The Abandoned Daughter

Chapter 355

Shen Jingci has developed this habit since she was a child and doesn't believe in anyone. Although she trusted Shi Mo now, she was still suspicious.

Shi Mo always looked at her mind. Seeing her saying so, he knelt down and said, "master, don't you know me? Whether they speak with sincerity or with falsehood, the maidservant still has a clear division. "

Shen Jingci looked at her for a long time, then helped her up and sighed, "since the end of the Shen family, all I can rely on is you, so you must keep vigilant and don't let anyone take advantage of you. You know what? "

She said "heart to heart", Shi Mo naturally agreed to the sincere, "master, don't worry, slave for you, heart to heart, will not give up!"

When they had finished their friendship, the master and the servant went to business.

"Now the rumors outside are more fierce than tigers. How are you going to deal with them?"

Seeing the worry on Shi Mo's face, Shen Jingci thought only a little and said, "don't be afraid. It's just rumors. As long as it's not the emperor's edict, it doesn't matter."

Speaking of this, she sneered again and said, "does Qin Wanyi think that relying on these rumors, I can be driven out of king Qi's house? What a joke! Now that she's out of this door, I'll have a way to make the Lord abandon her completely! "

She has long been unhappy with Qin Wanyi. Why should the position of Zhengfei be taken by a person who has no merit, but she can only be inferior to others?

Especially now, she has children in her belly!

Shen Jingci made up her mind and explained to Shi Mo for a long time. When Xiao Junhan came in, she saw Shi Mo coming out with a dignified face and almost bumped into him.

Shi Mo bluff a jump, immediately kneel down to salute a way, "slave, slave to the Lord please."

Shi Mo said kowtow, make Xiao Junhan suspicious look over, asked, "what do you do so flustered?"

Xiao Junhan was angry in his heart and didn't speak politely, but he startled Shi Mo and stood there and didn't dare to speak.

Shen Jingci couldn't take a look at it, so she gave a light command, "Shi Mo, there's nothing for you here. Go down." Shi Mocai retreated like an amnesty.

After Shi Mo went out, Shen Jingci sat back at the table and said with no expression, "even if you are angry with me, you don't need to use a knife with Shi Mo?"

Seeing her indifferent face, Xiao Junhan immediately gritted his teeth, "I've been running around these days, and I've been looked down upon by people. Isn't it for you? You are going to deal with Qin Wanyi. It's better to keep it secret. What are you doing now? "

He left so many handles that in the end he was blinded and laughed at!

With a sneer in her heart, Shen Jingci secretly said that he was not for his own face? But she couldn't say it, so she looked sad and said, "if you really think so, you can take me and ask for a crime. Anyway, I don't have the protection of my family now. A weak woman is not as good as the great cause of the princess's family

She just said this to Xiao Junhan's thunder point.

"Well, big family, big business? Isn't it? It's big enough to tell the king every day! It is said that the wife is the help of her husband and supports each other, but now I only see her arrogant and arrogant In Xiao Junhan's opinion, most of the reasons why the Qin family is like this are that Qin Wanyi is behind them.

As a woman, she should have three obediences and four virtues. Doesn't she understand the principle that husband is wife?

Even if Xiao Junhan did something wrong, she should be submissive. It's too shameful to incite his mother's family to make trouble with him!

Shen Jingci sneered in her heart, but on her face she said, "my Lord."

"Well, you don't have to say. I'll go to the palace with you tomorrow. Let's make it clear face to face. If it really doesn't work -- "

Xiao Junhan thought of this, slightly sighed, "that's the only way to divorce."

Shi Mo had been eavesdropping outside the door, until after hearing this, he put down his heart and slowly showed a sneer.

Until the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dispersed, Xie rucao woke up from his sleep.

In the past two days, her reaction to pregnancy and vomiting was much less, but she became more sleepy.

Xiao Jun Xi see her this appearance, also don't call her, just as always keep in her side, marking the fold.

He held a note in his hand and looked at it several times. The sneer from the corner of his lips never faded.

Hearing the slight sound from the bed behind him, Xiao Junxi was so busy that he looked back and saw Xie rucao looking at himself drowsily. The chill of his lips turned into a spring breeze like water. As he threw the note into the charcoal basin and burned it, he went over and asked softly, "zhuo'er is awake, do you want to drink water?"

Although Xie ruchuo was sleepy, he really saw the coldness on his lips just now. He shook his head and said, "don't drink. Jun Xi, what are you burning? "

The flame in the charcoal basin rubbed and jumped up very high, then turned into ashes in an instant.

Xiao Junxi only touched her head and said with a smile, "don't worry about some small things. Are you hungry? "

Seeing that he changed the topic, Xie rucao didn't ask much. He touched his stomach and said with a smile, "I'm a little hungry. Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Xiao Junxi helped her out of bed, and then he said to the outside, "Jiangzhu, serve."

Hongrui has already married out. The newly married Yan'er is not in the mansion these days. Even in the future, the frequency of seeing her will gradually decrease.

When Xie rucao finished eating, he saw many memorials piled up on Xiao Junxi's desk and turned around again. There was no one to accompany her, so he went to Xiao Junxi's side and looked at his memorials.

However, after seeing the encrypted fold on the desk, she still couldn't help but shrink her pupils, "isn't this fold opened by her father?"

Xiao Junxi looked back and saw his wife's suspicious face. He rubbed her hair and explained, "my father's health has been worse since winter, so many things are secretly handed over to me."

Smell speech, Xie Ru Zhuo then understood come over, just in the heart still have some hesitation, but dare not say again export.

Knowing what she was thinking, Xiao Junxi held her hand and said, "zhuo'er, since I am doomed to be unable to escape these dirty things in my life, I can only climb to the highest position and open up the safest situation for you."

Xie ruzhuo looked at him with wet eyes for a moment and said, "I'm just afraid --"

I'm afraid you can't be safe when you are in the wind.

Xiao Junxi gently kisses her forehead and sighs, "silly zhuo'er, I'm here."

Xie rucao gave him a look and said, "I'm not stupid."

Under the lamp, the woman's eyebrows and eyes were picturesque. The wet look in her eyes made Xiao Junxi's mind swing. She bowed her head and kissed her lips.

Xie ruzhuo might as well make a surprise attack on him. He immediately widened his eyes, but when he saw Xiao Jun's bright eyes, he couldn't help but close them.

Under the reflection of the palace lantern, her eyelashes are as long as crow wings, with clear roots, and her face is as tender as a shelled egg.

Xiao Jun Xi kisses of start fire son, hand then some dishonest rise.

But when he touched Xie rucao's slightly raised abdomen, he released her unsteadily, gritted his teeth and sighed, "you are the girl who caused trouble."

Xie ruzhuo also had some emotions, but when he saw Xiao Junxi like this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "blame me?"

Her coquettish appearance is more and more attractive. Xiao Junxi suddenly hooks her neck and tramples on her lips. Then he leaves a sentence, "I'll take a bath."

He went out.

Xie Ru pondered and touched some of the painful lips, some blushed and murmured, "I don't have a good self-determination, but also come to provoke me. It's time."

Just that face is more and more red after all.

The second day is December 23, which is already a small year.

After sending all the annual gifts between the ministers and the princes one by one, Xie rucao used Chinese food again and went to the palace.

Xiao Xinning is now a man to be married, and he can't meet Li Jie as he used to. When she was bored in the palace, she thought of Xie ruzhuo. Yesterday, the carrier pigeon flew out and sent a message to her several times. She wanted Xie ruzhuo to enter the palace today.

After Xie ruchuo finished his work, he thought of his sister-in-law. Then he packed up and went to the Princess Palace.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Xiao Xinning fiddling with the Langhao pen in his hand in a bored way. His face was splashed with ink, adding a touch of humor.

Seeing Xie rucao, Xiao Xinning immediately threw down the Lanhao pen in his hand and ran over excitedly with a look on his face. "Sister Huang, sister Huang, you're here. If you don't come again, I'll be bored and moldy!"

Smell speech, Xie Ru Zhuo funny annoyed her one eye, and took out the PA son to wipe the ink on her face clean, this just said with a smile, "moldy but didn't see, but I saw a little cat."

Xiao Xinning didn't think much of it this time and didn't argue with her. He just looked at Xie rucao and said, "sister Huang, I tell you that I have a big gossip here. If you don't come, I don't know who to share it with!"

God knows how hard it is for her not to be told.

Xie rucao pointed her nose with a smile and went to the inner hall with her. After holding Mrs. Tang on the soft couch, she asked, "tell me, what gossip can make you so excited?"

On hearing this, Xiao Xinning immediately became interested and said with bright eyes, "this morning, the second emperor's brother and the second emperor's sister-in-law had a quarrel in the imperial study. At the end of the quarrel, they want to be together!"

Although Xie ruchuo had known that there would be such a result, he was surprised and said, "so fast?"

Xiao Xinning waved his hand and sighed, "don't mention it. You don't know how confused my second emperor brother is. When he goes to the black road, he will leave the second emperor's sister-in-law on the spot. That Shen Jingci is not a good thing at first sight. Although she has been trying to persuade her, the more she persuades her, the more angry he gets! In addition, the virtuous concubines are also jumping to one side, which makes it more and more difficult. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Xinning said sadly, "father Huang's health is getting worse these days. Today, he is coughing from time to time in the imperial study. I look on the side of all distressed, but the second emperor brother and the concubine deliberately ignored this matter. His father's heart is like a mirror. He sees it really, and the Qin family insists on making peace with them. He doesn't want to take care of their affairs, so he simply agrees. "

Xiao Xinning said a few words, Xie ruzhuo can also imagine the scene at that time, I'm afraid Qin Wanyi was heartbroken.

Otherwise, a woman would never have done it. He Li is no less harmful to women than divorcing their wives.