Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2553

"... your safety as a father naturally has arrangements. Anlun is the first to let the father owe him human kindness. It\'s the most difficult to repay the human debt, son!"

Ping An was also called. Fang Xing was instilling social experience into his two sons.

"My father doesn\'t like to owe human debt, and just knows that Anlun is hostile to Yan Dajian, so he goes with the trend."

Tudou looked down and thought. Ping An asked, "Dad, what if Yan Dajian is a good man?"

This boy!

Fang Xing slapped him and finally turned into a kneading.

He rubbed Ping\'an\'s hair and said with a smile: "naturally, he will think of a new way. There are many ways, but if he is sorry, he will have a nightmare."

"The so-called owl hero must not take into account any morality and reason. He only asks the purpose, not the process. Being a father is obviously not an owl hero, so he can go through three generations of emperors without being liquidated or ignored."

"If you follow the path of ordinary people in the future, the father will not tell you these principles."

Tudou suddenly asked, "Dad, what if Ping An and I become an owl?"

Fang Xing was surprised, but he still smiled and said, "my father will look at you. As long as it\'s not a disaster to the country and the people, it\'s up to you."

This is great tolerance.


Fang Xing drove away his two sons and went to the palace.

"They are old."

Zhu Zhanji was somewhat sad about the current situation, but he was more excited.

The old man gradually left and the new man gradually took over. The Ming Dynasty was full of vitality.

Among the current Bachelor of assistant politics, Yang Rong and other three are not young. Their successors must be taken into account and gradually promoted and reused.

When these changes between the old and the new are completed, Daming will be stable. At least there is no need to worry that the prince will be unavailable in the future.

"I\'ve been watching those people jump up and down these days. Power tempts people. It\'s hard to avoid even Hu. Fortunately, he collects it quickly, otherwise I naturally have a way to deal with it."

Fang Xing immediately remembered Du Qian, who had been very calm recently.

This is my confidant, who is very accurate in speculating about the emperor\'s mind.

"Do you want to become a civil servant?"

Zhu Zhanji suddenly raised this question, which stunned Fang Xing who was thinking about the trend of Chaozhong.

He subconsciously said, "no, civil servants are too tired."

After saying that, a trace of regret came into his heart, but it dissipated immediately.

"Civil servants are too involved and troublesome."

Civil servants must integrate into this system to work and be trapped in a cage.

Fang Xing is now a wild crane, but he is very detached. It is enough to exert influence on the government.

Zhu Zhanji said with emotion: "after all these years, you are still such a temperament, just."


Is this a test or something?

Walking out of the Qianqing palace, Fang Xing was thinking about it.

"Xing Hebo, go slowly."

Yu Jia said goodbye to Fang Xing kindly.


Fang woke up and stopped, thinking of what Zhu Zhanji had just said.

That\'s no temptation. This boy is teasing me!

Remembering the banter in Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes at that time, Fang woke up and wanted to go back and beat the boy.

So he turned back, but he didn\'t go back first, but it was too noisy behind him.

A group of eunuchs and maids have surrounded Yu Jia. Flattering words are like a fountain. They rush to Lao Gao and spread out.

Fang woke up and took a look, then walked down the steps.

The eunuch who sent him out whispered, "Xing Hebo, your majesty is picking someone for the long princess. The maidservant has been in the palace for many years..."

Fang woke up and didn\'t listen carefully. He knew that Yu Jia was on the edge of the cliff and would be broken if he wasn\'t careful.

The emperor chose people himself, which means attention. You Yu Jia regard the selection process as an opportunity to win people\'s hearts and seek personal interests for yourself. This is looking for death.

As for how and when to die, it depends on the emperor\'s mood.

"Yu Jia is overjoyed!"

When Wang Zhen learned about Yu Jia\'s situation, he just sneered.

He sat in his room and wrote.

As a former gentleman, Wang Zhen has the knowledge that people in the palace lack.

How to make the best use of your ability has always been a difficult problem.

Wang Zhen\'s way is to teach.

Before entering the palace, he was teaching. After entering the palace, he was still teaching.

It\'s just that the students have changed from normal people to eunuchs and palace maids who can\'t get out.

The teacher is the last, but he can surpass the students.

With this psychological advantage, Wang Zhen\'s life in the palace is very natural and unrestrained. If Yu Jia hadn\'t watched Princess sun, he would have been unrestrained all the time.

"The clouds don\'t want to come out of the mountain. The trees want to be quiet and the wind doesn\'t stop!"

He put down his brush and asked someone to clean it up.

The one who came to clean up was a palace maid, named Xiangyun, which was very auspicious.

Xiangyun cleaned up his desk and went to pinch Wang Zhen\'s shoulder. He kept smiling.

"You, don\'t giggle, lest you be regarded as a fool."

Wang Zhen patted his hand on his shoulder, and then pulled the petite Xiangyun to his leg.

After a kiss, Wang Zhen\'s face flushed and said, "if you really want to be less moved, otherwise it\'s uncomfortable."

Xiangyun\'s face was crimson, his body twisted and said, "father-in-law, father-in-law Yu, it\'s so lively!"

Wang Zhen hugged her and said, "lively? Remember, lively in the palace is to die. Even if you are powerful, you have to hold it. If you take the benefits and make a public everywhere, why don\'t these people die?"

Xiangyun felt that the man holding her was so wise. She touched Wang Zhen\'s face and said, "father-in-law, you should go to the Qianqing palace."

Wang Zhenwei smiled and said, "there is public criticism. Wait until Yu Jia kills himself."


"Yu Jia is afraid that there will be no good results."

Fang Xing and Wang Zhen have surprisingly consistent views. Wang Zhen guesses through people\'s hearts, while Fang Xing knows Zhu Zhanji\'s temperament.

"The emperor is more and more calm. It seems that he doesn\'t care about small things, but who can provoke the emperor? Even if he just steals some authority, he will want to die."

Zhang Shuhui thought of Yu Jia in the past and couldn\'t help feeling that the world was impermanent.

"He used to be very honest. At that time, his Majesty was still too grandson. He was like a funny treasure, but how long has it been? This man has become like this."

"The heart is the most unpredictable."

Fang Xing is working on his fishing rod and is ready to go fishing before the weather is hot.

Zhang Shuhui was thinking about something. After Fang woke up and finished the fishing rod, she suddenly asked, "husband, who can replace Yu Jia?"

Yu Jia is fine in the palace, but the couple are calculating his successor. If Yu Jia hears these words, he doesn\'t know whether he will be scared to pee or sniff.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "you\'ve been thinking about this just now? Is it boring? Turn around and take the children around, or you won\'t want to go out when summer comes."

Zhang Shuhui\'s eyes moved and whispered, "husband, tell me."

This is a charming girl that hasn\'t been seen for a long time. Fang woke up and couldn\'t help looking at her. Then he coughed, "I said, can\'t you wait for the night?"

Zhang Shuhui gave him a Pooh, and then said, "you said everything wrong, but are there any taboos?"

Fang Xing shook his head, put the fishing rod in the cloth bag, and then said happily: "the big eunuch around the emperor is mainly able to observe his words and colors, and his mouth should be tight and know his discretion. Especially his discretion. If you master it well, you can live a safe life. If you don\'t master it well..."

But until the end, he didn\'t say who was most likely to succeed Yu Jia.