Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 238

It was time for dinner. There was a misty smoke in the camp, but some sergeants drooled when they saw that there was a barbecue next door and that the big jar of wine was moved out to enjoy.

Zheng Heng has recovered his normal mood. At this time, he is patrolling the camp. When his close friends saw this scene, they angrily said, "Lord Hou, they didn\'t inform the camp about their drinking. Catch it?"

Zheng Heng shook his head. He couldn\'t help drinking and eating at Daying yesterday. At this time, he went to the barbecue meeting at Fang Xingsuo\'s department and said that Zheng Heng was not ashamed enough.

However, since Zheng Heng has already revealed his position, if he doesn\'t do anything, it\'s really hard to explain to King Zhao, so he whispered: "let Wang Qian find someone, no matter what method you use, you must..."

In the evening, the wine and meat in Fang Xing\'s camp were open today. The meat pieces on the campfire were Zizi and oily. The wooden bowl on the side was full of wine. From time to time, the sergeant who couldn\'t wait cut off a piece with a knife to taste it.

Fang Xing himself was drinking alone. Xin Laoqi wanted to serve and was driven out by him.

After eating a piece of roast pork, Fang woke up with regret and said, "the meat in this warehouse can\'t compare with what it is now!"

Today, Fang Xing took all the meat from the warehouse, and then sent someone to act, which made Zheng Heng very angry.

However, Zheng Heng\'s peace later made Fang awake and secretly vigilant.

"Young master."

"Come in."

After Fang Wu came in, he said anxiously, "young master, our people have found the trace of royal guards."

Fang Xing put down his knife and asked with deep eyes, "but did you find Zheng Heng?"

Fang nodded and said, "yes, and it\'s Wang Qian of thousands of households."


Fang xingben felt that Zheng Heng\'s sudden fall was strange. When he heard that the royal guards had intervened, he frowned and said, "this matter has become complicated!"

Did the royal guards catch Zheng Heng and force him to obey?

But does Ji Gang dare to take risks to catch the handle of the general? You know, once it\'s blown out, his family won\'t be enough to kill!

Tut! Is Ji Gang trying to rebel?

Fang Xing touched his chin and felt that Zheng Heng was really dizzy. He dared to bet on King Zhao, who had the least hope at this time.

"Do your own evil!"

Think of the proud Zheng Neng. At that time, the goods regarded themselves as little Marquis, and the other party was disdainful when he woke up.

"With such a father who often feels dizzy, I don\'t think your little Marquis can do it for long!"

In addition to half of the people in the whole camp, they are eating meat in large pieces and drinking in large bowls. The atmosphere is warm, which makes people outside very hot.

Drinking too much is bound to be convenient. There are dug latrines in the camp, but some people who are dizzy forget the health regulations and go directly to the camp to pee.

"Sprinkle it in the ditch and produce a big fruit tree next year, eh!"

A sergeant was peeing happily in the ditch when a dark figure touched him. When the sergeant was excited, he shouted, "who?"

The shadow\'s voice was a little erratic: "don\'t make a sound. Something good is looking for you."

The sergeant shook his body, then tied his belt, looked at the shadow and said, "what good thing?"

When the shadow approached, he threw the thing in his hand. The sergeant looked carefully and found that it was silver ingot.

At this time, the mainstream currency is treasure money and copper money, but large families have silver ingots for large expenditures.

Such a silver ingot may change a lot of treasure notes or copper money. For an ordinary sergeant, I don\'t know how many years it will take to save so much money.

The shadow was satisfied to hear the sergeant\'s shortness of breath, and then smiled and said, "I have something here to ask you for help. If it is done, it will be no less than three ingots of silver afterwards. Would you like to?"

How many soldiers can resist this temptation?

The shadow saw that the sergeant was in a daze, so he gritted his teeth and said, "just four ingots afterwards!"

The sergeant finally stopped in a daze. The shadow was so happy that he handed over the silver ingot.

"My family is very poor..."

The sergeant took the silver ingot and said slowly, "the poor who goes out can wear clothes."

poor wretch!

The shadow scolded secretly in his heart and had to continue to listen. Otherwise, who will the subsequent Monogram go to?

If there is no evidence for such things, others will not admit the money. The shadow estimates that he will be scolded to death when he goes back.

"In the army, it\'s hard to practice every day..."

The sergeant\'s face was shining by the fire not far away, but his expression was very pious.

"When I was taken to the thousand households of Jubao mountain, I thought that\'s it. Where is it not to be a soldier and eat food!"

The sergeant\'s head held up, "Mr. Fang asked us to decide whether to go or stay. To tell the truth, I wanted to go. I just wanted to go back, so I stayed at last..."

"Yes! But you can rest assured that you will be promoted to three levels afterwards!"

Encouraged by the shadow, he felt that the task was too easy, so he relaxed his body ready to run at any time.

The sergeant smiled and said, "but here, Mr. Fang not only taught us how to win the war, but also taught us knowledge."

"Do you understand? It\'s knowledge, and it\'s not that kind of useless thing!"

The shadow thought something was wrong, so he said with a dry smile, "Fang Xing is good for fishing for fame, but his so-called knowledge has long been criticized by the great Confucianism."

"Ha ha!"

The sergeant smiled and said, "I\'ve learned a lot anyway. How can I not know whether those things taught by Mr. Fang are useful? Your provocation is really a failure!"

The shadow felt bad. As soon as his body tightened, he was ready to run.

The sergeant shook his head, but as soon as he swept his legs, he swept the shadow to the ground.

After subduing each other with the fighting skills taught by Xin Laoqi, the sergeant\'s eyes were very bright. He held the shadow back and said disdainfully: "Mr. Fang is as kind to us as a mountain. You villains always like to use Yin moves. What a disgusting person!"

After dinner, Fang Xing went to the camp for an inspection. Seeing that the sergeants were almost finished, he said to Xin Laoqi, "Lao Qi, pay attention to vigilance at night. I don\'t want to be touched by others."

Xin Laoqi said, "I\'m prepared. If someone comes to touch the camp, then..."

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the distance. Fang Xing frowned and said, "look."

When they came to the edge of the camp, they saw several sergeants catching a man drinking and scolding.

"Paralyzed! You can talk nonsense about Mr. Fang! You can\'t kill you!"

"Kneel down!"

"Go and invite Mr. Fang. This guy is mostly a ghost!"

"What\'s going on?"

Fang woke up and walked over, looking at the man kneeling under pressure.

At this time, a tall Sergeant saluted and said, "Mr. Fang, I was in a hurry just now, so I went to the side to sprinkle."

Said the goods also scratched his head, sorry, because Fang Xing stipulated that Lazar in the army must go to the pit.

Fang Xing waved his hand and said, "let\'s talk about it first. Go back and get the punishment yourself!"

Military discipline is military discipline and must be implemented to the letter.

"Mr. Fang, this man touched me when I peed, and then..."