Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2606

"I also fought on the battlefield."

Zhu Zhanji implicitly criticized Zhang Fu\'s subconscious worry, and then ordered: "prepare."

"Ready to attack!"

Meiergan commanded, holding the handle of the short sword.

Melo felt a slight shudder as the war was about to begin.

He smiled and said, "which way? Is the whole army pressed?"

Mei\'er looked at him and said, "we need time."

Merleau frowned and asked, "what do you mean? What do you want to say?"

At this moment, the wheel of fate will begin to turn. What king Harley is just a tool in Merleau\'s eyes.

Meiergan said, "we need to solve them quickly, okay?"

As soon as he rode, he came and told him, "king, it\'s the demon God who went. He took more than 20000 people, of which 10000 are cavalry."

Mello\'s face was cold. He bowed his head slightly, but his hooked nose looked more gloomy.

"What\'s on the flank, King Harley? I need an explanation."

Mier said coldly, "that\'s my business. Ha lie is paying the price and leading away the demon God and three firearm guards. Aren\'t you satisfied?"

Mello\'s eyes flickered and said, "we have no chance of winning, so we must do our best."

Mier said coldly, "when the army of Ming people comes, Haley bears the brunt, so you don\'t have to worry about this. What you should do is to take good care of your people and obey orders."

Mello nodded, "OK, I\'ll see."

Mier frowned at Merleau\'s bodyguard and said, "Haley and meat fans are natural allies, so don\'t have too much suspicion, otherwise it will only break us apart."

Mello nodded, "I know and will stick to this creed."

Meiergan stared at him. Mello nodded slightly and looked firm.

He smiled and said happily, "the world is very big. That\'s what the texi people said. Those businessmen also said that the world is too big to go. So we have no conflict."

Mello stressed, "yes, we\'re in the West."

Meiergan stretched out his hand and said, "we\'re in the East."

Mier\'s hands are big, and Mello\'s hands are small.

But powerful!

The two hands clapped heavily under everyone\'s gaze.

Meiergan pulled out his dagger and looked at the generals with cold eyes.

"Today we will defeat the Ming people, for HA lie, for meat fans, for the past victories and failures, for... Our future."

All the generals bowed their heads slightly.

Meiergan looked at the Ming army in front of him and said, "today we will not step back unless we die."

Fight to the death!

Mieergan shouted loudly, "for HA lie! For meat fans! Let\'s attack! Go and capture the Ming emperor and establish a feat that makes the sun unable to suppress the light. We are together!"

"Long live!"

Countless long knives were scabbard in an instant and then raised high.

Cheering is like a mountain falling apart.

"For Haley!"

"For meat fans!"

Countless people cheered until a ten thousand captain rushed out of the array first.

Countless people followed him and launched a crazy impact.

"We will win."

Meier did a confident way.

The feeling of ten thousand horses galloping makes people feel excited and expected.


Zhu Zhanji felt it and even closed his eyes.

The emperor\'s calm made everyone relaxed. Zhang Fu said, "Your Majesty, please forgive your rudeness."

Zhu Zhanji nodded.

Zhang Fu immediately shouted, "all departments should flag!"

The Chinese army began to wave the flag.

"There\'s a war, Fang Han, there\'s a war!"

Wang Nuo had forgotten that he should be called Lord Tudou and excitedly took him to see the direction of the Chinese army.

When Tudou looked sideways, he saw many heralds coming out of the Chinese army, and the flag shook and gradually spread.

"Long live your majesty!"

Cheers are also spreading.

"All departments are ready!"

The heralds made a quick check in each department, and then hurried back to the Chinese army to report.

"Gun ready!"

Iron and shotgun shells piled up on the back car, and the Gunners began to adjust the angle of the gun.

"Three rounds of iron bullets! I want to shoot three rounds of iron bullets before the fire gun starts. When the fire gun finally starts, the fourth round must be shot together!"

Shen Yao\'s voice echoed in front of him.

"Thunder guard... Ready."

Countless Gunners looked ahead and kept saying the distance.

Countless guns lined up in front, and countless thick incense sticks were lit.

The sound of horse hoofs gradually shook the heart, and the faces of those enemies became clearer and clearer.

Zhu Zhanji is looking ahead.

Potatoes are also looking ahead.

"Three miles!"

"Two miles..."

The sergeant who measured the distance waved fiercely.

Shen Yao cut down with a long knife.


"Beep, beep!"

The string incense ignited the gunpowder, and the gunner squatted down in the smoke of gunpowder.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Countless iron bullets flew out of the array, gradually rising and falling.

"Reload! Reload now!"

The gunner roared and began to clean the bore.

The loader is preparing with a medicine bag.

At this time, the iron bullet rushed to the front.

make love!

The arrogant meat was charming, conceited and brave, so he rushed to the front.

When the iron bullet rushed over, someone waved a long knife to block it.

The long knife was like a piece of paper and was blown away. Before people could be shocked, their head was destroyed by an iron bullet.

Countless limbs were flying in the air, and the blood arrows seemed like a Rainstorm over the Allied forces.

The passages cleared by the iron bullet were instantly filled.

No one retreats. The result of retreating in front of the general trend is to be bumped by the war horse behind, and then trampled to death.

That\'s why the cavalry charge is called indomitable!

I\'m invincible!

The speed of the war horse was gradually increased to the fastest.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

The second round of shelling began.

The iron bullet came again. This time, everyone fell on horseback and prayed that they would not touch the iron bullet.

"Good fight!"

Shen Yao saw the result of this shelling and shouted, "load! Load!"

Flesh and blood covered the grass, and those meat charming began to fear.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of being destroyed by the inescapable iron bullet. There is no room for resistance.

The third round of shelling arrived as scheduled.

Someone is screaming, someone is yelling

The musketeers are ready. As newcomers, Green Dragon Guard and white tiger guard are arranged on the left and right wings of Shenji camp.

He Lian\'s cheeks are shaking. So far, he prefers to turn all his subordinates into cavalry and fight with the enemy.

"First row..."

Countless whistles were held in the mouth. When the long knife was waved down, the sharp whistle rang through the battlefield.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Innumerable smoke of gunpowder spewed out with the sound of gunfire.

Tudou stared blankly at the front. Through the smoke of gunpowder, he saw that the enemy seemed to encounter an invisible interception. Countless people fell off their horses and countless war horses hissed and fell down

Is this the battlefield?

The potatoes are dead.

"My Lord, is this the war?"

Wang Nuo is a self-taught science, and then applies for martial arts. He has never experienced a real battle.

The same is true of Tudou, but he has followed Fang Xing to countless military camps and practiced with Jubaoshan guard many times. Among his masters is the famous Xin Laoqi.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The rain of bullets poured ahead, but the enemy did not retreat.

The remains gradually began to accumulate, and the left and right wings were obviously lower.

"The firepower of Green Dragon Guard and white tiger guard is not dense enough, and the rotation is not close enough."

Tudou learned a lot and saw the problem at a glance.

Zhu Zhanji also saw this problem.

"Long shooter!"