touch of black shadow floated and fell, and in an instant to the cloud light moon hand.

Yunqianyue's eyes narrowed, remembering that the third young master had been beaten to a serious injury, and now he is recovering. It is thanks to the hidden master of the old emperor. Since he has sent him to the door today, she does not find the court, so it is not her cloud shallow moon. When she saw the hidden Lord's hand to her, she immediately used her mother's hand to move and transpose to the back of the hidden Lord. The Phoenix sutra was activated at the same time, and the true spirit came out from the palm of her hand and split a palm on the hidden Lord's back.

She used ten percent of her skill with this stroke. Naturally, the purpose was to abolish him. If you keep it, you will be in trouble.

"Little girl!" Night light dye exclaimed.

Yun Qianyue didn't hear of her. She moved her form and position so quickly that everyone felt a flower in front of them. When they saw her show up, she was after the hidden Lord. She was also too quick to crack the hidden Lord. Although Mian Rou didn't have any lethality, anyone who knew martial Arts knew that this palm should not be underestimated.

The hidden Lord obviously didn't expect yunqianyue to have such a fast body method. In a twinkling of an eye, he came behind him. When he realized that it was too late to escape, his face changed.

In the cloud light moon a palm to chop to the hidden master's back, night Tianyi figure flash, hands to stop the cloud shallow moon's hand. At the same time, the cloud light moon behind the light waving a piece of crescent white cloud pattern water sleeve, does not show a trace to block away night Tianyi's hand.

Yun Qianyue's palm hit the hidden master's back as he wished. However, her internal power was blocked for a while because of the Qi and strength of Ye Tianyi and Rongjing, and her ten success forces became 50%.

The hidden Lord "poops" and a mouthful of blood spurts out.

Yun Qianyue's martial arts can't be underestimated, but she's naturally not satisfied. With such a small injury, he will be good in a few days. Her purpose was to abolish him, so she didn't want to give him another slap.

"Little girl!" Night light dye is startled, as he shouts again, has already made a move, can turn the palm wind of cloud shallow moon.

The hidden Lord of the royal family took the opportunity to hide. A group of Royal hidden guards were immediately protected in front of the recluse Lord.

This change is just a moment, cloud shallow moon heart a sink, live hand, watch night light dye.

Looking at the light moon night.

This is the first time that the two people are against each other. There is no one between them, but the air flow has a moment of condensation.

All the people in the courtyard were silent and were shocked by the scene. Everyone knows that Yun Qianyue has martial arts skills. From the beginning, she thought she was a good martial artist. Later on, she destroyed the emperor's sword at the emperor's 55th birthday party and found that she was more than good at martial arts. Now she can do something to hurt the Royal hidden Lord in an instant. What's more, it's a good word to say? The hidden Lord of the royal family commands all the hidden guards of the royal family. Her martial arts are excellent. Not everyone can hurt her in an instant, but Yun Xiaoyue has done it. How can it not be shocking?

"Presumptuous! Come on, all the hidden guards listen to the order, take down the cloud and shallow moon, and do justice to the ground! " The old emperor was furious.

"Yes All the hidden guards have to order, Qi Qi to the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue suddenly opened her hand, and there was a crescent moon white sleeve lying in her palm. She did not look at the Royal hidden guards swarming in. She slowly unfolded that half of the sleeves and said to the old emperor, "uncle, these poisonous needles are not enough to see you off as Royal first-class secret guards!"

The Royal hidden guard sees the dense poisonous needles on the white sleeve of the crescent moon in Yun Qianyue's hand, and his face changes.

The old emperor's face was as cold as ten thousand years, "cloud light moon, you don't want more than a thousand people in the cloud palace alive today, do you?"? Don't forget the aunt who raised the baby in your palace. Are you really going against me? I'm coming to have a look. Is it your hard bones or the lives of those people in the cloud palace? "

"What did your uncle say? Where do I miss you? But you have to protect yourself. " Cloud light moon shakes the sleeve in the hand half, leisurely drunk way: "there are thousands of poisonous needles in here! How many secret guards do you have? Let's see if I have enough! There are only a thousand people in the cloud palace. I will exchange the lives of these first-class secret guards for those weak and useless people in the cloud palace, and I will surely make no loss

Words fall, cloud shallow month does not wait for the old emperor to speak again, suddenly the sleeve in the hand is thrown out.

"Little girl!" Night light dye is startled to lose color, again shout a, want to hand block her.

Cloud shallow moon Mou Guang calmly looks at night light dye, the face is expressionless, looks like that. Night light dye originally wanted to stop her action so embarrassed to stop moving, but her hand action is not stop.

"I'm really drunk. I'm in a temper!" Rongjing slowly put out his hand, and with a smile he stopped Yun Xiaoyue's hand. He sighed helplessly to her. He turned to the old emperor and said in a kind of drunken voice: "the emperor, please don't be angry. You have watched her grow up since childhood. How can you not know her temperament? She is capricious, capricious, chivalrous, and can't see all the unfair things. When the brain is sober, it will not look like it, not to mention that I am not sober when I am drunk. I am afraid I don't know what I am doing when I wake up. Today, since the fourth Prince and Miss Zhao of the Shilang mansion of the Ministry of war are in love with each other, although it is against etiquette and immorality, they can't help it. If they have feelings, they can't help themselves. The emperor will be kind to others and deal with them lightly! Otherwise, Jingzhen is afraid that she can't stop the woman from drinking and kills these hidden guards in a rage. Although these hidden guards don't matter, if they really hurt the civil and military ministers here, lack of arms, legs, body and head, the court will be in chaos and out of control tomorrow. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!