The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 357

Xie ruchuo didn't spend a long time in Princess Ye's palace. Now it's near the end of the new year. A few days later, it's new year's Eve banquet. Many things are done by Princess Ye himself.

Therefore, Xie ruzhuo only invited Ann from her, accompanied her to say a few words, and then got up to leave.

Ye Guifei is very busy, so she doesn't leave her. Just before she leaves, she says, "your father is not very well these days. Many things have to be done in the evening. Our palace knows that you are pregnant and have a hard time. You should be more considerate these days."

Xie Ru Zhuo answered one by one, and then asked with concern, "is father Huang's body in serious trouble?"

Ye Guifei did not hide from her, only sighed, "your father is depressed in the heart, old problems, but this year more severe."

Hearing the speech, Xie ruchuo knew that the body of emperor Jing would not hurt the root, so he relaxed and asked Princess ye to take care of her body. Two people said a few words, Xie Ru Zhuo turned out of the palace.

I didn't want to come out and see feicui waiting there, looking at her carefully.

For jadeite, Xie ruzhuo is not too annoying. This girl is much more honest than Bai Yu, so after she was canonized as Xie Rulan, her grandfather specially asked feicui to follow her. As for Bai Yu, she was left at home.

At that time, Bai Yu was still very reluctant to talk about it for a long time. She accompanied her young lady to the palace draft, and often held airs at home. At that time, the two sides had already sorted out their things and separated in a few days. Bai Yu also went to the new residence of Sanfang.

A few days ago, Qiao told Xie rucao a joke, saying that it was not long after Bai Yu went to her new home that she colluded with Xie Shensi and did something wrong. She was beaten by Lu, but let Xie Shensi protect Bai Yu. Now she's an aunt, too.

Xie rucao took back her thoughts and looked up at feicui. Seeing that she was timid enough to say hello to herself, she knew that Baiyu had something to say. Because she said faintly, "what you want to say, your master has already said. You don't have to waste any more words."

Feicui is slightly stunned. She immediately knows her master's temper. I'm afraid she doesn't say anything good. But at the thought of Xie Rulan's present situation, feicui had to kneel down and tremble, "miss four, please help our master."

She this four young ladies, gambling is Xie Ru Zhuo's sympathy, and with the Xie family daughter that little blood.

Xie rucao sighed in his heart about the girl's loyalty, but said without expression, "jadeite, since you have entered the palace, you should understand the rules of the palace. This sound, miss four, has confused her identity. "

After hearing this, feicui was a little at a loss and said, "I know you're wrong. There are a lot of princesses. Please forgive my master's disrespect just now. She's really desperate now. She came to beg you. If you don't help me, my master will die! "

Seeing that what she said was so serious, Xie rucao was also a little surprised. He exchanged a look with Jiang Zhu and said, "go to the warm pavilion over there."

There are warm pavilions everywhere in the back palace, which are specially used for your people to rest when they are tired.

Although it's cold in winter, the warm Pavilion is exquisitely built, so the cold wind from outside doesn't blow in at all.

When she could come in, feicui immediately knelt down, but she was stopped by Jiangzhu and said, "you don't have to perform these rituals. The palace is not a place to respect the prince's house, and you can't thank her family. Even if the princess wants to stand for your master, it's not the right time to score. But if you really have something to hide, maybe the princess can help you out. "

Jiangzhu said this to her heart, and feicui was not a man without brain. She stood up according to her words and said these days' experiences in a soft voice.

"Although my master has entered the palace, he is just a little noble man. How can he really enjoy the splendor? All those who entered the palace at the same time with the master were favored, but the master has not even seen the emperor. It's getting colder and colder these days, but the palace is full of high and low. At the beginning, the master had silver in his hand, but those palace people didn't show it clearly. When the money is almost spent, don't say that the silver and carbon in the points are deducted. Even the food is cold! "

Feicui said, and then took a deep breath. "It's so cold. When the silver carbon is used up, there's only charcoal. It's smoky and burning, not to mention the master. I'm the servant who can't smell it. As soon as the master was angry and watered out the carbon, he became cold at night. But there is no doctor to see, where will the disease be better? It's getting worse these days. Princess, you know, the master is a man of high mind and refuses to fall behind. I came to see you today. I dressed up in front of the dresser for most of the day, so I look OK. But actually -- "

At this point, feicui felt uncomfortable and began to cry in a low voice.

Xie rucao didn't forget the old love at all. Seeing what she said, she just sighed, "I know more about her temperament than you. It's just that it's inconvenient for me to get involved in the affairs of the palace. It's also difficult for me to rush to ask for a doctor for her. Just, Jiangzhu, give feicui the medicine you have with you. "

It's cold in winter. Wen Ruyu is afraid of Xie ruzhuo's cold, so he specially made a pill that is harmless to pregnant women. Jiangzhu was a careful man, so she took it with her day by day. She didn't want to use it today.

After Jiang Zhu said that it was the medicine developed by doctor Wen, feicui immediately kowtowed to Xie ruzhuo and said happily, "thank you, princess."

Xie rucao nodded and said, "you don't have to thank me. You should try to persuade her when you go back. Although the palace is rich and noble, it's impossible to say how many people it might be. Her heart is higher than the sky, she is afraid that her life is thinner than paper. If you can stay honest, maybe there will be her fortune in the future. "

Xie ruzhuo's words are good intentions, and feicui knows it in her heart. At the moment, she thanks again, "I know that. Thank you for your advice."

After feicui left, Jiangzhu sighed, "princess, you are so kind. I'm afraid that one is ungrateful."

Xie rucao shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm worried too much. It's just that she's the daughter of the Xie family. If my grandfather doesn't say it, I'm afraid he'll miss it. It would be a good thing if she could really figure it out. But if she doesn't, no one can save her. "

Jiang Zhu thought deeply, supported Xie ruzhuo and said, "it's true that everyone has his own fortune, and he owes the princess's kindness."

As they spoke, the master and servant walked towards the palace gate.

It was dark in winter. When Xie rucao got home, it was already dark.

Thousands of people light up red lanterns, and the aroma of food floats in the air, adding a little bit of humanity to the night.

It's the end of the year.

Xie ruzhuo is kind-hearted, but her kindness is destined to be regarded as a donkey's liver and lung.

When feicui goes back with the medicine happily, she sees Xie Rulan sitting on the bed in a daze.

After removing her delicate make-up, she looks pale, her lips are dry, and her eyes are a little empty.

Seeing feicui coming in, he immediately scolded weakly, "even you start to hold it high and step on it low. Seeing that I'm sick, I go to flatter others, right?"

She knows that feicui won't do this, but she has an unprofessional passion in her stomach and wants to vent it.

Feicui carefully asked an, apologized, "master, forgive me, I just went out to look for medicine." Then he said happily, "fortunately, I see you in heaven. Master, this is the medicine prepared by doctor Wen himself. Please take it quickly. You will get better after taking it."

Smell speech, Xie Rulan is a joy first, took medicine to smell to smell, as expected smell inside a delicate fragrance. But then he said suspiciously, "how can you have the medicine of the master doctor Wen?"

Feicui didn't dare to hide it. She said, "I went to find Princess Jing and took it from her."

Hear Xie Ru Zhuo's name, Xie Ru LAN immediately smashes the medicine bottle on the ground, angrily way, "eat inside and outside things, who let you go to her!"

Xie Rulan smashed the medicine, but he still didn't get rid of his hatred. He pinched feicui's arm and scolded, "I knew you were upset and kind-hearted. He lied to me that it was the medicine of doctor Wen. It was the poison that Xie ruzhuo asked you to send. Do you want to kill me so as to flatter your new master? You shameless bastard

Xie Rulan vented a pass, in the end is not strong son, and heavily fell on the bed, looking at the emerald's eyes several want to spit fire.

The pill rolled down to the ground. Feicui didn't dare to pick it up, so she had to bear Xie Rulan's anger. On the other hand, she also advised, "master, don't be angry. Don't be angry."

When Xie Rulan finished venting, he gasped and said, "get out, get out of here!"

Feicui covered the quilt for her, put down the tent and said in a low voice, "yes, I'll go out and serve you dinner. Let's have a rest."

Xie Rulan didn't want to see her. She turned over and carried her back.

Feicui sighs in her heart. Yu Guang looks at the pills on the ground and secretly picks them up. When she goes to give Xie Rulan dinner, she mixes the pills in the meal.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's the new year. Xie rucao goes to the palace early in the morning to greet Princess Ye.

Last night, there was a snow. The palace people cleaned the main road early and spread red silk on it. It was incredible that people stepped on it.

There is no time to clean the place on the side of the path, just like a snow-white quilt on the ground, reflecting the clear pine, straight green, red plum, proud. In addition to the fragrance of flowers, there is also the pleasant scenery.

Xie rucao went to the imperial concubine's palace all the way. As expected, she was sitting on the throne talking to other concubines.

In addition to the virtuous concubines, even some low-level concubines are also among them, including Xie Rulan.

Xu is the reason for taking the medicine, her look today is particularly good, even eyebrow eyes also unconsciously bring out a bit of flattery. It's because of Xiao Junyi's being dealt with.

Xie ruzhuo looks at her secretly, then takes back her eyes and goes to the middle of Dazheng to greet her.

"My daughter-in-law has seen her mother."

As soon as she finished her sentence, before she squatted down, she saw that the female official next to Princess ye had come up to help Xie ruzhuo and stopped her salute.

Ye Guifei also waved with a smile, "look at you, how many times has your mother said that you are still so cautious. When you're pregnant, it's mainly the fetus in the abdomen. Be careful. "

She said so, other people naturally did not dare to let her salute, and they all agreed with each other and said with a smile, "I'm a polite princess. My sister is very lucky."