The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 356

What's more, she is the Royal daughter-in-law. Even if she is Heli, she will never marry again. How could she have ruined her life if she hadn't been forced to hurry?

But then again, the result may be the best. Even if you don't get married all your life, you can live your life safely in your mother's home. But in Prince Qi's mansion, I don't know when I will take this life.

Xie rucao was a little stunned for a moment, but Xiao Xinning shook in front of her eyes. Seeing that she had come back to her mind, she comforted her, "don't worry, sister-in-law. My mother has promised that she won't let the side room in, so you don't have to worry." Then she thought about it and said, "in the future, the emperor's brother will marry another woman. As long as they dare to bully you, I will not spare them first!"

Seeing that she was so righteous, Xie rucao was a little disappointed. She nodded and said, "well, well, our seven princesses are the best. The emperor's sister-in-law will depend on you in the future."

This words turn down, two people is temporarily forget this matter son, turn to other things up.

The topic between women is always the most, then forget the time.

After Xie rucao came out of the Princess Palace, he found that it was already a little late. Xiao Xinning would not have let her go if she hadn't thought about going to invite An'an for Princess Ye.

It's just that the girl is young, with a child's heart, and she is frank, so Xie rucao is willing to play with her.

The snow in the palace has been cleaned up, and the silver on the trees has made the originally beautiful royal garden more and more like a fairyland on earth.

The most important is the family of rich emperors.

Xie ruzhuo looked at the unique scenery at the moment. For a moment, he lingered, and his pace slowed down.

But Jiangzhu was worried and kept saying, "princess, the cold outside has come down. Let's go faster. If we get cold, it's not good."

Although Xie rucao has a mind to see the scenery, he can't stand Jiang Zhu's urging, so he has to say, "OK, OK, but if you walk faster, you have to see the road. It's not the ice and snow. If I walk faster, you have to talk about it."

Smell speech, Jiang Zhu sighed, see Xie Ru Zhuo face a pair of children's mind, in the end is compromise way, "maidservant accompany you to go there, there is Meilin, the wind is still small."

Xie rucao immediately burst into a smile.

Since she was pregnant, people around her have been very strict with her, every move should be careful. Today rare to see the scenery, Xie ruzhuo's mood is suddenly better.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Zhu had to shake her head secretly. Xie ruzhuo is not as pregnant as ever. She is afraid of getting cold. Unfortunately, her master is so boring that she really embarrasses them.

The master and the servant thought about each other, but they didn't speak for a moment.

Don't want to, but someone broke Xie rucao rare quiet time.

"Four younger sisters?"

There was a woman's voice, as if to confirm the general call out.

Xie rucao looked up and saw a woman coming out of the small warm Pavilion. She was dressed in a dark brocade Palace Dress with a satin fox noise pleated cloak. A thin layer of powder was applied to her face. Instead of being domineering in the past, she added a touch of tenderness to Jiangnan women.

Xie ruzhuo can't recognize it for a moment. Is it Xie Rulan who seems to be superior everywhere before?

Xie Rulan has come over quickly, holding her in her arms, and said with a soft smile, "I just thought I was wrong. I don't want to be you. I haven't seen any relatives these days. It's a great surprise to see you today. "

Close, then smell Xie Rulan body light aroma, not as pungent as before.

But in Xie rucao's heart, countless warning lights are lit up. Without any trace, Xie rucao steps back and leaves Xie rucao's touch area. He asks, "Lan GUI Ren is not staying in his palace. What's the cold weather doing?"

Xie Rulan also felt her estrangement and said with a bitter smile, "where is my position in the palace? If you don't talk about me, is my sister here to greet the lady? "

Smelling speech, Xie Ru Zhuo only lightly nodded and said, "yes, I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

"Sister, don't hurry. I can't see my relatives easily. Shall we talk about the past?" Xie Rulan saw that she was going to leave. Her eyes were immediately flustered, and she wanted to cry.

But used to see what Xie Rulan looked like before, Xie ruzhuo really couldn't be deceived by this face, and then asked, "I don't know what old lady LAN wants to talk to me about? It's how you design your sister to lose the election; Or how does your mother aggressively make the farce of separation? "

She tore her face at this, and the sad look on Xie Rulan's face disappeared in a moment. She said with a gloomy face, "Xie ruzhuo, you are always so high and invincible. I really don't know what you have to do! No matter how I am your cousin, I'm so humble, but you're so practical. Don't you think you're a princess? What's the big deal? "

She said this, Xie Ru Zhuo is angry and happy, "you said this is strange, how ever did I practice you?"

She originally thought that Xie Rulan appeared here strange, now see her this appearance, more and more decided.

Xie Rulan bit his teeth and forced himself to suppress his anger. He said, "I only ask you one thing. Can you do me a favor?"

It's the first time for Xie ruzhuo to see this, but she is also curious about Xie Rulan's intention to block her here. What's her purpose? She says, "tell me about it."

Xie ruzhuo said so, but Xie Rulan was a little bit awkward. He said for a long time, "can you say something nice for me in front of Princess ye and let me see the emperor?"

Her status is too low to meet princess Ye. And two days after she entered the palace, Sanfang broke up. Although the inside story is unknown, the rumors of the people have spread all over the capital.

Emperor Jing was still in the mood to spoil Xie Rulan, but after hearing this message, he didn't like Xie Rulan immediately.

What good daughter can a son who can aggressively force his father to separate his family raise?

So since Xie Rulan entered the palace, he has not even seen the side of emperor Jing, let alone been in favor.

When she said that, Xie rucao understood.

With this is her own can't spoil, want to ask some favor from ye Guifei there.

Read, Xie ruzhuo then some want to angry smile, "I want to ask LAN Guiren, I as respect princess, ye Guifei is mother to me, emperor to me is father emperor, I with what identity to ask mother to speak for concubine room?"

What she said was straightforward. Xie Rulan's face turned white immediately. She bit her teeth and said, "Xie ruzhuo, don't deceive people too much!"

Xie ruzhuo is no longer lazy to break off with her. He simply says coldly, "Lan Guiren has this idea. It's better to do more work by himself. You've pretended to be superficial, but you can't learn at all. In your heart, you are cynical. No matter how weak you are, your father won't look at you. You'd better accept your mind. Maybe you'll have good fortune in the future. "

Xie ruzhuo's words are true. Even though Xie Rulan has entered the palace, she may not be able to live a happy life as long as she is in peace and contentment.

But if she is not honest and wants to use some dirty means, what will she get in the end, then nobody knows!

Xie ruzhuo thinks that she has said everything, but Xie Rulan doesn't think she is kind-hearted. He also thinks that Xie ruzhuo is laughing at himself. He is so angry that he shivers all over. He points to Xie ruzhuo and says, "OK, OK, I want to see what kind of good end you can have! I'll see! "

She said this, then turned away, leaving Xie rucao a figure.

After this incident, no matter how good the scenery is, Xie rucao is too lazy to watch it. He hummed a note, "let's go, Jiangzhu."

This Xie Rulan te doesn't know what's good or what's bad, and now he even asks for his own head. It's really desperate to climb up!

Jiangzhu frowned and said, "princess, as the saying goes, the king of hell is better than the little ghost. Now you have made such a face to the noble man LAN. It's hard to know whether you will bear a grudge in your heart. You'd better avoid it when you meet her in the future."

Xie rucao sneered, "I see if she dares." Just in the heart after all is to Jiang Zhu's words on the heart. As a matter of principle, Xie Rulan wants to face so much that she doesn't want to be in front of herself. Is it hard for her to live a hard life now?

However, she chose this day. She wanted to enter the palace in vain. Now she has to bear the consequences.

There must be something hateful about poor people, that's all.

Xie Rulan had prepared many speeches in her stomach, but in the end, she was so excited that she didn't say a word. Instead, she went back to her bedroom in anger.

Feicui has been waiting anxiously at the door. When she sees Xie Rulan coming back, she immediately welcomes her. She just wants to say something. But after seeing Xie Rulan's face, feicui's heart sinks. It's over. I'm afraid the master has made a mistake.

She did not dare to say more. She just welcomed Xie Rulan in. She took hot tea and ran into Xie Rulan's face with her hands. She said softly, "master, warm your hands first."

This bedroom hall is only 20 square meters in size, with tables and chairs and other objects sparsely placed inside. In addition to a few red plums placed in the vase on the windowsill, there are still some vitality. Other places look lifeless.

Xie Rulan took the tea and subconsciously drank it to her mouth. Feicui couldn't remind her, so she suddenly spat out the water and smashed the teacup at feicui, scolding, "bastard, do you want to burn me to death?"

Feicui didn't dare to dodge. She knelt down and said, "master, it's not good to be a slave."

Xie Rulan had a fit. Her eyes were red with anger, and she said with gnashing teeth, "I dare to ride on my head now. I'll see if you can be proud for a few days!"

Although she looked at feicui, she said this to Xie ruzhuo. Feicui sighs in her heart and has to coax Xie Rulan patiently until Xie Rulan takes off her shoes and socks and lies in the quilt. Feicui puts down the curtain for her and then goes out of the door.

There was no fire in the hall. It was not much colder outside than in the house. It was cold everywhere.

Feicui looks back at Xie Rulan, who is still asleep in the hall. She sighs and hesitates. But at the thought of his master's current situation, he resolutely went to the bedroom of concubine Ye.