The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1018

Rong Jing no longer talks, such as Yu's hand to twist the plug.

Night light dye not easy to stop coughing, to cloud shallow moon way: "little girl, pure man is pure man. You don't say you're a real man, but you're also doing what pure men do. Say what you want to say, and listen to the weak beauty

"I can't listen to him. He will be my parents, the Treasury of gold and silver, the store of grain, and the happiness of the rest of my life." Yun Qianyue listed several items and finally concluded: "it's wise to listen to him."

Night light dye a face black line, "you this son makes a living, with marry not go out like!"

"Well, I can't get married except him." Cloud shallow moon is not ashamed, but proud.

Night light dyed the black line on his face into a black waterfall, completely silent.

Rong Jing's eyebrows and eyes are as bright as the sun. He reaches out and touches the head of Yun Qianyue naturally. His tone is gentle, as if he is treating his beloved pet, "really good!"

Cloud shallow moon was cold for a while, but also did not take off Rong Jing's hand.

Night light dye seems to have been cold for a while, suddenly reached out to pat the goose bumps on her body, and angrily said to yunqianyue and Rongjing, "you must make the pear blossom white, don't you?"

"You may not drink it." I can't even glance at the night.

Night light dye hums, "do not drink white do not drink." Words down, he picked up the wine jar, greeting Rong Feng, "come on, I'll fight for you and I'll do it together!"

Rong Feng looked at a big jar of wine in front of him and sat still, "can't you do it?"

"Are you a man?" Night light dye stares at Rong Feng.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent. I learned it so quickly, and I'm a good student. This night light dye

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a man." Rong Feng still shook his head.

Night light dye hums, no one to support, he himself and drink a mouthful of wine, put down, to night sky inclined to ask, "night day Yu that boy? So many of us came to celebrate his birthday. What's the matter if he can't get out of hiding? "

"Fourth brother, some things can't come. Let's have a table first." Night sky inclines to smile way.

Yetianyu frowned and looked at the other tables. The housekeeper of the fourth Prince's mansion was next to the table to convey the news that ye Tianyu would come later and let everyone have a good time. He quipped, "what's the boy doing? Did you go to Castle Peak and come back to be praised by Uncle Huang? Can't get out? "

No one answered him.

"Little girl, didn't you see that boy just now?" Night light dye turn cloud shallow moon.

"Yes, but at the first glance, he was called away by the beauty." Cloud light moon lazy tunnel.

"Beauty?" Night light dyed eyebrows.

Cloud light moon blinked her eyes, and felt that with such great Kung Fu, ye Tianyu should have been a minor student. She said with a smile: "Miss Zhao Kehan of the Shilang mansion of the Ministry of war! Who else could it be? "

Night light dye a Leng, the eye light flash a silk suddenly, fleeting. A wave of hands, forthright way: "he has a beauty to enjoy, then we ourselves drink, these ten bottles of pear white, really like the little girl said, can't drink to pack away, also can't give him the rest."

Cloud shallow month incomparably agreed with this sentence, also holding the wine jar to drink, suddenly thought of Leng Shao Zhuo, asked two people: "Leng Shao Zhuo?"

Night light dye does not matter tunnel: "who knows, little girl, you really care about him?"

"He was the first to sit here. Why is he missing now?" Cloud shallow moon looks to Rong Feng.

Rong Feng shook his head, "we left after you left, he was still there when you left."

Cloud shallow moon frown, slant head to look toward Rong Jing, when she and night sky incline, only he sits here.

Rong Jing shook his head. "Nobody came when I came."

Yun Xiaoyue feels strange. It happens that the housekeeper of the fourth Prince's house comes over. She quickly waves to him and asks, "do you see the cold little prince of Xiaoqin's mansion? Where is he? "

The housekeeper thought about it for a while, and then said, "the cold little prince said that he was not feeling well. It seems that he left first."

"Not feeling well?" Yun Qianyue picks up her eyebrows. She looks very good just now, but she doesn't feel uncomfortable. She suppresses her doubts and waves at the housekeeper. When the housekeeper leaves, she doesn't care and says, "I think there's a person who shares the drinking. Forget it, let's drink it ourselves

Several people have no objection.

At one time or forthright, or elegant, or quiet, or expensive, or casual, a few people in front of chopsticks gently move, wine jar crisscross.

Other tables were not affected by the absence of night sky Yu, and the atmosphere was lively and cheering.

In the middle of the banquet, a shout came from the gate of the fourth Prince's mansion, "the emperor is coming!"

Everyone was stunned.

Cloud shallow moon this table person is also affected, Qi Qi looks at the door.

There were two more shouts at the gate. The guests could hear clearly that the emperor was coming, so they left the banquet one after another and welcomed them out. Night sky tilt and night light dye, Rong Feng three people also stand up, only cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing sit still.The cloud shallow month looks at the crowd that rushes out to welcome the driver, holds the wine jar not to let go, to Rong Jing way: "I haven't drunk enough pear blossom white."

"Keep drinking." Rong Jing looks out carelessly and takes back his sight.

"The old emperor got the news quickly, but I'm afraid it's too late to stop it!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is humming.

"There is no time to stop you, the matchmaker, to be a complete man." "Rong Jing smiles," but today's cooked rice is afraid that there is no second prince and Miss Qin's things come smoothly. "

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rong Jing took a look at the wine jar in her hand, and her tone was gentle as a breeze. "Everything should have a beginning and an end. Since you have become a matchmaker, you must do it to the end. Drink more pear blossom white, and then you can help with the wine! Many years ago, Miss Zhao lost a heart to the fourth Prince because of you. You can't watch her die today. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!