Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 250

Go straight to the left of Xinghe castle. Less than ten kilometers away, a small castle pops up on the grassland.

The knife pointed to the castle and said excitedly, "young master, this is the castle, but there is no name."

Dong PI flattered and said, "Mr. Fang, you are very knowledgeable. Why don\'t you name it?"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "or it\'s called... Kill Hu Fort!"

"Good name!"

Dong PI praised him, but Wang he had already hit his horse and ran there. He wanted to find a place to have a good sleep first.

The knife frowned and said, "young master, there is only one small flag on duty here on weekdays, but today..."

Fang Xing looked up and saw that the castle door was wide open. An ominous premonition came out in his heart.


Just then, Wang He, who had just rushed into the castle gate, howled miserably and rushed out on horseback.

Fang Xing\'s hand was raised and shouted, "all departments are on alert! Fang Wu led the team out!"

In an instant, the long line came alive.

Under the scolding of hundreds of families, the sergeants marched forward, and Fang Wu had rushed to the front with the scouts, just behind Fang Xing.


Wang he\'s riding looks good. He can hardly see his head when he lies on the horse\'s back. He can only hear the sad cry.

The killing Hu castle is not big, and the soldiers under it are a little nervous. Even if there are enemies, the number will not be too much. So he thought a little and waved, "Fang Wu explores the way, and all departments march in line according to the wartime!"

The scouts and cavalry came out immediately, and Wang he arrived at this time. As soon as he saw Fang awake, he sat up straight on his horse and said in horror, "Mr. Fang, there are many Tartars in it!"

It was only more than 300 meters away from the castle gate. Fang woke up and urged, "old seven, step forward quickly."


With a whistle, Jubao mountain took the lead in running, and the formation was kept very neat.

However, Meng Jiao and Lin Qun\'an\'s headquarters were a little messy, which annoyed both of them.


As soon as we arrived more than 200 meters away from the castle gate, we rushed out for more than 30 rides. The knights on the horse were all dressed up by Mongolian Yuan people. When they saw the running Fang Xingbu, they screamed and wanted to run away.

At this time, Fang Wu was only more than 50 meters away from them. Seeing this man, he sneered: "crossbow and arrow!"

Almost a hundred crossbows were aimed at these people, making them look desperate.


After a shout, these cavalry did not retreat but entered, and rushed to Fang Wu\'s scouts with a fierce evil spirit.

Fang Xing and the firing gunmen had come near and were about to tell Fang Wu to move away, but they heard the knife shouting, "young master, they said they wanted to take a detour!"

Detour? Where are you going?

Fang woke up and looked at the other two thousand headquarters that had followed up. He sneered: "they\'re better around!"

At that time, the left and right wings will be clamped, and the Musketeers will intercept them in the front and chase hundreds of families. Where else can this person go!


At the command of Fang Wu in front, the crossbow and arrow covered the enemy.


"咴 er..."

"Yi law..."

After a round of crossbow and arrow attack, the remaining more than ten cavalry rushed to the scouts fearlessly.

"Draw the knife!"

At this time, it can only be close combat, otherwise it will expose the awakening after birth.

But the vara people came around from the left side of the scouts with a scream.


Wang He, who was hiding behind Fang Xing, could not help but tremble and shout when he saw the vara cavalry rushing over.

Fang Xing frowned at him and said coldly, "if the supervisor is afraid, go back."

Wang He straightened his chest, tried to control his body and didn\'t tremble, and then said, "our family is a supervisor. Of course we\'re not afraid."

Fang woke up and looked at the more than ten vara cavalry, waved to Fang Wu over there, and then raised his hands again.


Several rows of sergeants poured out behind Fang Xing. Because they were not strong enemies, they didn\'t wear the cold and heavy helmets and didn\'t even take out the plate armor.

The dark muzzle of the gun was immediately aimed at the more than ten people. The rapid sound of horse hoofs could not move the sergeants, let alone make Fang awake.

Wang he didn\'t know Fang Xing\'s weapon, so he asked anxiously, "Mr. Fang, what is this?"

Fang woke up and said faintly, "fire gun." then he told Xin Laoqi, "Lao Qi, start quickly, and then go in and have a rest for a while."

"Yes, young master."

This person made Xin Laoqi not interested at all. He took out the Tang Dao, looked at the cavalry who had come around and shouted, "the first row..."

Wang he was afraid, but he couldn\'t retreat. He said, "Mr. Fang, our family didn\'t see XuanZhen army like this before!"

"How can the XuanZhen army see that the Lord general is in danger and doesn\'t return?" Wang he pointed to the five Fang departments that stopped there and said angrily, "doesn\'t that man want to kill the Lord?"

Fang woke up and glanced at him without answering.

"Lao Lin, their guns seem different this time!"

Meng Jiao\'s observation here was still very careful. Lin Qun\'an nodded and said, "I seem to have heard that there is something more to light a fire."

"What\'s the use of that thing?"

"Don\'t you see they don\'t have a fire rope?"

"What if it doesn\'t catch fire?"

Here is waiting to see the first use of the flint gun, and Xin Laoqi has waved the Tang Dao in front.

"The first row... Volley!"

Countless index fingers pulled the trigger and triggered Mars in an instant.

When the Warsaw cavalry saw that there were no knives and guns, they couldn\'t help rushing over with ecstasy. In their opinion, as long as they can kill the two guys in the middle, the sacrifice will be meaningful.

It\'s close! It\'s close! The next moment you can wave a saber and cut off the heads of these Ming people!

Just break down these three rows of pawns with thin iron bars, and you can kill those two guys who look like officials.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just as Lin Qun\'an and Meng Jiao were staring at the attack effect here, when the vara cavalry were ecstatic, the battlefield seemed to be a gust of wind on the ground.

In the smoke of gunpowder, the first row of sergeants calmly retreated, while the second row of sergeants raised their guns and prepared to fire at the command.

But Xin Laoqi put down his Tang Dao and turned to Fang to wake up.

"Young master, the enemy is gone."

Wang he stared blankly at the front where the smoke of gunpowder was gradually dispersed. The Warsaw cavalry who were still charging desperately just now had disappeared. There was only one horse spinning in place alone on the battlefield.


When the horse also fell to the ground, Fang woke up and said faintly, "let the civilian husband clean the battlefield, the scouts enter the castle first for inspection, and then the brigade follows."

Xin Laoqi took orders and left. Wang he felt that his body was heating.

The scene just now really frightened Wang he. He also saw firecrackers in Xuanfu, but compared with Fang Xingbu\'s, those crude benzene firearms are really heaven and earth.

So Fang Wu didn\'t give back just now, not killing the Lord, but... Confident that he can easily solve these disabled and defeated generals here?

"It\'s really Huben!"

In order to make up for his previous mistakes, Wang He chattered and praised Fang Xing\'s subordinates for their bravery, effective command and so on.

Fang Xing rubbed his ears, saw Fang Wu coming out of the castle, made a safe gesture here, and shouted, "all scouts will spread out immediately, search around, and others will enter the castle!"

But the order was late. A scout who had gone up to the wall was patrolling around with a telescope. He suddenly pointed to the West and shouted, "there are warlahs!"