Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 242

The atmosphere in the big tent was dull, but the two faces that came in were not good-looking. They all looked gray and black with no bright future.

As soon as Meng Jiao came in, he shouted, "Mr. Fang, marquis Wu\'an wants to eliminate dissidents!"

Lin Qun\'an also has a wooden face, and his previous calm is gone.

Fang Xing pointed to the empty seat and said, "sit down."

"Brother Dehua, I\'ll go with you!"

Liu Pu also came. The goods were dressed in armor and clanged when they walked.

Fang Xing and others walked and sat down before they officially spoke.

"Gentlemen, the military order has been issued. Don\'t think you can hide."

Fang Xing\'s eyes swept through everyone. He saw anger, reluctance and worry

"Since we can\'t change, we can only try to be prepared."

"Tile thorn people are also people. We have more than 3000 people, including 1000 muskets, and the main force of tile thorn should not be in Xinghe line, so you should work hard, strive to make great achievements and find a marquis immediately!"

It\'s no use talking too much at this time. Only after waiting for time to kill this mentality can morale gradually recover.

Seeing that everyone endured it, Fang woke up and waved his hand and said, "go back and prepare. Remember to enlighten the brothers below, and then... Scold if you want!"

After everyone else went out, it was quiet outside, and there was no scolding. Fang Xing said to Liu Pu who stayed: "look, this is the advantage of learning more. We all know that if we can\'t bear it, we will make a big plan..."

"Zheng Heng, who lies in the trough of NIMA, is asking Lao Tzu to die!"

"Zheng Heng, you have a son without fart, Yan!"


Liu Pu slowly looked at Fang and woke up. His face trembled. It looked like he was tolerating defecation.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "laugh if you want to laugh. Scolding won\'t get pregnant!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Liu Pu smiled back and forth, then scolded, and asked, "brother Dehua, I\'m quite familiar with the ways of the army. Let me go with you this time."

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "maybe I will meet a strong enemy this time. At that time, I can\'t even protect myself. How can I take care of you!"

Liu Pu was tangled up, but Fang Xing resolutely disagreed. Finally, he found Liu Sheng\'s personal soldier and took him back.

"Mr. Fang, my Marquis has an invitation."

These people came to ask Fang to wake up and catch Liu Pu by the way.

Walking in the army, these Liu Sheng\'s own soldiers woke Fang up and protected him in the middle, watching around vigilantly.

Have Liu Sheng and Zheng Heng reached this point?

After seeing Fang Xing\'s doubts, Liu Sheng explained: "Zheng Heng\'s move is to deny himself to his Highness the prince and TAISUN, so I\'m afraid he will take risks and have to guard against it!"

Fang Xing was shocked and pointed to the direction of Peiping city. "Are you worried about the one in the city?"

Liu Sheng nodded, making waves in Fang Xing\'s heart.

"Your Majesty is not far from Peiping. He dare not?"

Liu Sheng said cautiously, "first, the labor force won the morale of the army. Since then, Zheng Heng has been competing with me for the right to unify the army. He is so eager to say that there is no ghost in his heart. Who believes it?"

King Zhao is so brave!

Is this to learn from his father\'s methods?

Fang Xing pondered, "I think they have this idea, but the fierce and weak color of King Zhao is not enough to achieve great things. Zheng Heng is vulgar, timid and cherish his body. I expect they will not achieve anything!"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "you don\'t have to worry about me. But you should be careful of Zheng Heng\'s men when you go to the front line of Xinghe this time."

Xuanfu is Zheng Heng\'s base camp. He and Wu Cheng Hou Wang Cong and Anping Hou Li Yuan have been guarding there for many years and have long been deeply rooted.

But Fang Xing was not afraid. He smiled and said, "Wu Chenghou and Anping Hou will not all listen to him."

Liu Sheng also said with a smile, "I forgot them."

Fang woke up and said, "thank you for your love, but I have a lot to do there. I have to go back quickly."

Liu Sheng also got up and said, "what\'s missing? Quickly send someone to say, I\'ll make it up for you."

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "there are still a lot of food and fodder sent by the Marquis last time, and there is no shortage of weapons. I won\'t leave tomorrow. Take care of the Marquis!"

Liu Sheng also arched his hands and said, "be careful all the way! If something is wrong, you can make a quick decision!"

This is to wake Fang up. Seeing that the momentum is wrong, he quickly retreats.

Back in the camp, Fang woke up and saw everyone loading cars, so he found Xin Laoqi.

Xin Laoqi doesn\'t have any negative emotions. This product is looking forward to tile stabbing people to die!

"Old seven, go to bed earlier tonight and let\'s get up at noon tomorrow."

Xin Laoqi nodded out. Fang Xing\'s eyes were deep, and his brush was broken.

One night without a word, the next day, when it was dark, Fang woke up and became lively.

"Hey! Drive your car over and block everyone\'s way!"

"Somebody, help me load this bag of rice!"


Fang Xing was in the middle of the noise. After everything was cleaned up, he stood in the front.

Looking at these hesitating faces, Fang woke up and said, "brothers, we\'re going to Xinghe line soon, and we\'re going to see tile stabbing people soon... I know everyone\'s heart is full of anger, and so am I!"

All the uniformers have grievances, which makes everyone open their hearts at once.

Fang Xing glanced at the camp with a sneer, and then said, "Your Highness King Zhao doesn\'t reward the army as much as we do. In the end, you have to go to Xinghe, an unfamiliar place. What are these for?"


A sergeant raised his hand and shouted.

"Unfair! Unfair! Unfair!"

The neat cry woke up the people in the camp. Liu Sheng had already got up and was looking at Liu PU. He was not allowed to run out without permission.

Zheng Heng slept a little late last night, so he woke up with a gloomy face and got up.

Unfair? What can you do if it\'s unfair?

"It\'s unfair, but the military order is the military order!"

Fang Xing\'s mouth tilted slightly and said, "who are we? We are the Qianhu office directly under his Highness the emperor TAISUN!"

"It\'s like what I said when we first arrived at Jubao mountain. Even if there is a sea of swords and flames ahead, we still have to walk past without hesitation!"

Seeing some excitement on everyone\'s faces, Fang woke up and raised his hand and shouted, "long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"


Zheng Heng, who had already got up in the camp, said disdainfully, "Your Majesty hasn\'t arrived in Peiping yet. Flattering him can\'t quench your thirst!"

"Your Highness emperor TAISUN is a thousand years old!"

"Your Highness emperor TAISUN is a thousand years old!"

"Your Highness emperor TAISUN is a thousand years old!"

When the cry reached Liu Sheng\'s ears, he couldn\'t help laughing and said to Liu Pu, "this is the gift Mr. Fang gave Zheng Heng before he left!"

Liu Pu was a little depressed because he couldn\'t go with him. When he heard the speech, he asked lazily, "father, what big gift? Brother Dehua wants to tear Zheng Heng. How can he give him a gift?"

Liu Sheng smiled but didn\'t speak, and Zheng Heng was going to be mad.

"Treacherous little thief, dare to trap me in injustice!"

Seeing Zheng Heng\'s anger on the outside, but in fact, Zheng Heng, who was frightened inside, swallowed what he wanted to say.

The shouting just now revealed Zheng Heng\'s true face!

Even the troops directly under his royal highness Huang TAISUN have been tossed like Zheng Heng. It\'s another thought that King Zhao didn\'t have Fang\'s share when he rewarded the army

——Lord Hou, you have been nailed to King Zhao!