The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1015

There was no hesitation or reflection in this "I do". Sonorous and forceful, anyone who heard it did not doubt her determination.

Night day Yu eyes light a bright, suddenly turned around, it seems that only then discovered Zhao Kehan arrival general, hastily joyfully welcomed the past.

Night sky inclines to see cloud shallow moon one eye, follow the shadow of night sky Yu to see Zhao Kehan.

Yunqianyue thinks that she has been infatuated with love since ancient times. She hopes that Tian Yu can live a long time and that Zhao Kehan doesn't regret it. She turned slowly and looked behind her.

From the Qiqiao festival in beichengmen to see Zhao Kehan once, this is the second time to see Zhao Kehan in such a long time. Just when she came in, the sixth princess did not see her at the banquet of the women's family. It must have just arrived and found her here. This woman is much less than that of the horse racing day of Qiqiao Festival. Before, she was more vigorous than ordinary women, but now she has the weak Liu Fufeng of Si's daughter's house, but she still has the heroic spirit between her eyebrows and eyes. Still does not damage the character of the general tiger girl.

I have to say that night sky Yu's vision is good. The woman in Beijing called on the number, so that she looked high, in addition to the seven princesses, also this Zhao Kehan. She has some affection for this woman.

"Han'er, how can you come?" The night day Yu comes forward, grabs Zhao Kehan's catkin, the tone is more gentle than usual, do not know how much.

Cloud light moon mouth slightly a draw, she listen to the gentle voice of the scene feel sweet in the heart, but listen to night day Yu this gentle voice, how all feel goose bumps? About should be that sentence, happy, everything is happy, unhappy, everything is unhappy. She looked at Zhao Kehan, but saw that she was obviously used to the extreme, the heart sighed, there is a word is how to say, my arsenic, your honey. Her arsenic is obviously the honey of Miss Zhao.

"I got up late in the morning and came to play. When I didn't see you, I heard from the housekeeper that you were in the backyard, and I found you Zhao Kehan Ren night day Yu holding catkin, face a red, some shy and pretty, low voice.

"So it is! It's not too late. Just come. " Ye Tianyi lovingly pinched his hand, which was more than that of other women's hands. He used a small hand to grind out a thin cocoon with a knife and a sword, and led him to the moon and the night sky.

Cloud light moon and night sky tilt two people sit still, watching two people approach.

"This is the second brother, and this is sister Yue. Don't I introduce you? It's all our own people. " Night day Yu to Zhao Kehan road.

Zhao Kehan looked at the two people with a red face. The smoke wave turned sideways, and she was extremely shy. But her voice was a little more refreshing. She called out to them, "second prince, Miss shallow moon!"

"Since it's my own person, it's good to call me second brother like Tianyu." The night sky inclined to smile.

"I never regard Ye Tianyu as my elder brother, but Miss Zhao can call me sister Yue just like him." Cloud shallow moon also looks at Zhao Kehan and smiles.

"Second brother, sister Yue!" Zhao Kehan's face turned red when he heard the speech. He lowered his head slightly and called out a kind voice.

Night day Yu in the heart is proud, pull Zhao Kehan to sit down, although two people sit down, the hand has not let go.

Zhao Kehan some ugly daughter-in-law see mother-in-law's formality, but she is obviously that kind of open-minded woman, although shy, but also naturally.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Zhao Kehan, stares at others to see fiercely, feel beauty is like a flower, shy cloud, thin as gauze, red as haze. This is not without reason. It is absolutely the most beautiful scenery in the world. It is not beautiful to enjoy it for a while, but the beauty with a special flavor is shy and charming.

"Sister Yue, if you are not a woman, I must give Han Er to wear the upper gauze today." Night day Yu another did not hold Zhao Kehan's hand in front of cloud shallow moon to shake.

Zhao Kehan was originally very straightforward and generous, but was so staring at by the cloud shallow moon, or to see a full face of shame. She raised her eyes and took a look at the cloud and the moon. She was angry at the night and said in a low voice, "where can I wear a veil? Jing Shizi is the one who should wear the most

Night day Yu hears speech to burst out laughing, "say right! Jing Shizi is the one to wear. Now Jing Shizi is not here. If she is, sister Yue's eyes will not look at you. As long as Jing Shizi is there, she will be like a ghost. "

The night sky inclines to smell speech also to laugh.

Zhao Kehan also followed with a smile, her laughter is clear and crisp.

Yunqianyue's face turned red, and she covered her lips with her hand and coughed softly. She took back her sight from Zhao Kehan's face and looked at the sky silently. Unexpectedly, Zhao Kehan was also a woman who knew how to be humorous. In a moment, she drew back her sight again, smiling and waving her hand, and said, "looking at Rongjing is already aesthetic fatigue, but seeing Miss Zhao is fresh."

Zhao Kehan stopped laughing and began to blush again.

Night day Yu white cloud shallow moon one eye, to her remind way: "month younger sister, you must be careful, the wall has ear. If you are heard by jingshizi, your good days will come. "

Cloud shallow moon micro hum a, to night day Yu way: "today is your good day, my good day is still far away!" "Second brother, you listen to sister Yue's tone, don't you look like a full ten resentful wife?" Night day Yu asked to night sky tilt, night sky tilt smile no language, he turned to cloud shallow moon, smile way: "otherwise you also try? We are together today Cooked rice? "Zhao Kehan tengdi even neck red.

"I'd like to, but it's a pity that it's not with me." Cloud shallow moon sighs, face is not red, breathless way: "you come first, we postpone. It will be done sooner or later. "

Ye Tianyu thought he could see Yun Qianyue's shame. He had no words to say to him. He picked up the tea and was sending it to his mouth. Unexpectedly, Yun said something like this. He puffed out a mouthful of tea and coughed violently.

Zhao Kehan was startled and quickly took out Juan PA to wipe his face and beat his back.

Cloud shallow moon looks at envy, all say the most difficult to accept beauty Grace, night day Yu this boy has been shady, rare women so dedicated to him, to really lucky. Compared with him, those women in the past valued Ye Tianqing's position as Prince. Now night Tianqing is deposed and has taken over the prince's mansion. From the prince to the prince, he has lost all the red powder. It includes Leng Shuai, the little princess of Xiaoqin palace, and Rong Linglan, the second young lady of Rong Wangfu. Later, there was a Qin Yuning, whose wedding day was at a loss. Night Tianqing was assassinated. Although she was very angry, she didn't go to the prime minister's house and retired from the marriage. Now she is stranded. On this point, he is not as good as night. Ye Tianyu has at least one heart.

Night sky inclines to look at two people, seem to also think of what, the smile on the face gradually fade away.

Cough half ring, night day Yu just slow over strength, he first to Zhao Kehan gentle tunnel a "Han son hard!" Later, he held out his finger and said, "sister Yue, you Are you still not a woman? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!