The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1019

Cloud shallow month looks at Rong Jing, because she Miss Zhao to night day Yu lost a heart? Where can I start?

Rongjing no longer talks, looking at the gate.

Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, Rong Jing's mouth will not be aimless, but she really does not understand, when there are their own things? Seeing that Rong Jing didn't speak, she didn't want to ask again, holding the wine jar and looking at the gate.

"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live The ministers fell to their knees in a deafening voice.

The old emperor came down from the jade chariot, supported by Brunei, glanced at the crowd, and finally settled on Rongjing and yunqianyue. No words.

At this time, the crowd also saw Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue sitting still, for a moment in complete silence.

"Uncle, you didn't come early or late. Why did you come after half a meal? This is not a disappointment! I'm almost at the bottom of my jar. " Cloud light moon voice with a bit of drunkenness, the original clear eyes stained with a layer of turbidity, while talking holding the wine jar and drinking again, the tongue is a bit big.

The old emperor frowned, still did not speak, looking at Rongjing.

Rong Jing's face was also a bit drunk, and he slowly said, "emperor, Jing never thought you would come. I was drunk by the cloud and shallow moon, and I felt very uncomfortable. Now I am weak and my feet are soft, so I don't get up to meet you."

Cloud shallow month heart dark roll white eyes, when did she pour him wine? But it's true that he drank a lot.

The old emperor's face relaxed a little bit, reprimanded to the cloud light moon, the tone is not severe, "the moon girl mischievous, a daughter's home, drink so much wine to do? Jing Shizi is not in good health and has hidden diseases. If you pour him down, you will not be able to deal with the Court Affairs tomorrow. I will not spare you. "

"Hehe, where can I? Who is he? I'll help you with your business after sleeping. " Cloud shallow month hey hey a smile, and suddenly poured a mouthful of wine, wine into the throat, sweet and mellow.

People see her drinking like water. Although she is a good white pear flower, she can't help drinking like this. All of them can't help but sigh. They are indeed worthy of being Miss shallow moon. If they were ordinary women, they could not drink a cup.

"I think you've drunk too much!" The old emperor reprimanded again, no longer pay attention to her, waved to the public, "all ministers are exempt from ceremony!"

Thank you The crowd rose.

"Where is Tianyu? Today is his birthday. Why isn't he here? " The old emperor finally asked about the business.

No one answered.

"Well?" The old emperor looked at the crowd.

"Tell the emperor that my highness is not well..." The housekeeper of the fourth Prince's mansion came to reply.

"Sick? What's the trouble? " The old emperor asked.

"This..." The housekeeper seemed unable to speak, and did not know how to say it.

The old emperor looked at him fiercely, "you just tell me, where is he?"

"In the inner yard..." The housekeeper shuddered and bowed his head.

"I'm going to see him now!" The old emperor walked to the inner court.

"Here, the emperor, please stay. I'll invite your highness." The housekeeper was surprised and stopped the old emperor.

The old emperor kicked him away. "Go away. I will go in person. I want to see his birthday on such a day. Others will celebrate his birthday, but what is he doing

The old emperor used a little bit of force to kick this foot, but he was old, even if he had strength, it was not much. According to the reason, the kick on the housekeeper was not so heavy, but he was kicked and rolled to one side.

In front of the old emperor, there was no one to stop him. He strode to the inner court. Brunei and others followed him.

At a glance, several important courtiers, such as Prince De, Prince Xiao, Prince Yun, Prime Minister Qin, etc., followed. Ye Tianyi takes a look at the cloud light moon, and also raises steps to follow. As soon as he starts, several young princes also swarm to follow him.

Night light dye looks at the crowd swarms toward the inner courtyard, he looks back to the cloud shallow moon, asks: "little girl, do you want to join in the fun?"

Yunqianyue stood up with the wine jar in her arms and nodded, "it's natural to go!"

Night light dye nods and looks at Rongjing. Rongjing stands up slowly and leaves the table slowly. Although there is a bit of drunken appearance, but where is the foot soft leg soft cannot get up? He snorted, "weak beauty, aren't your feet soft?"

"Just a little soft." Yung King Road.

Night light dye horizontal his one eye, turn to walk.

Yunqianyue held the wine jar, reached for Rongjing, and said to his brothers, "come on, I'll hold you. Next time I won't pour you so much wine. In case you can't meet the holy master. "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered solemnly.

Rong Feng looked at the two people, smiling and shaking his head. The night sky seemed to be a little funny. The party did not speak any more and went to the inner yard.

The cloud shallow moon drags the scene to walk slowly at the back, thinking about how exciting the side should be for a while. Since the old emperor came to arrest the traitors, he must have figured out a way to deal with it. Otherwise, he should pretend that he did not know.Just arrived at the gate of the sleeping Hall of night sky Yu, cloud shallow moon then hears the old emperor's explosion drink inside, "bastard, what are you doing?"

Listen to his expression, but you can't imagine him standing in front of the hall.

"Father?" At night, the voice of surprise rang out.

"Ah..." Zhao Kehan's familiar scream.

Hearing such a sound, people naturally understood what was going on inside. After standing behind the crowd, the soldier's legs suddenly softened. His old face turned white and his eyes were miserable.

Cloud shallow moon pitifully looked at the Ministry of war servant one eye, these days this person in the old emperor and his daughter's under the attack certainly not well. The old emperor was very clear about the way and ability of night Tianyi. He also owned Northern Xinjiang and was the most sure person to seize power. Although Ye Tianyu was born in an excellent family with the support of his grandfather, General Chen, and his subordinates, even if he now cooperates with yetianqing, his chances of winning are slim. Therefore, he should choose Ye Tianyi, but he is the only one who likes Ye Tianyu. He doesn't have to worry about being white.

"Asshole! You are so He left all the guests and did such dirty things You... " The old emperor seemed to be trembling with anger. In a moment, he yelled: "come on, take this..."

"Father, will you go out first? If you have anything to do, wait until the minister puts on his clothes Night day Yu seems to have been startled, but the voice is still calm.

The old Emperor didn't seem to expect that ye Tianyu dared to interrupt him at this time. He said angrily, "do you still have face? I see you have no face, you don't need clothes! Come on, give me this beast... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!