The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1014

Came to the pavilion, night sky tilt and night day Yu Qi stood up, "sister month, you finally come! We'll wait for you. "

"Make me look like a distinguished guest!" Cloud shallow month to two people wave hand, sit down lazily, "just be entangled in front of a moment." Words down, she reached into her arms and took out a jade card and threw it to night Tianyu, "your gift."

Night light dye reaches out to take over, immediately opens big eyes, "month younger sister, this is your gift to me?"

"Yes, why? Don't like it? " Yunqianyue looks at him with a smile.

"This..." Ye Tianyu was holding a jade card, which was obviously unexpected. He seemed to speak half loudly and said, "this is unavoidable It's too expensive... "

"Other people say that courtesy is more important than affection. I haven't said it yet! You don't have to be moved like this! In a moment, I'll have all your ten pots of pear blossom white. " Cloud shallow moon smiles to wave a hand, Hun does not care.

"The zuixiang building in the capital city is making every effort to fight for gold. Are you willing to give it to me now?" It seems that ye Tianyi is confused. There are a lot of good businesses in the capital, but the most profitable are only three. One is the largest gambling house in the capital, one is Moyu studio, and the other is zuixiang building.

Everyone knows that the owner behind the gambling house is Prince Xiao. As for Mo Yu Zhai and zuixiang building, no one knows the owner behind. However, no one is a fool. It is clear in my heart that it must be a powerful person in Beijing, either a prince or a prince of the royal family. But I didn't expect that zuixiang building is cloud shallow moon. Over the years, there has been no trace.

"Now that the jade card is in your hand, do you think I'm willing to part with it?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Night Tianqing seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then decided to say: "it turns out that zuixiang building belongs to sister Yue. No wonder it can live in room 1 of Tianzi. I thought it belonged to jingshizi. "

Cloud shallow moon chuckles, "Rong Jing Rong Wang Fu industry all over the world, he does not see my zuixiang building."

"Sister Yue is telling me in disguise that you have King Shizi and you have money. Don't you care about this money?" Night sky inclines ha ground smile, no longer polite, "good, I take this. Ten altars of pear blossoms have been exchanged for a zuixiang building. I can make a lot of money in this business. "

Cloud shallow moon smile but do not speak.

Ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu are both aware of the purpose of Yun Qianyue's giving them zuixiang building. Ye Tianyi owns the whole northern Xinjiang, which is rich in gold and silver. They work together. In addition, ye Tianqing has been the crown prince for the past 20 years. However, the things granted by the old emperor and the meagre industry under his name are still inferior to Ye Tianyi Cut. Zuixiang building can be a great help to them. Nothing can be more affordable.

Silence for a moment, night day Yu again opened his mouth, "sister month, I want to marry the young lady Zhao Kehan of the Ministry of war

Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "Oh?"

"My father will not, but I can see through it. The more he doesn't give us any chance, the more we want to fight. What's more, I really have some thoughts about the young lady of the Ministry of war, and I want to marry her. " The night sky Yu true way.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, "that Miss Zhao arrives is a woman not to let the man of the woman."

Night day Yu nodded, "mainly because she seldom likes me, I have some feelings for her. What's more, she's still a young lady of the Ministry of war, the only daughter of the Ministry of war, which is also helpful to me. "

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Sister Yue, can you help me with this? I know it's very difficult. My father and Emperor are determined to marry her into the filial piety palace and marry Leng Shao Zhuo. My second brother and I are constrained by the patriarchal system Night sky Yu deep voice.

"I can help you. But have you asked Zhao Kehan? Even if she likes you, she would like to be dragged into the water by you? " Cloud shallow moon light way: "you have to be ready, even if I help you, perhaps also won't win night Tianyi. I don't think it's necessary for me to say that ye Tianyi is cruel. He has experienced too much and has already been honed out. If you lose, your fate will not be good. "

"Naturally, we are prepared." "Night sky inclines a way," we already know, don't say father emperor helps him, even if do not help him, we also have not big chance, but always want to try, can't this life. "

"Maybe you are willing to give up. The emperor and he will give you a way to live. It's hard to be a prince of peace? " Cloud shallow moon looks at two people pick eyebrows.

"Better a broken jade than a complete one." Yetian tilts her head firmly.

Night day Yu also nodded a way: "I asked her, she said willing to accompany me. Plan with me. If I lose, she will follow. Even if I fear death, she will follow. No regrets. "

"It's rare to have such a woman! If she agrees, it will be fine. " The moon nods.

"Sister Yue, what can you do to get the father to agree as soon as possible?" Ye Tianyu asked urgently, "we don't have so much time. We didn't get rid of him on the way back to Beijing. When he returned to Beijing, the seventh Prince's house was as solid as gold. He was escorted by top experts every day. We didn't find a chance. It's October now. I find out that my father is now barely supporting himself with pills, and his life is not long. "

Cloud shallow moon bows head to ponder, a moment later way: "arrive is to have a most effective way.""What can I do?" Night sky Yu eyes a bright.

"It depends on whether Miss Zhao is willing or not." Cloud shallow moon looked at night sky tilt one eye, to night day Yu way: "imitate second prince, uncooked rice first cook ripe rice. If she loses her virginity, Miss Zhao will have to marry you. "

Night sky Yu a Zheng.

Yetian nodded. "That's a good idea."

Yunqianyue heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Her eyes flashed slightly and said faintly, "yes, but it will hurt Miss Zhao! If she wants to, today is a good opportunity. Maybe tomorrow you can carry her into the fourth Prince's mansion with eight sedan chairs. If she doesn't agree... "

"I agree!" Zhao Kehan's voice rings from the back, interrupts the cloud shallowly after the moon, the voice throws the ground to have the sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!