The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1004

"What's wrong with a woman like me? It's rare that I have to be cold-blooded and inhumane. I really want you to comb your hair and tear your wound open. Do you want to continue to eat and drink freely here? It's rare that I have to throw you out and kill you. If you don't die, you'll be half disabled, OK Cloud shallow moon hummed.

"If you do this to me, what about others? Such as night light dyeing, such as What are you telling me? You are a woman who is really called a disaster The third childe suddenly stopped talking. He didn't want to talk to her again. Finally, he concluded, "the king Shizi is really pitiful."

Cloud shallow month looks at three childe, smell speech to wish to raise a foot to kick her a foot, anger way: "I compare with him, is that poor! You didn't see him spitting on me. He threw me out of the car and threw me out of the car. He didn't show mercy at all... "

"Are you fragrant or jade? At best, it's a hard stone with a soft, mossy appearance. " The third young master stopped her.

Yunqianyue took a deep breath. After all, she couldn't throw it away. She stretched out her hand to shine on the beautiful face of the three childe. She pinched her hard and left a red mark on his face. Then she stopped satisfied and warned angrily, "believe me or not, I will throw you out! Feed the dog

The third young master seemed to be shocked and shut his mouth.

"Linglian, Yixue, tingxue, listening to the rain, what are you doing standing at the door? Come in and talk about the Yellow jokes Cloud shallow moon is angry and roars at the door.

A cry of surprise came from the door. Not only did everyone not come in, but they all retreated. One by one blushed like steamed apples. The water is red and the water is red. You can get water when you squeeze it.

"What a shame! What is Huang Duanzi afraid of? " Cloud shallow month a little frustrated, Yu Guang sweep to see three childe seem to bear to smile, she turned head, smile to him way: "sister son, you tell."

The third childe's face turned black.

Cloud shallow moon seems to have heard the sound of two grinding teeth, anger suddenly disappear, is completely satisfactory. Beckoning to the door, "come in, come in, and as I said earlier, come in and tell stories and chat."

The people outside heard that they would not talk about yellow jokes any more. They seemed to be relieved and walked in together.

"King Shizi, how can you stand this woman..." The third young master murmured.

Cloud shallow moon when did not hear, think really should let him live and die in the next door, eyes have no her this master son.

Within a moment, more than ten people gathered in the room, including mother Zhao, as well as the servants and maids in the yard. All of them moved small square benches and sat on a full floor.

It's not a good time to listen to Xiaoyu for two days. It's not a good time to listen to these things.

For a time, the room chatted warmly, and the autumn rain outside dissipated a bit of cool and Mian Chou.

It seems that the third young master is not used to such lively and warm life. He is also surprised that Yun Qianyue has become one with his servants. He lives here these days. The people in the light moon pavilion are very kind and friendly. He has never seen a fight between death and jealousy behind his back. She will do his own things in and out of her presence. Of course, everyone will be very happy if she is here. It's like a warm little home. You can hear people humming happy songs when they work. It's very different from that when he disappeared in the desolate courtyard of Prince Xiaoqin's mansion for ten days and a half months without any one paying attention to him. Even if he can't get out of bed these days, he deserves a lot of care. Everyone treats him as a distinguished guest, but he is not bored at all, but warm. It's the kind of warmth that I've never experienced since I grew up.

In particular, he found that there were not only daily repression and intrigue, but also many interesting things in the capital. When he heard the joy, he also laughed with everyone.

Time is spent in the laughter of the people.

It was not until there was a footstep outside the pavilion that yunqianyue looked out of the window with a smile. Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally heard it and looked out of the window. The rest of them had no martial arts skills, so they continued to talk and laugh.

After a while, Leng Shao Zhuo appeared at the door with an umbrella, and the moon was stunned.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are also surprised. They turn their heads and take a look at the third young master. Seeing that he is still looking at the crowd, they all look at Xiangyun Xiaoyue.

Cloud shallow moon frowns, three childe sitting in the bed side, naturally can not see the outside situation, but sensitively see cloud shallow moon expression change, turn head to look at her.

Cloud shallow month pursed pursed lip, low voice way: "is cold Shao Zhuo come, do you want to avoid?"

The third young master's face sank.

"He's gone right now." Cloud shallow moon looks at him facial expression, again low voice way.

"No The voice of the third childe was frozen, and the whole person seemed to be covered with frost.

"Well, then it's gone!" Yun Qianyue knows that the third young master is often bullied by Leng Shao Zhuo in Xiaoqin palace these years. Later, he becomes angry and turns into Jiao Jiao Jiao to lure Leng Shao Zhuo into Yanliu tower. The entanglement between his brothers is hard to understand because he is not a party. She has no right to persuade him to let go of cold shaozhuo. Make a color for Ling Lian and Yi Xue.Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded and went out.

Everyone stopped talking and looked out of the window.

"Nothing, keep going Cloud shallow moon smiles and waves to everybody.

The atmosphere solidified for a moment, and everyone sensitively sensed that the room was a little cold, and the cold sense came from the third childe, but they were all human beings. Seeing Yun Qianyue say this, they went on to talk about the topic just now.

The third young master's face is somewhat relaxed, but still some bad.

There was a faint voice outside. Yunqianyue didn't listen carefully. She thought whether Leng Shao Zhuo had something to do, otherwise he would not come to her in this rainy day. Today, she went to Jinluan hall and didn't see him and Rongfeng in the early morning. I guess I didn't go to the early morning.

After a while, Ling Lian came back, took a look at the third young master, and said to Yun Qianyue, "Miss, the cold little prince said that he must see you. He has something important to do."

Everyone stopped talking.

"What's important?" Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"He didn't say that he wanted to see the lady. It looks like a rush. " Ling Lian shakes her head.

Yunqianyue looks at the third young master and sees that he doesn't speak. She reaches out and drops the curtain curtain curtain and blocks him inside. She waves her hands to Zhao's mother, to tingxue and others. The three of them understand each other and walk out in a swarm. She says to Ling Lian, "go and invite him in!"

Ling Lian answers and goes out.

The third childe didn't say anything. He didn't stop him, but his breath was cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!