The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1003

Cloud shallow moon stupidly looks at Rong Jing's carriage to leave, what is to want to stick to him, quickly think of a way to marry him?

The rain hit her body, her face, and her thin clothes were instantly wet and cool. However, the coolness did not include her brain. Her brain was boiling hot and confused, and she couldn't recover after half a sound.

"Miss! Where's your umbrella? Why are you standing here in the rain? " Ling Lian and Yi Xue's carriage came later. When she saw yunxiaoyue standing at the gate in the rain, Qi Qi was surprised and ran over with an umbrella.

The top of the rain was blocked, two voices exclaimed in the rain, cloud shallow moon this just returned to God, looking at two people.

Two people are not happy, Ling Lian complained: "Miss, although the rain is soft, but now it is autumn, or cold, how can you not cherish yourself in the rain? Jingshizi is really. Why did he forget to let you take the umbrella out of the car? "

What is forgetting to let her take her umbrella out of the car? She was thrown out of the car by him. Let's go back to the tunnel! Hot water and hot ginger soup. "

Two people nodded, one left and one right holding an umbrella to cloud light moon, then rain, three people went to the house.

Cloud palace is covered in a misty rain, rockery stone carvings, pavilions and waterside pavilions, red, blue and green boards, and winding corridors are all washed away by the rain.

Back to the shallow moon Pavilion, Ling Lian and Yi Xue are busy playing hot water and boiling ginger soup. Yunqianyue took off her wet clothes, took a bath, and then lay in bed drinking ginger soup.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are busy, sitting on the chair with a fan.

"It's raining today. There's nothing to do, nothing to do. You go to move the third childe from the next door, and call Zhao's mother, tingxue, Tingyu, and so on. We will tell stories, listen to jokes, chat and talk nonsense. Happy, happy. " Cloud shallow month drinks ginger soup, to two people command.

"Miss, how can you be in a mood? The seventh princess is still in the prison of the Ministry of punishment! " Ling Lian reminds way.

"Why can't you be in a mood? Don't worry, how can the old emperor treat her? Although the prison of the Ministry of punishment is under the jurisdiction of Prince De, there are people in Rongjing's palace and those in our palace of cloud. They dare not do anything about her. Just a few days later, they will be released. " Cloud light moon road.

"What about the six princesses?" Yi Xue worries about the tunnel.

"Six princesses?" Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow, smile a, "I, father king, elder brother three people consistent divorce wife. Seven princesses are almost unable to keep, also where can cram in six princesses? Don't dream

They nodded and turned down to shout.

After a while, the third childe was moved in first. He had changed into a man's clothes and restored his original appearance. See cloud shallow moon nest on the bed holding ginger soup to drink comfortably, curl one's mouth, "I thought you forgot me to replace you injured meritorious official. Let me live and die next door. "

"Where can I? Am I one of those ungrateful people? " Cloud shallow moon laughs, moved to the bed inside the body, waved to the servant three childe, "put him on the bed."

I've moved the bed.

Although the third childe's injury still can't get out of bed, but can reluctantly sit, cloud shallow month took a pillow, he sat on the other end of the bed, and she sat opposite her, and gave him half of the quilt kindly, doing everything well, she waved to the boy, "you go down!"

The boy went down.

The third childe also did not see, the slightest unnatural, pointed to his own hair, "I did not comb this morning!"

"Don't treat me as a servant girl!" Cloud shallow month stretched out a hand to grasp, a comb on the dressing mirror was caught in her hand, handed to the third childe, "comb yourself."

"It will touch the wound!" Three childe way.

"Then be sloppy. You're beautiful anyway, and it doesn't matter." Yunxiaoyue thinks that this guy is too rude to her.

"No, I pay so much attention to appearance." The third young master shook his head. He took the comb and seemed to comb his hair with great effort.

Cloud shallow moon looked for a while, some can't see past, a pull comb, to help him comb.

Three childe's mouth slightly curved, do not speak, sit quietly, cooperate with cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue's action is very fast, and soon he simply tied a man's hair bun. After that, he put down the wooden comb, went back to the body, looked at him up and down, and muttered: "a big man, looking so good-looking, what do you do?"

"The scenery looks good too!" Three childe way.

"If he is good, he will do harm to me. You are not the same. She did harm to a large group of people." Cloud shallow moon uncovers three childe's old age.

The third young master snorted, "at that time, you still secretly ran to see me! I don't know whether Jing Shizi knows about it. If not, I can tell him with kindness. "

"You are..." Cloud shallow moon suddenly grind teeth, "let me wish to throw you out!"

"Throw it! I hurt you anyway. I can't get out of bed for so many days. It's moldy. It's OK to let the rain get drenched. " The third young master is leisurely and leisurely. I don't seem to worry at all.Cloud shallow month a choke, think long good men have a common problem, is the mouth poison heart black. She suddenly missed that day for the first time when she went to the filial piety palace to see the third childe. What a cold person! How did this happen? She can't think of it. Has she mutated it? Suddenly, I was very sad.

The third childe looked at her as if he knew what she was thinking and laughed happily.

"What are you laughing at?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is white.

"I'm laughing..." Three childe's words pause, in the eye smile some deep, "cloud shallow moon, know your biggest advantage is what?"

"I'm full of advantages and can't count them. I don't know what it is." Yunqianyue is very arrogant.

"You don't know how to blush!" The third childe was angry with her and said, "your advantage is kindness and softness."

Yunqian Yuemo, if she had heard this sentence before, she would have laughed, or scornfully sneered, or ridiculed. She would have thought that this person was really cold and humorous. She is kind-hearted and soft hearted? If she is soft hearted, there will be no soft hearted people in your world. But now she can't refute, just dry way: "thank you very much."

The third childe sneered, "do you know what your biggest weakness is?"

"Don't tell me it's the same thing." The moon gave him a sidelong glance.

The third young master nodded and said: "this is it!"

Cloud shallow moon eyelids turn over, do not express one's position.

The third young master said slowly, "look, I asked you to comb my hair, and you would comb my hair. You don't like to listen to me when I talk. You clearly want to throw me out, but you still can't do it. I've never seen a woman like you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!