Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 239

Several servants brought torches to illuminate the man\'s appearance.

"Sharp nosed monkeys are mostly spies!"

Fang Xing disdained: "first break your limbs, and then report to Anyuan."

"I\'m not a spy!"

The man struggled violently, but he was not the opponent of these sergeants, so he had to shout.

Anyuan Hou had the right to take over the matter, so Fang woke up and saw the man\'s expression of panic, so he had some speculation in his heart, so he shouted, "who are you? What\'s the purpose of bribing my brothers in the army? Say! Do it right away."

The man shouted in horror, "I\'m not a spy, I just..."

Fang Xing sneered, "what are you just? Don\'t tell me you have too much money, so you\'re doing good!"

The sergeant handed over the silver ingot. Fang Xing reached out and took it, weighed it a few times, "at least fifteen Liang, what a generous hand!"

The man bowed his head, but refused to speak.

Fang woke up and squatted down, slowly, "can I think of bribing my military brothers, most of them want to bury their eyeliner, and who will be behind you, and to tell you the truth, I can basically guess the approximate..."

Seeing that the man was still pretending to be a dead dog, Fang woke up and patted him on the face. He got up and said, "it\'s either Zheng or Jin, so you don\'t dare to say, right?"

The man\'s head shook slightly.

Said it was dead, and maybe the whole family.

Fang woke up and looked at the camp in the night and sighed, "well, I\'ll make you perfect!"

"Old seven, send him to Anyuan to wait there, explain the situation and come back quickly."

Xin Laoqi nodded and then ordered three servants to go with a small flag sergeant.

At the gate of the camp, Xin Laoqi was refused entry.

Looking at the arrogant hundred family officials, Xin Laoqi said calmly, "if you have something important to see Anyuan, please inform me."

The hundred family officials looked sideways at Xin Laoqi and sneered, "don\'t you know the rules in the army? Come back tomorrow."

Just behind the hundred households, a man in plain clothes was nervously looking at the captured guy, and then slipped into the camp.

Xin Laoqi\'s eyesight was good. He stepped back a few steps and said, "our department caught the spy, but no one took over. Is that what our department has to deal with?"

The hundred households said with a smile, "whatever you want, let\'s go."

Xin Laoqi nodded and was ready to bring someone back.

"Seven brothers!"

At this time, Liu Pu appeared. He first talked to hundreds of families, and then the door opened.

Liu Pu followed several of Liu Sheng\'s soldiers behind him, and immediately came to protect the man, and then walked in together.

Just now Fang Wu had sneaked in and told Liu Sheng about it, so Liu Pu could arrive in time.


The crowd stopped, and then they saw Fang Xing coming with more than ten people.

The hundred families were embarrassed and said, "little uncle, it\'s very difficult for me to be an officer with so many people!"

Seeing Fang Xing\'s dignified face, Liu Pu said, "we should be careful to catch the spy. Why is it difficult? Let\'s go!"

The party went straight through the edge of the camp and took a shortcut to Liu Sheng\'s tent.

"Brother Dehua, why did you come with me?"

Liu Pu felt that even Xin Laoqi didn\'t have to come. He just sent two servants.

While walking, Fang Xing observed the situation ahead and said, "I\'m afraid someone will intercept halfway!"

Liu Pu was surprised and said with some acuteness: "brother Dehua, what do you mean..."

Fang looked around vigilantly and said casually, "I\'m not sure. This man came to bribe my brothers in the army at night. Who do you think it would be?"

Liu pulue blurted out, "is it Zheng Heng?"

"Shut up!"

Fang Xing suddenly stopped, then looked at the lantern in front and said with a sneer, "as expected, this man is coming!"

Under the light of lanterns, the visitor appeared in front. The person in charge was dressed in green clothes, but he was guarded by everyone. His identity was unknown.

Fang woke up to block Liu Pu who was ready to come out and whispered, "remember, bite to death and say that it has been reported to your father."

"Who is ahead?"

At this time, the visitor finally approached. Obviously, he could see the person opposite, but he still shouted.

Liu Puying said, "I\'ve seen Marquis Wu\'an."

Everyone knelt on one knee except Fang Xing.

Zheng Heng didn\'t call anyone up either. He just looked at Fang and woke up and said, "who are you? You don\'t kneel when you see Ben!"

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "student Fang Xing has no military position. Of course, he doesn\'t need to kneel."

Zheng Heng, I\'m not a system with you. Kneel and you\'re paralyzed!

Zheng Heng sneered, "but you brought a soldier and horse from a thousand households. How can you not be a member of my army! Come on, take him!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Several pro guards rushed out from behind Zheng Heng and rushed to Fang Xing.

"Who dares!"

Liu Pu jumped up first, blocked Fang Xing\'s body with Xin Laoqi and others, and glared at Zheng Heng.

Zheng Heng smiled on his gloomy face and shouted, "Fang Xing despises Shangguan. Who dares to stop him and take it together!"

Liu Sheng, I took your son today. Do you dare to fight me!

The remaining guards immediately took out their sabers, and their ferocious faces looked particularly excited in the light of the lantern.

Xin Laoqi pulled out the Tang Dao without hesitation. The light of the knife flickered. He shouted, "call someone to protect the young master!"

Fang Wu immediately took out the whistle on his neck and blew it hard.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

In the dark, the whistle came out a long way. The sergeants in the camp leaned out their heads one after another to see who had the courage to make such a big noise at night.

It is forbidden to make noise at night in the army. Violators may have a meal or a small life.

But Xin Laoqi and others only remember to protect Fang Xing, who will pay attention to military discipline.

Zheng Heng was overjoyed and shouted, "the noise at night will break our military regulations. Those who dare to resist will be killed without amnesty!"

Knives were pulled out on both sides, and the atmosphere ignited.

But at this time, Fang Xing smiled and said, "isn\'t Marquis Wu\'an dissatisfied with his majesty?"


Xin Laoqi and others\' determination did not scare Zheng Heng\'s Pro guards, but Fang\'s waking words made them step back and look back at Zheng Heng.

Zheng Heng\'s heart tightened and angrily said, "Fang Xing, you dare to deceive the public. Do you think you dare not cut you this time?"

If you dare to discredit the general of the unification army, you will be killed. Even Zhu Di won\'t have an opinion.

But Fang woke up and said faintly, "it\'s your Majesty\'s grace that Fang commands the army with a human body. Hou Wu\'an, do you think your majesty can\'t know people?"

Zheng Heng stared and listened to these words with great regret.

Why did I forget this?

Fang Xing, a scholar who is not even a Jinshi, can take charge of the army, which is not what ordinary people dare to imagine.

Only Zhu Di can do such things as breaking the rules.

And Zheng Hengfang said that Fang Xing\'s soldiers are people in the army. If this word gets out

Huang TAISUN\'s teacher is actually a member of the army. I\'m afraid those great Confucians will laugh at the news.

Although Fang Xing once led troops to fight in Jiaozhi, it was only Zhu Di\'s order, and Fang Xing was not given a military post, so the great Confucians couldn\'t find an excuse.

How to teach Huang TAISUN how to be a vulgar martial artist!