The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1005

After a while, Leng Shao Zhuo came in with some cold air from the rain outside, but the air in the room was already a little cold, and it was not enough to disperse the heat. He put down his umbrella, patted his sleeve, and went to the cloud moon. When he saw a figure sitting in the curtain curtain, he was stunned and stopped.

"What important thing makes you come here in the rain?" Cloud shallow month to cold Shao Zhuo to gentle, smile pointed to the chair.

Leng Shao looked at another person inside the curtain, hazy, unable to see men and women. He thought that he must be close to the cloud, otherwise he could not lie half in her curtain, but it was not like the scenery. Although he was puzzled, he did not explore. He went to the chair by the window, sat down and said to her: "it is a very important thing."

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to look at him.

Leng Shao Zhuo looked dignified and seemed to be thinking about wording. After half a sound, he said, "I Younger brother, he... "

Cloud shallow moon did not expect to be this beginning, a Leng. The breath of the third childe stopped for a moment and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo through the curtain.

"My brother is missing." Leng Shao Zhuo seems to be very hard to say the two words brother, forming a complete sentence.

"Are you talking about the third son of Xiaoqin's mansion?" The cloud shallow month remaining light looked at three childe one eye, saw him dead close the corner of the mouth, her voice as quiet as possible. I didn't expect Leng Shao Zhuo to come to her for this matter. I'm afraid the third childe would not have thought of it.

"It's gone!" Leng Shao Zhuo nodded, but did not find that the two people's breath changed slightly. He said to himself, "I used to be too bad to him, but now I understand and want to make up for it. But I'm afraid that he hates me, hates me and doesn't recognize me as my brother. I dare not go to his yard since that illness. These days I think a lot, or decided to go to him to forgive me, after all, he is my brother, we flow the same blood. But I didn't know he was gone. According to people in the yard, it's been gone for days. I'm worried. "

"So?" Cloud shallow moon raised eyebrow, ask, "you come to me is..."

"I don't know if I should tell my father. So after thinking about it, I came to you. Want you to give me an idea, I tell my father, or secretly look for him. I'm afraid I'll tell my father and queen that if my father does something bad to him, he will hate me even more Leng Shao Zhuo frowns tightly, showing that he is particularly tangled in his heart.

The moon looks at the third young master. See three childe from Leng Shao Zhuo body to take back the line of sight, the face is cold, there is no cold feeling at all. She sighed secretly and said to Leng Shao Zhuo, "don't tell Prince Xiao about this. As you said, it's not necessarily a good thing to tell him. After all, the third young master is the son of the filial piety Prince's residence. It's a big thing that people don't see for many days. I'll help you find someone in private. "

"Really? You help me? " Leng Shao Zhuo's eyes brightened.

"Well, I'll help you." Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"That's the best. I hope to find him quickly. Even if he doesn't like the filial piety palace, I also want to know where he is. I want to apologize to him and ask him to forgive me. No matter whether he takes me as my brother or not, I will take him as my younger brother. " Leng Shao Zhuo road.

"Well! I'll ask someone to inquire in private, and I'll tell you immediately if there's any news, "yunqianyue nodded.

Leng Shao Zhuo seemed to be relieved, and the tangled color on his face also dissipated. He said to Yun Qianyue, "I'm relieved if you help me. Have you recovered from your injury? I came to see you two days ago. I was blocked out. I met uncle Yun Wang when I just entered the mansion. He guided me here. Otherwise, I would not be rude to come to your yard to find you. "

"It's almost all right." Yunqianyue nods with a smile, thinking that it's no wonder Leng Shao Zhuo can come in by himself, which is the credit of her father.

"I can rest assured that you are in good health. I have nothing else to do today, just this one thing. I'll go back to my house and wait for your news. " Leng Shao Zhuo didn't know whether it was the boudoir of yunqianyue who could not stay for a long time, or because of the people in the curtain on her bed, she got up to leave.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, also does not leave him, the external face cries, "Ling Lian, Yi snow, send cold little Wang Ye!"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue answer outside. Leng Shao Zhuo no longer says much and turns out of the room.

Until his figure disappeared at the gate of the pavilion, yunqianyue said to the third young master, "do you really want to forgive him?"

"No!" The third childe didn't want to tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon nods, "I also don't advise you. Things are not on me, I can not understand your pain and pain. I just want to tell you that there are only a few relatives in the world. There are few brothers. A husband and wife can live on the same boat for a hundred years, and sleep together for a thousand years. Brothers, fate will not be shallow. "

The third young master was silent.

"You see, he's different. Leng Shao Zhuo, who used to be no different from an animal, died. Now the living one is a person with flesh and blood. Perhaps more like a person than all the Duzi in the capital city. You don't have to rush back to the house. You still stay here. Think about it. Naturally, I respect your choice. If you don't forgive him, I won't tell him. It's your business, and you have the right to decide. " Cloud light moon road.

The third son nodded in silence.

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, know that he needs to be quiet, then ordered people to come in and send him back to the next room.Next cloud light moon then lies on the bed to make up for sleep, outside the fine rain entangles unceasingly, is like the daughter worry in the autumn day.

Don't know how long after, Ling Lian stood beside the bed and pushed the cloud light moon, "Miss, the six princesses came to our house to look for the son of a son, the son said no, the six Princess forced to break in, now straight to the West Maple Garden."

Cloud shallow moon closed eyes do not open, the heart rises angry, to Ling Lian way: "stop her, return to the palace!"

"Yes Ling Lian answered and went out.

"In addition, send a message to the empress of Ming Fei, and let her take care of her daughter!" Yunqianyue added: "tell the father and brother that they will give the old emperor their son tomorrow morning, so that the elder brother will continue to plead for the divorce of his wife."

"Yes Ling Lian again should a, see cloud shallow moon no longer speak, hurriedly out of the door.

Yisheng Pavilion will wake up for a moment. Yi Xue went to the sound.

After a while, Ling Lian came back and said that she would send the sixth Princess back to the palace.

After a while, Yi Xue brought 20 or 30 black secret letters to Yun Qianyue. Yun Qianyue took over the Red Pavilion and never got involved in the internal operation of the Red Pavilion. She did not read the news about the Red Pavilion from all over the world every day. This is the first time.

Today's situation has obviously reached the stage of white hot. Otherwise, the old emperor would not have moved the originally neutral German prince's house to the table, and let night light dye follow night Tianyi together. She didn't want to do anything before, but now she has to. If you want to do something, you must not be blindfolded any more. You must first understand the situation in the world. Fengge was seriously injured this time, and under the supervision of the emperor's hidden guard, it is natural to rely on the Red Pavilion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!