Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2552

"Xing Hebo, how disrespectful the Li Wei family are to the eldest princess..."

Most of them were afraid that Fang would wake up but didn\'t believe it, so someone from the East Hall came the next morning and told Fang Xing about the words and deeds of Li Wei\'s family.

"Our father-in-law said that if you want to do it, you can only say that it was found out by yourself. At most, it was forced to ask."

This is Chen Shi\'s first time to face Fang Xing, a little curious.

"I see."

Fang Xing didn\'t have the idea of making a move, because he knew that the anger of Zhu Zhanji and the Empress Dowager could make the Li Wei family regret for life.

If this happened in an ordinary family, even if it was learned that the man\'s words were ugly, it could only be broken up. Even the woman\'s family was worried that her daughter could not marry out, so she endured humiliation and continued to go through the procedure.

But that\'s Royal!

When Fang woke up thinking about it, Li Wei\'s family was rushed in and smashed for a while.

Li Wei tried his best to stop him, but his face was swollen by two slaps, and his right hand was interrupted.

At the beginning, the fierce mother Li was knocked out of her teeth and fainted on the ground.

The only child in the family was father Li, who was intact. He watched his family turn into a battlefield and was in chaos.

The gangsters came out very generously, and then the man headed by him stood in front of Li Fu and said in a deep voice, "don\'t make trouble for your family!"

A group of people left, and the onlookers outside didn\'t dare to stop.

Li Wei screamed, and Li\'s mother woke up. The blood in her mouth kept spitting. But she was very fierce. She didn\'t howl miserably. She just said to report to the official.

"Shut up!"

Li Fu\'s eyes were more fierce, which Li\'s mother and Li Wei had never seen before. They couldn\'t help but stay stunned.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth. This time our family..."

Li Fu suddenly turned to kneel outside the gate, and then piously kowtowed his head: "long live your majesty!"

Mother Li scolded, "old man, you\'re crazy! Your hands in the Department have been broken. What else do you want, your majesty..."

Li\'s father turned back, squinted at Li\'s mother and said, "I\'ve endured you these years. I\'m not afraid of you. I just want to be quiet. Now I don\'t want to be quiet. If you talk more, I\'ll write a divorce right away and go home!"

Mother Li seemed to know her husband for the first time. She shouted, "good, good! You have the ability..."

She lost all her teeth and leaked her words. Thanks to Li Fu and her old husband and wife, she guessed.

So father Li came into the house and later came out with pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Here you are!"

"No, my husband, my body is wrong, my body is wrong."


Fang Xing was in a good mood. It was even better when he learned that the Li Wei family had bad luck.

From a fair point of view, it\'s too much this time.

But when Fang woke up and remembered Wan Wan\'s timid eyes, he wished he could kill Li Wei.

So it\'s such a thing to help relatives or not. Fang Xing can\'t avoid vulgarity.

But when he saw Yan Dajian\'s smiling face, Fang woke up and felt that all his good mood had disappeared.

The morning in fangjiazhuang is very fresh. The potato who has just rested is talking to Fang Xing. When he sees Yan Dajian, he whispers, "Dad, it\'s Yan Dajian."

Fang woke up and looked at the oncoming Yan Dajian and said, "our family is not afraid of anyone."

The potato straightened his waist and said, "Dad, my child is wrong."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "you are still young. What are you worried about? You should be strong. This is the shortcut to avoid trouble. Other things, whether weak or strong, are useless."

"Xinghe Bo, your son is full of heroism. I envy him!"

Yan Dajian smiled like visiting a neighbor\'s house.

Praising each other\'s children is the key point of interpersonal communication. Unfortunately, most people don\'t know this point. Even if they know it, they are not willing to praise other people\'s children.

Yan Dajian is obviously a human spirit. As soon as he meets, he uses boasting potatoes to shorten the distance between the two sides.

Unfortunately, Fang Xing is not a human spirit, but he is also a guy who has seen countless scenes.

So he just said faintly, "Lord Yan is a rare guest."

"I\'ve seen Lord Yan."

After two years of martial arts, Tudou even salutes with a straight back, but his head hangs down slightly.

What a young man!

Yan Dajian exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, and then said, "Xinghe Bo has a pleasant temper, and the lower officials don\'t hide it."

Fang Xing points to his right, and Yan Dajian hates it.

With your son on the left, let me on the right!

Fang Xing nodded slightly, as if to confirm his arrangement.

"What do you want to say?"

Yan Dajian walked on Fang Xing\'s right and was almost speechless by his words.

According to the traditional rules, even if the opponent comes, he must have dignity.

But it seems that Fang Xing doesn\'t want to give him dignity at all.

"My official... I\'m conscientious. Maybe I have more sense of merit and fame, but it\'s still for Daming. There are also selfish thoughts, but there are few."

Yan Dajian said sincerely, "if I don\'t want to face my future, there will be a better way. For example, it\'s not difficult to ask Lord Hu to come forward. Xinghebo, I believe I can do it easily."

This is not a lie, not a lie.

Fang woke up but said noncommittally, "why do you say this to me?"

Yan Dajian didn\'t expect Fang Xing to have such an attitude, so he said, "Xing Hebo, I don\'t know what misunderstanding there is between us..."

Fang Xing said faintly, "Ben Bo doesn\'t know."

Tudou listened to these conversations on the other side and felt that he had entered another world.

"Xinghebo, one more friend is better than one more enemy. Besides, we have no hatred?"

"There is no hatred."

Yan Dajian felt that he had met a madman, so he was puzzled and asked, "then why do you want to stop me from making progress?"

"I don\'t know why."

Fang Xing touched the head of a potato as tall as himself and said, "Ben feels like it."


Yan Dajian felt that Fang Xing was humiliating himself, so he gritted his teeth and said, "why?"

After arriving at a class, you can\'t do things all by your own likes and dislikes. Instead, you should add and subtract from the perspective of interests.

So how can Yan Dajian believe Fang Xing\'s words.

Fang Xing suddenly put his hand on potato\'s shoulder and seemed to want his son to hold himself, but his hand was heavy.

Tudou\'s heart tightened, and he began to look at and listen to the meeting carefully.

Fang woke up and looked at Yan Dajian and said, "I like it. Aren\'t you convinced?"

Yan Dajian didn\'t expect to be so humiliated, so he said with an iron blue face, "nothing can be said to people."

"I hate you."

Fang Xing replied to Yan Dajian\'s question, and then said, "you should consider whether you want to struggle or continue to hibernate honestly. It\'s up to you."

This is a direct attitude.

We don\'t want to see you Yan Dajian on the top. You\'d better honestly continue to stay in the position of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of rites.

"Don\'t be restless. Benbo has some ways to make you regret all your life, so you\'d better love yourself."

Yan Dajian looked up and wanted to say something, but he saw Fang Xing\'s eyes.

The eyes were cold.


Yan Dajian really couldn\'t think of any hatred between himself and Fang Xing, so he became more and more ignorant.


Since it doesn\'t make sense, it\'s useless to stay for a long time.

"What do you see?"

Since we want to deal with Yan Dajian, Fang Xing will not be polite.

Tudou looked at Yan Dajian\'s steady horse and said, "Dad, did he offend you?"

Yan Dajian rode away and even arched his hand with grace before leaving, but Fang woke up but didn\'t respond.

"Son, this is just an exchange of interests."


Potatoes are a little confused.

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "you are old, and you should know these things."