Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 248

At the gate of wanquantu City, Fang Xing stood on the side and looked at the carriages with a solemn face.

Most of the wounded on the bus had frostbite on their feet, but under this medical condition, it was meaningless to stick to it, so Fang xingcai picked out these people and left them in Wanquan to recover.

The wounded soldiers in the carriage looked at Fang Xing gratefully. If they were led by others, they would go to Xinghe with them.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you don\'t need to worry. I have agreed with Lord ding that you will be properly resettled here."

"Mr. Xie Fang!"

"Thank you, Mr. Fang!"

Most of the sergeants were excited to thank, but one looked depressed and said, "Mr. Fang, I wanted to follow my husband to Xinghe to kill the enemy and do meritorious deeds, but this foot is not good, and I\'m so angry!"

Fang Xing walked over and said, "what\'s the hurry? Daming has many enemies. Keep your feet well. There will be more opportunities to kill the enemy and make contributions in the future."

Ding Feng said, "please rest assured, Mr. Fang, there is no shortage of all kinds of herbs and doctors."

Fang Xing followed him to the earthen house where the injured and wounded were placed. Looking at these gray rooms, he remained unchanged.

Ding Feng observed the words and expressions and ordered several servants to say, "clean the house quickly and burn the charcoal fire by the way."

Fang woke up and said, "thank you, Lord Ding."

Ding Feng smiled and said, "where should I?"

Fang Xing stretched out his hand to take a small burden from Xin Laoqi and said faintly, "these brothers are bothering Lord Ding. Here are some treasure bills, which are counted as their expenses here."

Ding Feng wanted to refuse, but Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "these are Fang\'s classmates. I won\'t stand idly by within my ability."

"Mr. Fang, this..."

Ding Feng had done well before, so he wanted to sell well at this time, but Fang woke up with a face of business, which made him have no bottom in his heart.

Fang Xing shoved the burden and said, "I wanted to use treasure money to go to the grassland and exchange some meat with the herdsmen. I just thought that the enemy of Daming was their relatives, so forget it."

fuck! The evil spirit overflowed in the faint words.

Fang Xing never thought that the army could decouple from the people. What is just a small group of people doing bad things? This statement is just self deception.

Without the support of those herdsmen, why can the tile thorn people sweep the grassland?

When Ding Feng personally sent Fang Xing several people out, the small flag officer hurriedly lowered his head and tried to shrink his body to avoid Fang Xing\'s sight.

Fang woke up and glanced at him without stopping. Then he turned and arched his hands and said, "Lord Ding, please stay. Fang will start now."

Ding Feng arched his hands. After Fang woke up and left, he turned back and scolded the little flag official who stood up again: "what a disgraceful thing, what a shrinking head like!"

Of course, the small flag officer can\'t say that he has been slow to wake up Fang. In that case, he will blunt Ding Feng\'s attitude just now. He feels that he will be dismissed and become a big soldier again.

But as soon as Ding Feng returned to the treatment center, he lay down on the bed and was soaked with sweat.

"The two princes of Xuanfu thought they could find a source on both sides, but it is rumored that emperor TAISUN Yingwu made a decision. Now they are beautiful, but when Emperor TAISUN has real power..."

Ding Feng felt that he was really lucky. His body trembled slightly because of fear. He sneered and said, "not only will Zheng Heng be finished, but those two can\'t escape!"


Beiping is also snowy, but it is not as cold as Zhu Di.

Zhu Di slightly moved his sore knees and listened to Zheng Heng\'s report on the recent situation.

Zheng Heng stole a glance at Zhu Zhanji, but Zhu Zhanji\'s expression was natural and even smiling, which surprised him.

Is the Imperial Palace so deep?

Lowering his head, Zheng Heng said, "the tile thorn army is wandering on the front line of Xinghe. The minister has ordered the Xuanfu officers to prepare for the battle. At the same time, he sent 3000 people to Xinghe to try to clear the way for our army."

Zhu Di nodded and said, "I know."

After Zheng Heng stepped down, Zhu Zhanji relaxed his hand, but a baggage watch in his hand was pinched into waste paper by him.

"Zhanji, what do you think?"

Zhu Di suddenly asked.

Zhu Zhanji quickly restrained his mind and replied, "Grandpa Huang, my grandson still thinks that the enemy of Xinghe is not enough to be afraid. When our army starts, the enemy will be frightened, and the Xinghe front line will be empty."

Zhu Zhanji said brightly, "Grandpa Huang, can you let Fang Xingsuo back first?"

Zhu Di said with a smile, "haven\'t you already written a letter?"

Zhu Zhanji quickly knelt down and apologized: "when the troops were sent out in this weather, the grandson was worried that the Department could not bear the wind and snow, so he wrote a letter to them without authorization. Please forgive grandpa Huang."


Zhu Di sighed, "get up."

Zhu Zhanji got up and heard Zhu Di say, "before Xinghe, there was a sand city to snipe the enemy, and then there was all-round rescue. It can be called a sharp sword for my Daming to go deep into the grassland! Don\'t you think Mahmud knows this truth?"

Zhu Zhan said, "Grandpa Huang, will mahamu invade on a large scale?"

If mahamu\'s whole army raids, it is estimated that the small Xinghe fort will be difficult to block the enemy\'s front, and the 3000 people waking up above will only support a little more time.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji looked forward to Fang waking up and coming back quickly after receiving his letter, but Zhu Di said faintly: "Zhanji, your uncle Zhao has lived in Peiping for a long time, and Zheng Heng is also a veteran general. This assignment is not bad!"

Zhu Zhanji bowed his head and said yes, but he thought of King Zhao\'s gloom in his heart.

The king of Zhao is also a wonderful flower. He was not famous in his mother\'s family, so he divorced her for the reason of having no children and immediately married Mu Sheng\'s daughter.

This move made king Zhao not only marry the Duke of Guizhou, but also have a relationship with the British Duke Zhang Fu. Kill two birds with one stone!

And Mu Sheng\'s move also meant something of a wall, which made the crown prince unhappy at that time.

Walking out of the warm Pavilion, Zhu Zhanji looked at the distance and felt a mess in his heart.

Brother Dehua, have you turned around?


In the north wind, outside the Great Wall, there was a vast expanse of white in the field of vision.

And in this place where thousands of birds fly away and thousands of people disappear, a group of people and horses slowly leave the wild fox ridge.

YeHu mountain has always been a battleground for strategists. Ten miles down, it is a plain.

Fang Xing opened the cloth towel to block his face, and his eyebrows were all white.

"We\'re on the grassland!"

Even the withered and yellow grass is covered with snow, but it still makes people excited.

"Finally, I don\'t have to trek in the mud!"

Lin Qun\'an\'s pale face finally got better, and Meng Jiao recovered some spirit and shouted to speed up.

Only Wang He, this guy\'s thin horse can\'t take him anymore. Finally, he brazenly mixed into the baggage camp and settled in bags of grain. He didn\'t have to walk, but it was very warm.

Seeing Wang He in high spirits, Fang Xing frowned and said, "Wang Jianjun, as soon as you enter the grassland, you may be attacked by the enemy at any time, so you\'d better go to the baggage."

"Mr. Fang, don\'t scare our family!"

Wang he looked around, shook his head and said, "at this time, most of the tile stabbing people should drink horse milk wine and beat their daughter-in-law in the tent! How could they come out to attack us?"

Fang Xing took out his telescope and looked around. He ordered, "old seven, let the brothers clean up their guns, tidy up their weapons and start the formation."