Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2607

On the left wing, Fang Xing led the Department to more than ten miles.

"Uncle, the Ranger is always around."

Fang Xing has seen it, but has not responded.

"Uncle, it\'s enough to use scouts now. In addition, the scouts found that the enemy was deviating. If they didn\'t move, we should meet them."

"Here we are."

Fang Xing pointed to the front. Chen de looked back and blurted out, "no!"

"The number is wrong!"

Song Jianran raised his telescope and looked at it carefully. Later, he said, "at least 30000 or more. No, 40000 cavalry! No! That\'s not right!"

The anxious voice affected the people on the side. Fang woke up coldly and said, "what\'s the panic?"

"Uncle, this is a bait. Your majesty is in danger!"

Song Jianran was the most determined imperial party, so he subconsciously wanted to help back, and then said, "you can\'t retreat! Once you retreat, the enemy will sweep in, and there will be a danger of total annihilation!"

Chen de said calmly, "we must defeat them first."

The disadvantage of musketeers is undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as we retreat, the enemy will catch up.

Will you turn around and dismount to meet the enemy, or continue to run?

The firearm guard must dismount and form an array to meet the enemy, and the artillery cannot be left behind.

So Fang woke up and took a deep breath and said, "don\'t worry, it\'s a partial teacher!"

Song Jianran\'s eyes stared at the boss and questioned, "since Meier Gan dares to lure the enemy, he must have means to deal with his majesty. Without our three guard stations, what should his majesty do?"


Fang Xing gave him a cold look and said, "retreat!"

Song Jianran was overjoyed and said, "this is forcing the enemy to fight a decisive battle!"

"Go back to your place!"

Fang Xing held back his anger, otherwise he could kick song Jianran off his horse.

Song Jianran was awe inspiring and quickly pleaded guilty.


All parts began to turn.

"Right, let\'s go to the right!"

Fang Xing\'s order was timely, but it stunned the enemies.

This is a dish carefully prepared by Meier Gan. If the Ming army shouldn\'t, then this partial division will attack the Ming army.

If the Ming army should, it must be able to stop the attack of this partial division.

Or send a strong army, then the enemy will be more happy.

Because the purpose of all this is to weaken the main force of the Ming army on the front battlefield.

According to the normal way of thinking, Fang Xing should evacuate quickly at the moment, but he took his men directly to the right.

On the right is the main force of the coalition.

If the main force of the coalition was stabbed in the back of the ass by Fang xingdai, there would be no need to fight this battle.

Meiergan had thought of this problem, so he explained it at that time.

"What a quick response, catch up!"

An old voice sounded in the middle army. Waisi said to the general Haley around him, "it\'s really a demon God. Now we can only attack."

General Haley said, "the cavalry of the Ming army is not enough. We can attack from all sides."

Waisi nodded, then ordered: "start attacking, attack from all sides!"

The horn sounded, and countless cavalry began to attack.


The familiar cheers made Fang wake up and look back.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "prepare to slow down and turn to meet the enemy."

"It\'s not Hari! It\'s not meat!"

Chen De also saw the impact of the enemy, and he searched his mind for impressions.

"It\'s Yili!"


Fang Xing put down his telescope and shouted, "turn around and array, we will defeat them, and then rush to help your majesty!"

Zhu Zhanji asked him to come here with three firearm guards. The purpose was to let him quickly defeat the enemy and then return and attack the main force of the enemy.

In the silent formation of the array, countless soldiers rush to their positions in silence.

"Uncle, the array is over!"

"Very good!"

The sky is blue and the sun is good.

The grass is decaying and the ground is a little soft.

This is a season for decisive battle!

"Uncle, this is a trap."

Song Jianran has figured out the causes and consequences, and his worries can\'t stop coming out.

"Meiergan\'s main force has been fighting with his majesty, but we have brought three firearm guard stations! There are only two new guard stations on your Majesty\'s side, and the only thing you can rely on is Shenji camp!"

Fang Xing ignored him, but looked coldly at the approaching enemy in front and said, "don\'t be stingy. Use all our means of attack."


Fang Xing has seen the crooked thinking of the enemy\'s middle army and his hair is gray.

"Waisi was far away, but now he suddenly returns. This is the trick of Mier. There must be an exchange of interests, and this is the killer mace of Mier!"

"Xing Hebo, the enemy\'s momentum is very firm. It seems that Waisi is determined to follow Mier."

Wang he looks to the right from time to time. He hopes to defeat Waisi as soon as possible, and then the whole army returns.

Fang woke up and nodded, "Waisi probably encountered difficulties further north, so he wanted to return. Daming is his... Nightmare!"


"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the roar of the artillery, Waisi\'s eyes were firm and shouted: "rush up, bite the Ming army, don\'t scatter!"

The half withered grass was easily trampled into powder by horseshoes, and then mixed with the soil.

The enemy\'s ride in the high-speed impact hit the first wave of iron bullet. It was like being combed through the middle by a super large comb, leaving a sparse blank area.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Hurry! You can\'t fight with the Ming army until you rush in!"

"Speed up! Speed up!"

"Not nearly! The Ming army is ahead!"

The officers are trying their best to cheer up their subordinates, but they themselves have fallen on horseback.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The three most sophisticated firearms guards began to face their craziest enemies.


Song Jianran is shouting loudly.

Without his command, the sergeants began to rotate indifferently.

"Uncle, Waisi is crazy!"

Fang woke up and looked at the enemy cavalry that frantically impacted the musket array, with no expression on his face.

"Uncle, the cavalry asked for reinforcements!"

The middle front has become glued. Countless enemy cavalry are desperate to impact at high speed, and they also want to bypass the cavalry on both wings.


The smoke of gunfire still covered his eyes, and the enemy\'s ride loomed in it.

Countless broadswords and hammers were thrown over.

The first three rows suddenly fell more than 100 people, and the gap appeared.

"Enemy breakthrough! Reinforcements!"

Gao Yanbai lost his composure, waved a long knife and urged the reserve team to fill the vacancy.

A hundred families run, but people\'s legs can\'t compare with a fast-moving war horse.

Gao Yanbai said desperately, "follow me!"


"Boom, boom, boom!"

Those enemies are smiling and smiling ferociously.

The next moment they will rush into the Ming army\'s gun array, and then start the slaughter.

At this moment, the black spots visible to the naked eye are coming.

The shrapnel completely shrouded the front.

The men and horses were sieved and screams filled the whole front.

Just when the reserve team successfully filled the vacancy, Zhang Fu found the trend of the enemy.

"Your Majesty, the enemy has bypassed both wings!"

Zhu Zhanji raised his telescope.

The cavalry on both wings are desperately intercepting the enemy, but the wide grassland gives the enemy room to detour.

"Your Majesty, we can\'t control it unless we break up the cavalry to intercept it."

Zhang Fu\'s voice remained calm.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "no, there are still cavalry behind our side."

"Your Majesty, they want to fight!"

Zhang Fu has judged the strategy of Meier\'s work, but he can\'t make a more positive response.

The root of all this is the three firearms guard stations transferred.

Half of the firearms woke up with Fang, and the main force seemed to be short of firepower.