Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 241

There were only Zheng Heng in the account. Wang Qian opened his mouth, and Zheng Heng could see his throat.

"Lord Hou, don\'t laugh..."

Zheng Heng\'s face was expressionless. Wang Qian panicked and hurriedly asked, "Lord Hou, where\'s the man?"

Zheng Heng said in a muffled voice, "at the moment, in Liu Sheng\'s hands, your royal guards have excellent means. I think you can save him."

Go to the army to save people. I\'ll save your sister!

After all, Wang Qian was deep in the city. In a twinkling of an eye, he said in awe: "don\'t worry, marquis. That man won\'t say anything, but Fang woke up. This man has become a great danger. Marquis should make a quick decision! Otherwise..."

Zheng Heng clenched his teeth and said, "I know at this time. You don\'t need to remind me."

Wang Qian arched his hand and said, "the Marquis is busy first. The lower official has to send a letter to Jinling to deal with this matter and leave."

After Wang Qian left, Zheng Heng said to his staff: "fortunately, the memorial is coming, otherwise it\'s really difficult to ride a tiger!"

The aide smiled and said, "the Marquis\'s move coincides with the art of war. It\'s the so-called positive and strange coincidence. Although it\'s a miscalculation today, the secret means can still wake Fang up... Even your majesty can\'t blame."

Zheng Heng said with a smile: "even Wang Qian thought he was helpless. After the event, he would let his highness see what it is to kill without a knife!"

The next day, Liu Pu arrived here early in the morning. When he found Fang awake, he said with a shocked face: "brother Dehua, the man is dead!"

Fang Xing said indifferently, "is it suicide?"

Liu Pu sighed, "yes, it\'s cruel to bite off his tongue!"

Fang Xing tried to bite his tongue and showed his teeth in pain.

Cruel man!

Seeing Fang Xing\'s appearance, Liu Pu said with a smile: "my father said, this will be put aside for the time being. After all, your majesty is coming."

Zhu Di is really not far from Peiping. He opened the guard of honor all the way and came all the way.

Because he had to deal with the government, Zhu Di took a large carriage, which was almost a small palace.

He picked up a memorial at random. Zhu Di looked at it. It turned out that the tile thorn army was reviving and testing again. Zheng Heng was going to send a capable army to test the other party, so he wrote the word "Ke" on the memorial.

The reviewed memorials were collected into a pile, then decomposed and sent to various places by special personnel.

Zhu Zhanji also read the memorial just now, but there was some haze in his heart, which could not be dispersed.

Liu Sheng sent two letters, one to the prince and one to Zhu Zhanji.

Zheng Heng inexplicably changed his family, which brought great trouble to Zhu Zhanji, and he was more worried about Fang Xing, who was isolated in Peiping.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji in a daze, Zhu Di hummed, "but didn\'t sleep well last night?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a quick smile, "my grandson slept well, but he woke up worried."

"The Beiping army is gathering. What are you worried about him?" Zhu Di thought his grandson was still too young.

Can the tile thorn people still hit Peiping?

Zhu Zhanji simply said, "Grandpa Huang, my grandson is worried that he will be randomly assigned in Beiping."

As the leader of literati, Fang Xing is like a firefly in the army, glittering!

Zhu Di\'s face showed a touch of memory, "for generals, there is no good thing of plain sailing. During the Jingnan period, I nearly lost my life several times. If there were no hardships of that year, how could there be these heroes in the army?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji wished he could drive to Peiping city immediately.

Brother Dehua, you must hold on!

Once Zheng Heng mutinies, King Zhao will certainly ask him to come up with the investment certificate. At present, in Peiping, only Fang wakes up.

In the Beiping camp, today the two princes of the unified army gathered together to discuss the enemy situation.

Zheng Heng sat at the top, and Liu Sheng disdained to sit at his bottom. He simply sat opposite.

Zheng Heng coughed and said, "some time ago, arutai reported that the tile stabbing front has reached the periphery of Xinghe. Therefore, I think we should send someone to test."

With that, Zheng Heng looked at Liu Sheng and motioned him to express his views.

Xinghe is in the defense area of Xuanfu, that is, Zheng Heng\'s territory. At present, those guards still follow Zheng Heng\'s lead, so Liu Sheng said with paralysis: "it\'s just a small temptation of tile thorn. It\'s not enough to be afraid. It\'s better to make plans when your majesty arrives."

Zheng Heng insisted: "Xinghe is the sharp blade that our Xuanfu inserts into the grassland, which can not be abandoned."

Liu Sheng shut up.

Zheng Heng smiled on his face, picked up a memorial and said, "I\'ve come to your majesty for this. As a result, your majesty also thinks that you should send some people to inquire about one or two."

Liu Sheng doesn\'t know what medicine Zheng Heng sells in his gourd. Anyway, he can\'t intervene in the Xuanfu. Why should Zheng Heng mobilize his army to intervene?

Zheng Heng\'s face showed a little regret: "unfortunately, the elite Scouts of Xuanfu and Kaiping were dispatched to Beiping, so we decided to send the thousand households of Jubaoshan to the front of Xinghe to clear away the tile stabbing scouts and find out the situation of the enemy..."

Hearing this, Liu Sheng suddenly got up, pointed to Zheng Heng and shouted, "Hou Wu\'an, you\'re killing with a knife! I don\'t agree!"

Zheng Heng had expected Liu Sheng\'s reaction. He raised the memorial in his hand and said with a smile: "can I see your Majesty\'s reply in Anyuan?"

Liu Sheng is so angry that the three corpse gods jump. He wants to drink and scold, but Zheng Heng has Zhu Di\'s instructions

Finally, Liu Sheng calmed down. He said faintly, "Hou Wu\'an, how many benefits did those people give you? Let you deal with Fang Xing like this. Don\'t forget, TAISUN followed his Majesty on the Northern Expedition this time."

Zheng Heng still just kept a straight face. Liu Sheng sneered, "and you forgot the British Duke!"

After Liu Sheng left, Zheng hengcai smiled darkly and immediately ordered someone to send a message.


Dong PI Meng was forced. He clenched his teeth and asked the Herald: "the Xuanfu has sufficient troops and food. Why do you want me to go to the outpost?"

Zheng Heng\'s personal soldiers came to deliver the order. He said coldly, "it\'s not just you. For fear of your weak strength, Lord Hou sent two thousand headquarters together. Isn\'t more than 3000 people enough?"

Enough for your mother!

Tung PI scolded in his heart.

When Fang Xinggang heard this, he was stunned, but immediately knew that the result could not be changed, so he explained, "in that case, I think the camp has arranged our army\'s supplies?"

The soldier hehe said, "all the way here is the place of our Xuanfu. You can use food and grass with a military order."

In such a place, Zheng Heng won\'t move his hands or feet to avoid being caught.

The soldier said, "it\'s good to let you be a full ghost!"

"This is unfair! I want to..."

"All right!"

Dong PI still wanted to make trouble. After waking up and drinking, Fang asked his own soldiers, "do you know if there is a time limit for our army to start?"

Military orders are as big as mountains. Making trouble at this time will only be counterproductive. It\'s better to seize the time to ask about the situation.

The soldier held his face and said, "the military situation is like fire, but the Marquis is is kind. I promise you to wait until tomorrow."

After the soldiers left, Fang woke up and called more than 100 officers to convey Zheng Heng\'s orders.

This trip is dangerous, but no one can go without military orders.

The dull atmosphere was soon broken by two unlucky men.