The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1009

"What's the matter? Not feeling well? " Rongjing comes to yunqianyue and feels Ruyu's hand on her head. It is extremely natural, and her tone is soft and warm.

"Well!" The cloud is light and the moon is low.

"What is inevitable, why not feel uncomfortable?" Rong Jing kneaded Yun's head. "Others think you are kind-hearted. Only I know that if your heart is hard, it will be sooner or later that Fenghuang pass is overturned. Without today's sluice, there will be other things that can't be saved. Don't feel bad. "

The moon was silent.

"Xiaojing, when did you know about it? Who did it, do you know? " Lord Yun looks at Rongjing.

Rong Jing didn't answer. He bent over and held Yun Qianyue in his arms. He held her on the soft couch beside him. He stroked her because she had not lifted up the three feet of green silk that had fallen down from her sleep. She showed her face and patted her cool body lovingly. Then she raised her head and said to King Yun, "I only learned about it two days ago."

"Then you and Yue Er get the same news." Lord Yun sighed.

"Nanliang is too arrogant. This period of time can be said to be smooth. Tiansheng is in a mess. It takes time to rectify the power. In order not to be disturbed by Nanliang in this period of time, we need to find a balance point, then only Phoenix pass. Who is behind the hand, need to avoid many ears and eyes to plan, this is not a matter of a day and night, nor who can have the ability to do it. It is not difficult to guess who it is. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud shallow month smell speech heart a sink, although she guessed faintly, but still don't want to believe that he has been cruel to this.

"Now how many people are walking on the crest of the waves, some things have to be done. Today's exchange of Nanliang and Tiansheng. Your brother may not be able to do so, after all, this is the most shortcut, the most effective way. The difficulty of Fenghuang pass in Nanliang can't be relieved for several months. Tiansheng just cleans out the interior. Enough time. " Rongjing slowly tunnel.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak. Although she is uncomfortable in her heart, she has to admit that she is right. In fact, she understands it in her heart.

"Cloud light moon, you are not a child! If you can't even accept today's Fenghuang pass, then my future is worrying! " Rong Jing sighed.

"I can't take it. It's just too sudden." Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head, her voice has returned to calm and self-control, without half a silk of emotion, "if it's for me, I can't guarantee that I won't do it. There is no right or wrong here, only innocent people. "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing and solemnly said, "Rongjing, I hope that if one day you have to, or are very beneficial, you will at least have a trace of compassion and care for the innocent people."

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, reached for the tip of her nose and said with a light smile, "it seems that I was wrong. You are not cruel, you are really kind-hearted." Words down, he saw cloud shallow moon pick eyebrow, he gentle way: "I should you."

The cloud light moon smiles, the complexion warms down.

King Yun looked at them with a smile on their faces, and his eyes were kind and pleased.

The three talked for a moment. Someone rushed into the courtyard of King Yun and cried out, "Lord, someone in the palace is invited. The emperor has ordered to go to the court immediately. Something big has happened!"

"I see!" "I'm going to enter the palace right now."

People outside stopped and stepped back.

"It should be that someone has also sent a message to you in Lord Rong's mansion, Xiaojing, let's go into the palace together!" King Yun got up and stood up. He was wearing court clothes and said.

Rong Jing "um" a, bowed his head to ask cloud shallow moon, "do you want to follow into the palace to have a look?"

"I don't have to go to court!" Cloud light moon road.

"You can go and have a look at Shangchao secretly. You can't sleep anyway." Yung King Road.

"No!" Cloud shallow moon shakes her head, comes out from Rong Jing's bosom, raises step to go out first, "I return to my shallow moon Pavilion, you go!" After all, I'm out of the house.

"She doesn't like the palace. She can't sleep. There will always be other things to do. Don't worry about him." The cloud Lord saw the moon leave the road.

Let the scenic spot nod, smile, get up and stand up.

After the cloud shallow month returns to the shallow moon Pavilion, Ling Lian and Yi Xue rush forward to ask if the Lord has a way. Yun Qianyue shakes his head to the two people, and their faces darken and they are silent.

Since it is already irreparable, cloud shallow moon also no longer entangled. Unable to sleep, he took the lamp and read on the couch.

The next day, fenghuangguan tianshuiya dam collapsed and shocked the world.

The flood surged out, and the whole Fenghuang pass was submerged. The two cities near the Fenghuang pass were not immune. The land of fertile farmland was definitely submerged, and countless people were killed and injured. Among them, Qingshan City, which is far away from the boundary of Tiansheng and fenghuangguan, was also affected by the fish pond, and the flood affected most of the city.

This is the first time in the hundred years since the founding of Tiansheng reign that the rainstorm lasted for seven days and seven nights, resulting in the rectification and repair of large-scale flood disasters in Tiansheng, and even more severe than that of the torrential rain and mountain torrents in those seven days and seven nights. The water of Tianshui cliff gushes out, and the water covers the Fenghuang pass for hundreds of miles. It is fierce and urgent. All living creatures are spared.People in power in various countries got the news at the first time, and they all paid attention to the development of Fenghuang pass.

The old emperor of Tiansheng learned that Qingshan City, which belonged to the heaven Saint land boundary, was affected. He immediately sent the fourth Prince Ye Tianyu to Qingshan city to preside over the overall situation. The night day Yu receives the order, the horse adds whip to whip out of the capital.

When people in the capital learned of the flood in Fenghuang pass, their good nature ordered them to burn incense and pray in front of the Buddha statues placed at home. I hope those innocent people can live a little more and avoid the robbery. But everyone knows that such a big flood, it is said that the towering Phoenix pass submerged half of the houses and cottages can not be seen in the water, and how many people can survive?

For a time, the flood of Fenghuang pass overtook the three major events which were widely spread, ranking first among all the events.

It is said that the first time Nanliang got the news, the king of Nanliang was angry and vomited blood. Prince Rui asked to take his relatives to Fenghuang pass in person. The king of Nanliang granted his permission, but the capital city of Nanliang still has a long way to go from fenghuangguan, so far water can't save the near fire.

On the evening of the third day, the news came back from the Red Pavilion that the rafts and bamboo rafts were knocked over by the water waves at that time. Fortunately, all the people in the Red Pavilion are martial arts experts. All the more than 1000 celebrities in the Red Pavilion on the skyscraper cliff all went out to save 2000 people.

Two thousand people have gathered all the strength of the Red Pavilion.

When yunqianyue saw this news, she was still a little relieved. Two thousand people, at least two thousand lives.

On the fourth day, the flood stopped for a while, but it still continued. Numerous corpses float on the surface of the water. It is said that there are still corpses floating on the river in addition to corpses. In addition to the people wearing Nanliang costumes, there are also people wearing heavenly saints' costumes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!