The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1008

"Who?" Outside the window came the light drink of Ling Lian and Yi Xue.

"It's me!" Hua Sheng's voice rings.

"Sister Hua Sheng?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue are surprised, Qi Qi withdraws the sword.

"Did you sleep? I have something urgent to ask the owner! " Huasheng lowered its voice and rushed through the tunnel.

"Huasheng, come in!" Cloud shallow moon Teng sits up, in the heart faintly feels not good.

Outside, Hua Sheng answered, and the door opened. She walked in quickly. She came to the bed of yunqianyue and said to her, "little Lord, the big thing is bad! The protective gate of Tianshui cliff is cracked and the flood is pouring out. Fenghuang pass is in danger. "

"What?" Cloud light moon complexion a change, "when things?"

"I just received a letter from skyscraper. Two days ago, the little Lord told me to do something about it. I thought it was very serious, so I ordered people to go to investigate immediately. It was difficult to sneak into the Tianshui cliff. But after all, the man dived in and didn't find any problems. The man stayed at the gate of Tianshui cliff. However, at a quarter past eight o'clock last night, I didn't know what the reason was. The gate of Tianshui cliff suddenly cracked and broke down, which was half a omen in advance None of them. The water surged out of the Tianshui cliff. He wanted to do something, but there was nothing he could do, so he quickly sent a letter to me with a pigeon. " Huasheng Lian busy road.

"The second quarter of Xu Shi is now the third quarter of Zishi." Cloud shallow moon pushes aside quilt to get up, shoe on bed goes out.

"Where are you going, little Lord?" Hua Sheng asked in a hurry.

"Huasheng, you tell the people on the skyscraper to struggle with all their strength to save people, how much they can save, cut down bamboo rafts and rafts, and move all the people to the high hillside." The moon stopped and said to Hua Sheng, "I'll go to my father."

"Yes Huasheng also knew that there was no time to delay, so he quickly stepped on his toes and flew away from the pavilion.

Yunqianyue goes out of the house, shows her lightness skills and walks to the courtyard of the Lord Yun.

When he came to the courtyard of King Yun, Yun Qianyue stepped into the courtyard called his father for the first time in years. He didn't care to call the door, but he pushed the door and went in, "Dad

"Moon?" Cloud Wang Ye seems to have just fallen asleep, pushed aside the quilt to get up, looking at the cloud shallow moon that rushes in.

"Fenghuangguan Tianshui cliff protection gate collapsed, and the water poured down. Phoenix pass is in danger. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is sharp.

King Yun's face changed, and he didn't panic much. He sighed, "I had a premonition when you said it two days ago. I think things will not be so simple, as expected. It's just that we didn't expect it to be so fast that we didn't even have time to protect. It seems that the hands-on people have already been ready at Tianshui cliff. It's certainly not a day or two. "

"What about that? Dad, do you want to go to Fenghuang pass? Shall we set out together now? " Asked the moon. She knew the harm of the flood better than anyone else. Dead bodies everywhere, how tragic?

"Even if we go now, eight hundred miles away, we'll be too late to get there." Lord Yun shook his head.

"What about that? You can't just watch the Phoenix pass drown Maybe because of her occupation, yunqianyue always thinks of the torrent of water for the first time, which not only submerges the farmlands and houses, but also lives one by one. In his private heart, he also felt that it was the Fenghuang pass that his father and king had done his best to protect the old disease 15 years ago. Once let her look up to the majestic pass.

"Yueer, did you tell the Red Pavilion to save people with all his strength?" The cloud Lord is calmer than the cloud.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"It's the only way. We can't do anything else now. I hope the message I sent two days ago, rui'er and your mother have made the fastest deployment. Fenghuang pass has always been a natural danger in Nanliang. In addition to sending heavy soldiers to guard it, there are also protective measures in case of emergency in recent years. I hope it can work! "

Cloud light moon frowned, and his face was gloomy: "since the people who started to plan for Fenghuang pass, such a big gate can collapse without any warning. It can be done without leakage and without sound. Won't they start to take protective measures? I'm afraid the protective measures of Fenghuang pass have already collapsed. "

"No! We can only hope that Hongge, your mother and rui'er can see if their actions are fast enough and how many people can be saved! " Cloud Wang Ye's eyes showed compassion, "sooner or later, the river will topple, trampling on nothing but human flesh and bones. It is not surprising that Fenghuang pass is the beginning of blood stained. He escaped a robbery 15 years ago, but not necessarily 15 years later. Because it's a dangerous place. If you don't get calculated, you'll be surprised. "

"But human flesh and bones, not one person two people, not three people five people, not even ten people eight people, but tens of thousands of people. Tens of thousands of people have drowned and died, which is too cruel. " Cloud shallow moon's earlier urgency also calmed down, the tone is a bit desolate.

"Yueer, a hundred years ago, the world was in chaos, and more than ten thousand people died? Once the mountains and rivers are destroyed, it will be inevitable. There is no pure land in the world that has settled down. Even the monks of Lingtai temple in those days were inevitable. How can we talk about the simple people and live? " Cloud Wang Ye sighed, "if the current situation is like this, how many hands push together behind your back, yue'er, you are one of them. This is a catastrophe, and everyone can't avoid it. ""Although I know that the world will be divided for a long time. But such desolation is still unacceptable Cloud light moon's face is dark and unclear, some sneer, some helplessness, "Dad said right, I am also that pair of hands. Although I think I haven't done anything yet, my existence is doing it. If you don't do it, you do it. "

Cloud LORD reached out and patted Yun on the shoulder, "I know you are a kind-hearted child! Do everything in one's power, and listen to the destiny

Cloud shallow moon nods. She is not kind-hearted. She may be ruthless than anyone when necessary, but her ruthlessness is not aimed at innocent people. How can the man behind the Phoenix close the people? She can't imagine if it's not the old emperor, then who is that person? Is it the hand of someone she knows or doesn't know.

Out of the window a trace of strange wind slightly across, floating body fell a person.

Cloud Wang Ye and Yun Qianyue turn their heads to look out of the window at the same time. There is a white shadow standing outside the Huansha lattice window. It is light and hazy, but elegant and outstanding. You don't have to guess. You know who it is.

"Uncle yuan!" Rongjing's voice rings from outside.

"Xiaojing, come in!" Cloud Wang Ye's face softened a few minutes, greeting the outside.

The door was pushed open, the bead curtain was lifted, and Rongjing came in with a slight cool air. Although there was a trace of cool air, his whole body was warm. After he came in, he reached out to play the cool air on the bullet and looked at Yun Qianyue. It seemed that he was not surprised that she was here. Yes, she came up.

Cloud shallow moon looks at her, in the heart of desolation and gloom as well as to the person behind the Phoenix pass so the anger suddenly retreats some. He is like her bright moon light, where she can see, releasing warmth to her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!