Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2551


When Wan Wan opened her eyes again, she saw the Empress Dowager.

Her eyes were like startled deer, and then looked left and right.

"Empress mother, where is Fang awake?"

The Empress Dowager took her hand and said, "Xing Hebo is home. What do you want to eat?"

Use food to divert attention, which is the way to coax children.

Wan Wan saw Zhu Zhanji.

But there was no change in her eyes, just like looking at a stranger.

Zhu Zhanji sighed in his heart, knowing that he had ignored Wan Wan in recent years.

"You have to eat. Otherwise, you\'re not thin. Who cares? We don\'t care."

The Empress Dowager was muttering, and then asked people to cook porridge and cook it next door.


Duan Duan and corn rushed in.

"Aunt, how are you?"

Corn went to the bed and saw that Wan Wan\'s eyes were no longer numb, so he said happily, "aunt, I\'ll play with you next time."

Wan Wan nodded and corn said proudly, "aunt, next time we go out to play, last time my husband took me out to eat. It\'s so lively! I saw a beating."

Duan Duan also said, "aunt, many people have been traveling recently!"

Wan Wan looked at the two children and gradually remembered the countless past.


The long Princess recovered. The Empress Dowager immediately ordered a great reward in the palace and sent people to give alms in the temple hall outside the palace to pray for the long princess.

At this time, the news of the long princess\'s illness broke out in the palace. Everyone thought of the emperor\'s restlessness in recent days and scolded people all the time. They couldn\'t help feeling that he was very lucky to be the long princess\'s son-in-law.

Then the palace began to clean up people.

If someone is unlucky, naturally someone wants to prosper.

Now wanwan is a hot stove, so those palace maids and eunuchs have gone to find relationships and want to transfer.

And Yi\'an and Li Bin are the objects they please.

The Empress Dowager has a great say in this matter, followed by the queen.

But the emperor inexplicably wanted to personally select palace maids and eunuchs for Wan Wan. This broke their dream and had to please Yu Jia.

Naturally, the Emperor didn\'t know about those palace maids and eunuchs, so Yu Jia became a busy man.

After the news of the long princess\'s recovery reached Tongzhou, the Li Wei family was relieved.

"I was sick. No wonder they all stopped."

Mother Li said unswervingly, "can\'t it be a sick seedling?"

Li Wei smiled and said, "Mom, there\'s nothing wrong with illness. Just take good care of it."

Li\'s mother beamed with joy and said, "yes! If you are ill, you can keep it alive. Our family doesn\'t lack money to hire a doctor."

The mother and son had a tacit understanding in an instant.

A sick princess is good!


Jin Youzi is making a living.

Countless people are waiting for the news of his departure.

Yang Shiqi has no face to go back to the court.

Yan Dajian is very steady these days. He doesn\'t even go out to eat. Chinese food is eaten in the etiquette department.

Just get through this period of time. When Hu Zhen enters the political affairs hall, he will be the Minister of rites.

The peak of life is at hand. Everyone will be cautious.

Fang Xing has finished his task and has returned home.

Recently, his affairs are relatively full, coupled with Xia Yuanji\'s departure, so he is in a bad mood.

The two little girls also knew that he was in a bad mood, so they didn\'t bother him.

"Go out and play."


The whole family was happy. Apart from the potatoes in martial arts, even Mo Chou and Huanhuan\'s mother and son were picked up. Then the carriage was ready and set out.

The sun is good. People who bask in it are hot, but they are not hot.

The family walked slowly down the avenue and met those traveling families from time to time.

After enjoying the last spring, Fang Xing\'s family found a place to stop, and then all got off and played by themselves.

At this time, the grass is covered with grass, but it is not long. There was a pleasant smell in the air.

A horse came from behind, but it was square five.

"My Lord, Shenyang said that Yan Dajian had made plans for dealing with the refugees in Guantai mountain when he was an inspector in Fujian."

"What do you mean?"

Fang Xing stood beside the carriage and felt very comfortable watching worry free and Zhuzhu chasing ahead.

Fang Wu said: "it is said that Yan Dajian raised Kou\'s self-respect, but emperor Ren valued him at that time, so the royal guards suppressed it."

The so-called self-respect for raising bandits is to appease and wait until the time comes. This is also a means to maximize interests.

This is not a crime, but the evidence can\'t be found after a long time.

As an accusation, it is basically not enough.

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "go out and say I want to stop Yan Dajian\'s promotion."


Yan Dajian\'s mood is probably flying and floating.

So when an acquaintance told him that Fang Xing was going to intercept his promotion, he was a little confused.

"I have no grudge with Xing and Bo, can\'t I?"

Yan Dajian felt that he was really wronged.

And Anlun found Fang Xing.

"Thank you, Xing and Bo."

Anlun was in fangjiazhuang after dark.

Fang, who had just returned from a trip, was not surprised to see him coming. After they sat down, they asked, "where are you going when you come out at night?"

"There\'s a case."

Anlun refused to say in detail, and then bowed his hand and said, "xinghebo helped our family this time. Thank you."

Fang woke up and said faintly, "the dog was almost Yin in martial arts. It\'s all up to you to avoid the disaster. Let\'s go back to each other."

Fang Xing refused to make friends with an lunpan, and even Shenyang was deliberately alienated.

Knowing this, Anlun got up and said, "is Xinghe sure?"

It\'s not enough just to talk.

Fang Xing said, "Benbo knows."

"Thank you."

Aaron bowed his thanks and said goodbye.

Fang Xing just sent him out of the study. When he was about to disappear into the night, he gently asked, "do you have a grudge against him?"

Anlun\'s body stiffened for a moment and said with a smile, "no, we think there is a big case on this person. If we dig it out, it\'s great work."

Fang woke up and nodded, "Benbo, I wish you meritorious service as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Anlun disappeared in front, and Huang Zhong came from the shadow on the side.

"Uncle, I don\'t know about the young master, but there is still less shock after all."

When Fang Xing was overseas last year, someone in martial arts wanted to start with potatoes, but they were stopped by people in East Hall.

"The man was killed by Anlun."

Fang Xing said, "I checked it."

Huang Zhong suggested, "uncle, why don\'t you send someone to protect the young master?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "it\'s not necessary. Even if the East Hall didn\'t do it, someone would do it, so they just took the lead."

"Those people are impatient after all. I left, but I left the disaster to my wife and children."

Fang woke up coldly and said, "the man\'s family has gone."

The family was watched by the people in the East Hall and reported to the emperor. Zhu Zhanji was decisive. As a result, the family dared to resist. All the adults were killed and all the women and children were exiled.

Those people in the dark were frightened, and then there was kowtow. Otherwise, they must persevere and wake up each other.

This is the real majesty of imperial power.

I\'m afraid of everything when I cut down.

"Someone in martial arts is helping, so you don\'t have to worry about the safety of potatoes."

Fang woke up with great efforts in the safety of his family. Last time, he was picked up by the East factory, otherwise the man couldn\'t move the potatoes.

Huang Zhong left his mind and said with a smile, "uncle, Yan Dajian is probably flustered."

Fang Xing said, "I don\'t like him, so I just return a gift to Anlun."