The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1007

Soon after Ling Lian left, the cloud LORD followed him to the shallow moon Pavilion.

When he entered the room, he saw Yun Qianyue with a dignified face. In front of her there were twenty or thirty secret letters from the Red Pavilion. He glanced at those secret letters and walked over.

"Daddy Cloud shallow moon sat on the bed motionless and called out.

"Something important?" King Yun sat by the bed, and this sentence was affirmative.

"Well, look at this!" Cloud shallow month will one of the secret letters to the cloud King ye, hand pointed to the above a piece of small news.

The cloud Lord took the secret letter and looked down at it. His face was slightly dignified.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire." Cloud shallow month looks at cloud King ye, "father, I don't think such a thing can't be seen as a small thing. How many big things happen at the beginning is a little bit of fire, even silent and unnoticed. But if it is not stopped in time, the consequences will be unimaginable. This is the Tianshui cliff of Fenghuang pass. We have to guard against it. "

"You're right!" Prince Yun nodded, put down the secret letter, and said, "it looks like a small thing, but it is not necessarily a small matter. I'll go back to fly pigeon and tell rui'er and your mother. In case of an accident in Fenghuang pass, it is not only the natural danger of Nanliang, but also the tens of thousands of people in Fenghuang pass. "

"I have ordered Huasheng to send people from Hongge to Tianshui cliff to investigate, but I think it is necessary to tell my brother and mother. After all, it is the barrier of Nanliang. If this is not a trivial matter, then the commander-in-chief of Fenghuang pass has a problem and can't be used. " Cloud light moon road.

"The Fenghuang pass commander is an important minister valued by the king of Nanliang. He has been following the Nanliang king since he was a child. Later, when the emperor ascended the throne, he was sent to guard Fenghuang pass. Although he was not so upright, he was loyal to the king of Nanliang. Dad can guarantee that. Fifteen years ago, if it wasn't for him, Dad might not have been able to return to Tiansheng. At that time, he gave half of his skill to me, so that he could keep the pulse of my viscera The cloud Lord recalled that year, can not help but rise a sigh.

"So?" Cloud shallow moon frown, "hard to protect so many years, people will not change?"

"At that time, his life was saved by the king of Nanliang. He was an orphan and has followed the king ever since. There is a kind of person who will not change even if the whole world changes. The general of Fenghuang pass is such a person. " The cloud Lord said.

"Is it that I am too thoughtful?" Cloud shallow moon listen to cloud Lord to say so, also can't help doubting whether oneself make a fuss. He believed in his father's eyes. This is an old fox who has become a master.

"Maybe not." Cloud Wang Ye shakes his head, "Phoenix pass depends on more than a general soldier."

"Yes! Fenghuang pass is not just a general soldier. " Cloud shallow month also immediately way, "in addition to the commander-in-chief, there are countless subordinate officials under him, have to hinder."

"Well!" Cloud Lord nodded, "especially now is a troubled autumn. The situation all over the world is in the stage of seesaw warfare. But there is always a breakthrough. Fenghuang pass is the junction between Nanliang and Tiansheng. If this is really a breakthrough, then it is not optimistic about Nanliang. "

"Why not be optimistic? Once the floodgate is opened, it will be autumn harvest now. If Fenghuang passes through a thousand hectares of fertile farmland, all families will be destroyed. This is a matter of life. " "And it's hard to guarantee that the flood will not affect other states and counties except Fenghuang pass. Tianshui cliff has been storing water for many years, and the amount is not small. "

"Dad, I'll go back and pass on the book! Let me know as soon as the news comes from the Red Pavilion. " King Yun stood up.

"Good! Dad, go The moon waved her hand.

The cloud Lord walked out of the room quickly, and left the shallow moon Pavilion within a moment.

Cloud shallow moon will be in front of the secret letter. A hundred years ago, Tiansheng was unified, and all the small countries paid tribute every year and became ministers every year. Nanliang, Nanjiang, Xiyan and other places were included in the territory of Tiansheng. However, this is only a formality. Although small countries submit to the throne, they have not achieved cultural and ideological assimilation and confluence. This is also related to the superior. Under the rule of iron and blood, the emperor, the first ancestor of Tiansheng, despised the people of other small countries. In their private hearts, they felt that their status was so higher than that of their subordinate countries. Today, a hundred years later, small countries are becoming stronger and divorced from the trend of big countries. As a result, he was no longer a tributary and was independent of the outside world. This is a threat to Tiansheng Tianwei. Naturally, it will not be allowed to grow. Especially Nanliang. Nanlingrui won the blue family affair. The wind family, Chu family and Red Pavilion helped Nanliang. Tiansheng naturally felt threatened. Therefore, it is not impossible to fight Fenghuang pass.

Although she was the son of heaven, she had long been inseparable from Nanliang. Her brother is the prince of Nanliang, and her mother is Nanliang princess. Her father fell ill for Fenghuang pass in baonanliang 15 years ago, and Tiansheng has the heart to eradicate the cloud palace. For such reasons, she can't ignore Fenghuang pass.

"Miss, the news is coming out! Sister Huasheng said that she immediately sent a message back to Mo Tianya and ordered people to go to Tianshui cliff to investigate. " Yi snow came back and whispered to the cloud.

"Well! Just spread it out! " Cloud shallow moon nods, command way: "as soon as have news, inform me immediately."

"Yes Yi Xue answers quickly.

Cloud shallow month will hand the secret letter to Yi snow, and ordered: "after every day, take to read with me once."Yi snow nodded and went down with the secret letter.

Yunqianyue reaches out and rubs her forehead, thinking in her heart that she thinks more. Tiansheng is not peaceful now. Ye Tianyi and ye qingran are seriously injured again. Ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu are constantly moving. The old emperor's bones are withered, and the new and old regimes are replaced. First of all, we should consolidate the court platform. Where is the mind to attack Nanliang? However, when the goddess of state protection of Xiyan was in danger, the king of Xiyan couldn't do anything, and even if he could, he wouldn't do it. After all, Xiyan in southern Xinjiang and other places have always been the leaders of Nanliang. As soon as the Nanliang fell, Tiansheng's next task was to deal with the western extension which was less powerful than Nanliang. Southern Xinjiang is closer to Nanliang, and its lips are dead and its teeth are cold.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Now the old emperor has not played cards according to common sense, and there is a night of nature.

There was no word this night.

On the second day, it was sunny and sunny. It was rare to have a sunny autumn day. There is nothing wrong in Beijing, and there is no big event in the world. In the imperial court, the emperor and the civil and military officials all performed their duties, and their wives were ordinary.

The day passed in a flash.

On the third day, it was still the same in central Beijing. The old emperor seemed to forget that the seventh princess had been sent to the heaven prison, and he did not ask for permission to divorce his wife from his wife. All the officials in the court and the central government thought that their ears were deaf and their eyes were ringing. Qi Qi held a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter. Everyone is not stupid, understand that this is a contest between the emperor and the cloud palace.

On the third night, when yunqianyue just fell asleep, a strange wind came out of the window. She opened her eyes with her eyes closed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!