Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2605

It was still dark in the early morning, and the Martial Arts Institute began to receive breakfast.

After receiving breakfast, potatoes squatted in a circle with their colleagues in the small flag Department.

He can\'t wait. Ten days have passed since the first day of repair. The weather is getting cold. If he doesn\'t do it again, he will have to wait for the beginning of spring next year.

Gradually, there were complaints in the army. Everyone felt that the coalition was not an opponent and was eager to make meritorious contributions.

"Fang... Sir, what have we been doing here? Your majesty, what are they thinking?"

In martial arts, they can call Tudou, but now it\'s wartime, and they must abide by the rules of the army.

Tudou is also a little confused, but he firmly believes that his father will not sit idly by and watch the opportunity disappear.

"Assemble! Assemble the whole army!"

The potato put the remaining oil cake into his mouth, drank the soup, got up and ran.


The officer\'s cry was followed by the horn.

In the bleak sound of the horn, all departments began to gather.

Tudou stood in the queue nervously, and then looked at dozens of horses coming in front.

"That\'s your majesty!"

Someone whispered, and then the officer walked over and smoked.

The array quieted down.

The emperor rode alone to the front of the array.

"The weather is good."

The emperor looked up at the white fish belly in the distance and said something irrelevant.

Then he looked at the array and said, "for the sake of Daming, I will not shrink back. All soldiers..."

His voice grew louder and louder, and he said in a stern voice, "all officers and men, dare to step on the enemy with my horse! Forge ahead!"

The early morning gloom dissipated in an instant. Tudou shook his arms and shouted, "long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

The cheers were deafening. The emperor turned his horse around. Zhang Fu shouted, "let\'s go!"

It was dawn and the team started silently.

Silence is not fear, but the accumulation of emotions.


"Wang, Ming\'s rangers are starting to go crazy!"

Meiergan, who was having breakfast, received the news, drank a sip of tea, then held the handle of the short sword at his waist and murmured, "the beginning of fate, who will win?"

Mello also received the news. He silently began to prepare weapons.

He almost appeared outside the big tent with meiergan.

The atmosphere is strong!

Mei\'er\'s face was slightly red. He felt that the moment was the peak of his life.

The soldiers had gathered, and countless war horses were whistling softly and then comforted.

"Ming people are coming!"

Meier\'s voice was particularly clear in the early morning.

He still held the dagger his father used to commit suicide, with keen eyes.

"We will defeat them, then rush into the side wall of the Ming people, rob them and enslave them!"

Someone brought his horse.

After Meier got on his horse, he pulled out his dagger and shouted, "for all this, let\'s win!"

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

"Let\'s go!"

Mier Gan drove his horse forward slowly, followed by his bodyguards.

Then countless soldiers began to form a team.


The whole grassland is now a battlefield, and countless scouts and rangers are fighting.

The black thorn is like a sharp blade. No one can stop it.

Their weapons are excellent. They have special crossbows at a distance. Each time, they cover a wave of crossbows and arrows, and then kill them when the enemy is in chaos.

After killing an enemy Ranger, Wang Yan saw a large group of enemy riders coming from afar and said, "go back!"

"Sir, there are scouts on the left!"

Wang Yan looked sideways and saw more than 100 Ming troops galloping on the left front.

He greeted them with a horse, and black thorn sent more than 200 people to intercept and kill their enemies.

"What enemy situation?"

Wang Yan was in parallel with the leading Baihu officer. The Baihu officer looked at him and recognized him as the Qianhu officer of the elite army around the emperor. He said, "a large number of enemy troops have been found on the left wing!"

"How many people?"

"More than 30000!"

Wang Yan turned around and shouted, "go and find out the enemy!"

Chen Deng personally took people back to attack.

Wang Yan galloped all the way with the hundred family officials.

Both the enemy and ourselves were fighting on the grassland. The black thorn was cleaned up all the way. When he saw the main force moving forward, Wang Yan went straight to the Chinese army with a hundred officials.

"Your majesty! The left wing found the enemy!"

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes were slightly cold and said, "whose man?"

Wang Yan said, "Your Majesty, the minister has sent someone to investigate."

Zhu Zhanji squinted at the front and said, "what does it mean to let us divide our troops?"

There are differences between the main force and the partial division. The main force is to fight head-on, while the partial division is flexible and can adjust the plan according to the war situation.

If a partial division of 30000 people appeared during the war, it would be a raid.

The scouts keep returning the enemy\'s distance. Time is running out.

Zhu Zhanji put down his telescope and the other party woke up and said, "xinghebo..."

Fang Xing hugged his fist and said, "I only need 20000 men and horses to intercept the enemy."

Zhu Zhanji actually handed Fang Xing the task of intercepting the enemy\'s partial division, which surprised everyone.

In everyone\'s eyes, Fang Xing is Zhu Zhanji\'s representative in the army. At present, he should accompany Zhu Zhanji and give him confidence.

Zhu Zhanji took a deep look at Fang and said, "take Jubao mountain guard, Xuanwu guard and Zhuque guard together, and add 10000 cavalry."

During the wartime, even one more household was a decisive factor, so Fang Xing felt more.

Zhu Zhanji nodded to him, "take care!"

Fang woke up, took a deep breath and shouted, "come with me!"

When the flag was waving, Fang Xing rushed out first.

He knew what the emperor meant by letting his own go.

Not suspicion, but to let him quickly solve his opponent and then attack the main force of the enemy.

Chen de shouted, "Xuanwu guards keep up!"

Song Jianran was agitated and shouted, "keep up."

25000 people and 10000 cavalry will be the mobile force in Fang Xing\'s hands.

The tall wheels of the artillery are quite convenient on the grassland, and the action is not affected.

Fang Xing led the army to disappear into the vast grassland in front of him. Later, a large-scale cavalry appeared directly in front of him.

"The enemy is here!"

The enemy\'s Rangers began to attack, and the two sides began a hanging battle in the middle line.

"Is Meier ready to go to war with lunch?"

Zhang Fu was searching for the enemy\'s movements with a telescope, and gradually had some doubts.

"Check the situation!"

The sentry tower had been erected, and a sergeant with excellent eyesight observed it.

"All departments are ready!"

The ministries began to form teams and inspect weapons.

"Many people!"

The lookout post observed the enemy with a telescope and then counted the number of the enemy.

There are 10000 people, boundless, not to mention the army of more than 100000, so it\'s hard to calculate, and it can only be estimated.

As the enemy approached slowly, the lookout post kept recalculating.

But in the end, he still couldn\'t see how many people there were, because he still didn\'t stand high enough and didn\'t see far enough.


At a distance of five miles, the coalition stopped.

The Rangers and Scouts of both sides began to return and were ready to fight.

"It\'s all cavalry! The meat is charming, 50000, and the rest of the Hari people are... More than 80000!"

The sun came out and some fog gradually dissipated.

The Allied forces began to spread forward, and the lookout post was able to see the approximate number.


The enemy force is 150000, which is the result of Fang\'s many investigations. At the moment, there is little difference in the number. Even if there is a deviation, don\'t forget that people have to stay in the camp to avoid being attacked by the Ming army.

"Your Majesty, the enemy has begun."

Zhang Fu is constantly introducing the situation.

"The enemy is in formation, your majesty. They will launch a tentative attack later. Our army must firmly fight them back!"