The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1013

Night light dye wave hands, interrupt his words, calm way: "I don't look down on you, just think you are some naive."

Leng Shao Zhuo frowned, staring at the expression of night light dye, "do you know what? My brother, is he... "

"I said that this is your filial piety Palace's matter, but I advise you, still don't look, others may be better than you." Night light dye words fall, do not want to say, reach out to hook Rong Feng's shoulder, two brothers good way: "Rong Feng, it seems to leave the table early, or we two practice hand? To learn from each other? "

"If you are not afraid to destroy the plants and trees in the fourth Prince's house, the fourth prince will settle accounts with you, I'm fine." Yung Fung Road.

"Not afraid! That kid has plenty of money. What are you afraid of if you spoil a little bit! " Night light dye shakes his head, stands up, hands to Rong Feng.

Rong Feng's sitting body suddenly drifted out of several feet, night light dyed clothes fluttering, chasing the past, two people after two moves, no figure, obviously went to other places where no one was disturbed.

Leng Shao Zhuo sat alone at the table and tasted the night light dye. He was not stupid. He had been spoiled by the king of filial piety, but he spent a lot of time and money to teach him or ask others to teach him what he should learn. In terms of mind, it is not necessarily inferior to anyone. Now Fang thinks that his younger brother may be unusual. Night light dye's mouth never empty words, also never is a person of nonsense. Unfortunately, he knew little about his younger brother, and he did not dare to ask the people around him to look for actions. Once he did, his father would know.

After thinking about it for a while, he made up his mind to ask her when yunqianyue came back or after the banquet was over. These days, he did not wait for her to reply. Naturally, he thought that she had not found anyone. If light ran said so tonight, he felt that he thought his brother too simple.

Leng Shao Zhuo was absorbed in thinking. He threw a shadow in front of him and sat opposite him. He raised his head and saw that it was the sixth princess. He frowned and his face was not good. He said, "what are you doing here? This is not the princess mat. "

"Leng Xiaowang is really a great enlightenment, a new man." The sixth princess did not change her face, and gave Leng Shao Zhuo a gentle smile. "I have done many wrong things before, but now I have a thorough understanding. I have changed my mind and become a new person. We are also the same kind of people. Why should cold face me?"

Leng Shao suddenly lost his voice. Compared with the six princesses, his evil deeds are much worse than her.

"Is Leng Xiaowang looking for the third son of Xiaoqin's mansion?" Six princesses took up the teapot, personally filled the tea in front of Leng Shao Zhuo, and gave him a free passage. This is not high or low, just two people heard.

Leng Shao Zhuo is surprised. He just mentioned his brother. He doesn't know how to mention it again. He is not sure about his idea and motivation. He smiles quietly, "I don't understand what the six princesses are talking about!"

"Don't you understand? That's in vain Six princesses a smile, stand up, turn to their own seat to go, the voice of the light came, "if I know where he is, what he is doing now, I don't know whether the cold little prince will say so."

Cold Shao Zhuo's hand in the sleeve was tight, suddenly said: "you wait."

"Did you change your mind?" Six princesses turn around and smile at Leng Shao Zhuo.

Leng Shao Zhuo looked up and down at Princess six, and looked at her eyebrows and eyes carefully. He did not see any emotion. He could not help thinking secretly about the six princesses who had not had half a clue before. Now he was stupid, but not a lot of things he didn't understand. Now he entered the officialdom, he thought he could see through many people and many things. Now, he thinks that he can see through many people and things Princess, I can't help but add a point of caution and precaution. Referring to the seat of the six princesses, please sit down

Six Princess gentle smile, turn back and sit down again, "cold little prince is really smart man."

"I have no friendship with the six princesses. The six princesses might as well open the skylight and speak up." Leng Shao Zhuo said calmly.

"Of course. I really don't have any friendship with him. He used to play with flowers, but he didn't look up to the Royal Princess. It was about seven sisters. You liked seven sisters at that time, but seven sisters only had Rong Feng in their eyes. You cold heart, later arrogant despotic indulge in female sex The sixth princess said with a smile, "now that you have changed your ways, your seven sisters have also married Yunli. And you, no longer as early, but like cloud shallow moon

Cold shaozhuo eyes a cold, "what do you want to say? Although my younger brother is missing, there is still a missing Miss Qin in the prime minister's residence. It is not a matter of beheading. It's all right to be known by others. I don't have to discuss any terms with you. "

"You are wrong. I'm not here to discuss terms with you. It's about telling you something you don't know for nothing. " The sixth Princess shook her head and said with a smile.

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at the sixth Princess suspiciously. He didn't believe that she had such kindness.

"Of course, I don't mean to be kind. Even if I have a thorough understanding, I will never be so indifferent to yunxiaoyue as you are. I will always hate her if I change my quarrel into friendship. " The sixth Princess continued: "I come to tell you that this matter also has no purpose, just don't want you to be played around by the cloud shallow moon. Are you looking for the third childe of filial piety palace? But you know that the third son of Xiaoqin's mansion has always lived in the shallow moon Pavilion of the cloud palace, and he is a distinguished guest of the shallow moon Pavilion. "Leng Shao Zhuo is stunned. It seems that he didn't expect this.

"In addition, the third son of the filial piety Prince's house is the leader of the wind Pavilion of the lake and lake organization." Six princess looked at Leng Shao Zhuo's face changed slightly. She stood up with a smile and said to Leng Shao Zhuo gently: "I'll tell you this news in vain. You don't need to thank me." The words fall, go to own seat.

Leng Shao Zhuo sat in a daze, seemingly unable to digest the news.

In such a short time, many guests came again, making a lot of noise. Apart from Rong Linglan, Leng Shuli and other women at the table with the sixth princess, few people noticed the short conversation between the six princesses and Leng Shao Zhuo.

Yunqianyue naturally doesn't know that ye qingran and the sixth princess have met the third young master in Leng Shao Zhuo's face. They walk slowly to the backyard and walk through several corridor bridges and waterside pavilions. They can see the night sky tilt and night sky Yu sitting in a pavilion built by green trees and flowers. The two brothers were waiting for someone while drinking tea.

Cloud light moon just a show, night sky incline then put down tea cup to her to see, at the same time, night day Yu also looks to her.

Obviously, there was no doubt that they were waiting for her.

Yunqianyue is thinking about the world. She never thought that she would cooperate with yetianqing or yetianyu one day. At that time, she wanted to get rid of the identity of the future Princess and the Empress Dowager. There were thousands of roads. She only took one, but did not include them. Now I turned a corner and walked on a road with them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!