Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 249

At the command, the team stopped, and everyone sorted out their weapons in case they were caught unprepared by the enemy.

When the team stopped, the mules and horses lowered their heads, shaved the snow and looked for some pasture for a change.

"When you meet the enemy, the first thing is to take off your gloves. I remember them all!"

Xin Laoqi came back after the arrangement, and then the team set off again towards Xinghe castle.

Fang woke up and touched the letter in his arms and sighed, "the emperor asked me to withdraw, but I\'m not allowed to go back to the city. It\'s good that half of the 3000 people can stand up when they get to Peiping."

Xin Laoqi agreed: "yes, it is already very difficult for our army to travel all the way. If we go back, the sergeants will be relaxed and basically all will be abandoned."

Fang woke up and nodded. Feeling the excitement of the big white horse, he gently clamped the horse\'s belly and rushed out.

The military mobilization of Daming was never ordered by an emperor, so Fang Xing bet that Zhu Zhanji was writing this letter to himself at risk.

Therefore, Fang Xing made a disregard attitude, which did not want Zhu Zhanji to be attacked.

Xinghe castle is located between Shacheng and YeHu ridge. It can be attacked and defended. At present, it is the bridgehead for the Ming Dynasty to march into the grassland.

It\'s a castle, but it can be regarded as a big city outside the Great Wall. In the eyes of tile thorn people, Xinghe fort is a city of wealth.

In Xinghe castle, Zhang Yu, a garrison officer, was looking at the letter in his hand with a headache and didn\'t know how to deal with it.

The letter was written by Zheng Heng\'s men. Zheng Heng was cautious in this regard.

Zhang Yu was promoted to a thousand household official when he was 37, but he was stationed in Xinghe Fort outside the side wall, facing the horse hooves of the grassland people.

As a garrison official residence, the more than ten wooden houses here are one of the few good buildings in the castle, and most of the others are earth houses.

Fire prevention of earthen houses is the best way to build in the frontier fortress area.

"Let me shut them out?"


Zhang Yu complained to his men, "if there is no place to live in this ghost place, isn\'t it life-threatening?"

Deputy Qianhu Zhao Xinbang said angrily, "they\'re asking my Daming sergeant to die! It\'s shameless!"

And another deputy Qianhu Yu sanhuo said with a sad face: "but if we don\'t respect the order, it\'s not someone else\'s death."

In that case, Zheng Heng will probably find a chance to let them die.

Dead friends don\'t die poor?

The idea went round in several people\'s minds.

Zhen fu MA Biao pointed to the left and said mysteriously, "have you forgotten the small fort built last year?"

Yu sanhuo was confused and forced. Zhao Xinbang had some black faces. Only Zhang Yu patted his thigh and got up and said, "good idea! That\'s it!"

Just then, a scout came outside the door.

"Close the door!"

Zhang Yu was shaken by the cold wind that came in after the door was opened.

The Scout hid the door with his backhand, then turned back and knelt down on one knee and said, "Sir, those people are almost here."

"Let\'s go and have a look..."

Xinghe castle looked shabby compared with those in the pass. Fang Xing stood outside and watched the castle door open. More than a dozen people came out.

Zhang Yu, the leader, bowed his hands and said, "your army has come a long way, but..."

Fang Xing rudely interrupted him: "but do you need me to wait in the wild?"

Zhang Yu said awkwardly, "what\'s the matter? The lower officer has built a small fort ten miles away. It\'s horns with my Xinghe castle. Please stay there nearby for the sake of the approaching tile thorn people."

Fang Xing\'s eyes swept behind Zhang Yu and said faintly, "it\'s good, but please supplement our department with food and materials."

Zhang Yu said with a smile, "yes, yes."

Xinghe castle has a lot of materials. After Zhu Di confirmed that he was going to make a northern expedition, several batches of baggage have come here.

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "please send someone to lead the way. If you can tell me the situation nearby, Fang will be very grateful."

Zhang Yu said awkwardly, "it\'s my duty. The lower official will arrange someone to follow the adult immediately."

Zhang Yu called a thin sergeant and said, "Mr. Fang... This man is called a knife. He has been in Xinghe Castle since childhood. He can\'t be more familiar with the surrounding situation."

Fang Xing frowned and looked at the cunning look, but looking at the boy who was only a teenager, he asked, "is he too young?"

Seeing that Fang Xing was not angry because he was rejected, Zhang Yu was relieved. Hearing the speech, he said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, don\'t underestimate the knife. His father used to be the small flag in our castle, but he met the tile stabbing man and died at the sentry, and then..."

"I\'m better than the people here!"

The cunning between the eyebrows of the knife disappeared and was replaced by anger.

Zhang Yu said unswervingly, "that\'s it, Mr. Fang. If it\'s not early, I won\'t keep you."


Isn\'t this knife popular with the people in the castle?

Fang Xing could figure out the living conditions of an orphan in this military castle, so he just cut the mess with a quick knife.

"Lord Zhang, is the knife here?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "although he often goes out with our scouts, he is not a military. Mr. Fang can do whatever he wants."

Fang Xing saw a touch of desolation in Xiaodao\'s eyes that didn\'t match his age, and his heart was sour. He said, "in that case, Xiaodao will be our waking family after that. Goodbye!"

Family here refers to the identity of a servant.

Zhang Yu said indifferently, "please help yourself, Mr. Fang."

Fang woke up and saw that the knife was worn in rags, so he ordered, "old seven, take him to change his clothes!"

Knife hesitated to see Fang wake up until Xin Laoqi came and shouted, "this is my young master. Don\'t you kneel down?"

Fang Xing was about to say no, but the knife knelt smartly in the snow, so that he could only say helplessly: "well, go back and handle the body deed."

After a long time in Daming, Fang woke up to know that people like Xiaodao mostly want to sign the deed of marriage, so that they can rely on in the future.

If Fang Xing doesn\'t agree, Xiaodao won\'t return to his heart. At the same time, Xin Laoqi will reject him and even doubt him.

"I\'ve seen you, young master!"

When Xiaodao got up, he followed Xin Laoqi with a smile.

When he came out again, Xiao Dao wore some fat clothes and got a good horse.

Xin Laoqi came over and whispered, "young master, this boy has good skills and is more flexible than me."

Fang woke up and nodded. Then, led by the knife, the team set off again and went straight to the destination.

Zhang Yu went up the wall, looked at the distant team and said to himself, "finally, he sent away the annoying boy!"

Ma Biao behind him changed his face and asked, "Sir, which boy was sent away?"

Zhang Yu said with a smile, "it\'s the knife. We\'re finally quiet."

Ma Biao sighed: "he didn\'t steal..."

Knife\'s skill is agile, and it is an orphan who has a meal, so those mean people will yell and scold after losing something. The "thief" in their mouth is naturally a knife walking on the ground.

Zhang Yu said carelessly, "I\'m right about him. Fang Xing is a scholar. It\'s better to follow him with a knife than to stay with us!"