Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 243

When it was slightly bright, Fang woke up and took more than 3000 people on the road to Xinghe.

From Beiping to Xinghe, we take the Changping line, reach the territory of Xuanfu, and then go straight to YeHu ridge.

When the chariots and horses went away, Zheng Heng was naturally furious, and the army also began to talk about the rumor that Zheng Heng gave rotten medicine to the emperor\'s grandson.

In this regard, Zheng Heng caught a group of people playing the board, but the more he did, the more rumors became.

"Zheng Heng!"

Zhu Zhanji has received the express horse news. He glances at Zhu Di who is looking at the map. He is cruel in his heart, but he can\'t mention it.

Zhu Di is the king of a country. He can\'t pay attention to the life and death of a small army. This is one of the basic qualities of a handsome man.

Looking up at Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Di picked up his eyebrows and said, "take a good look at the map. The tile thorn man has reached Xinghe."

Zhu Zhanji relaxed slowly and said with a smile, "Grandpa Huang, tile stabbing people, this is just a test. When they know that our army is going out of the fortress, they dare not attack the hard city."

Zhu Di stroked his beard and said with a smile, "yes, tile stabbing people. It\'s just harassment."

Zhu Zhanji held back the following words and squinted outside the car.

Outside the carriage, teams of cavalry are roaring forward. With flags flying, Daming\'s army is heading north.


It\'s the hardest time to march at this time, but Fang woke up and felt that it could be used for military training.

He called Meng Jiao and Lin Qun\'an, who were not in high spirits. Fang Xing pointed to the dull sergeants and said, "our department is a firearm. When the enemy\'s fish escaped the net rushed forward, you need to cooperate and tacitly block it for a moment, so I decided to go and practice all the way."

Meng Jiao said lazily, "Mr. Fang, it\'s all under your control anyway. I don\'t mind how to practice."

Fang woke up and looked at Lin Qun\'an. Lin Qun\'an nodded and said, "that\'s what we should do, otherwise it\'s too dangerous for us to go deep alone."

In fact, Fang Xing can not ask for the opinions of these two people, but they are the old subordinates of Zhang Fu, and this time it is a fire in the city gate, which will affect the fish in the pond. If you don\'t calm down, there will be trouble if there is a gap at that time.

So I practiced all the way. With the extension of time and distance, the degree of tacit understanding among the three parties increased sharply.


A group of sergeants squatted on the ground with long guns, and the Musketeers were in front.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

When the whistle sounded, the sergeants in the front row pulled the trigger and calmly retreated.

And the simulated enemy rushed fiercely.

Xin Laoqi held his breath and blew a long whistle.

In an instant, the spearmen in the rear touched the back of the spearmen in the front.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The Musketeers who blocked the enemy\'s view in front squatted down one after another, and then extended long guns on their heads.


"The effect is good!"

Fang Xing looked at the scene with satisfaction. At this time, they had arrived at wanquandu department, which is the hinterland of Xuanfu.

Xin Laoqi called his horse and Su Rong said, "young master, I found the Scouts of Xuanfu in front."

Fang Xing cheered up and said, "not far ahead is the Xuanfu\'s administration. There are three guards there. We are not enough people to fill their teeth. There\'s no need to be nervous. Zheng Heng is not in charge of the Xuanfu at present."

Zheng Heng went to Peiping. Of course, the Xuanfu at this time was presided over by two other princes.

Lin Qun\'an asked, "Mr. Fang, do we want to enter Xuanfu?"

Meng Jiao had dissipated his anger all the way, so he shouted, "what are you afraid of? Does he dare to kill us?"

Fang woke up and looked at the sky and said, "where is the front?"

Lin Qun\'an took out the map like a dog\'s head. Because he crossed the north from the future, he struggled to find it for a long time before he said, "Mr. Fang, Jiming mountain ahead."

"Sixty miles in front of Jiming mountain is Xuanfu town."

Fang woke up and said in a deep voice, "camping in Jiming mountain tonight."

Jiming mountain is the only way from Xuanfu town to the capital. There is no post city built at present.

There is a small village not far from the foot of the mountain. It looks very calm in the face of the arrival of the army.

The village is not big. There are only more than 100 families.

At this time, probably during the application, Fang Xing explained: "our army can be stationed at the foot of the mountain and explain to the people below that it is not allowed to disturb the people. Those who violate the military law will be dealt with!"

Dong Pei and the two thousand generals went to arrange camping. Xin Laoqi woke up with Fang into the village.

There was no work to do at this time, so there were many people in the village. When they saw Fang Xing and Xin Laoqi, the children clapped behind the horse.

Fang woke up and got off his horse. Then he didn\'t know where to find more than ten sweets. He said, "come on, one sweets per person."

These children are all dressed in rags, some have no shoes at their feet, and the youngest needs to be led by the older children.

Hearing this, and then looking at the sugar in Fang Xing\'s hand, these children all retreated timidly.

Fang woke up and saw the heads of adults sticking out of the surrounding low houses. He looked at himself and Xin Laoqi covetously, so he hugged his fist to the left and right and said, "I led the army here. I have no other intention. I just want to ask about the surrounding situation. Please don\'t worry."

After that, Fang woke up and saw some cold light and took it back.

How did you enjoy the treatment of devils entering the village!

Seeing that the adults had put away their hostility, the children came boldly and took the candy from Fang Xing\'s hand.

Fang Xingxian threw one into his mouth and said with a smile, "is there any meat at home?"

A boy who was 11 or 12 years old stood up with his nose sniffing, glanced at Xin Laoqi around Fang Xing, and then said, "do you really want to buy it? Don\'t you want to rob it?"

"Is there anyone else to rob?"

Fang Xing feels a little strange. What is there to rob in this small village?

"The general is polite."

At this time, a young man came out of his home and arched his hands and said, "the general didn\'t know that several Rangers came into the village last time, but they were driven away."

Then the man looked at the Tang Dao around Xin Laoqi\'s waist with disdain and pointed to the surrounding road: "there are hunters in our village. Depending on how many people he comes, he guarantees that they will never come back!"

Xin Laoqi said in a deep voice, "my young master is not a robber, but a scholar."


The man shook his head: "I don\'t care who you are. It\'s best for everyone to be safe."

Xin Laoqi stared and was drunk by Fang Xing.

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "brother, I\'m joking. I just want to buy some meat in the village to satisfy the greedy brothers below."

The man\'s face was a little slow and asked, "that\'s true. There\'s no shortage of prey here."

Fang Xing said, "old seven, go back and ask someone to move things."

Master Xin hesitated and said, "young master, but you\'re here alone..."

Fang Xing smiled and scolded, "these are the people of Daming. Will they harm me? Hurry!"

The man hummed, "if we have evil intentions, you two don\'t have to bother!"

Xin Laoqi beat his horse back depressed. Fang woke up and was invited home by the man.