Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 237

Fang Xing chatted with them for a while and then began to rush.

"You go back first, so as not to be seen by those who want to do something."

Meng Jiao shouted, "why? It\'s a big deal. I quit and go back to my hometown."

Lin Qun\'an grabbed Meng Jiao, then bowed down and said, "Mr. Fang, stay. I\'ll wake up."

After the two men went out, Fang woke up and said, "this is wrestling!"

The other party wanted to slap him in the face, but Fang woke up and had to find a way to get back, otherwise he would become a joke in other people\'s mouth.

After a night of silence, practice continued the next day.

After the drill, a group of people in the distance came slowly towards the camp.

This group of people not only carried things, but also put several killed big fat pigs and many fat sheep on the cattle cart.

The sergeants who had just finished breakfast in the camp were overjoyed to see this behind the scenes.

"This is to send things again?"

"Of course, we are here. Can we send it somewhere else?"

"Tut tut! I\'ve been widowed for a long time. How can so many good people suddenly come!"

"Don\'t you have too much? How about I have your lunch today?"

"Go away! Look at those fat pigs and sheep, whether they are boiled or roasted, they will be rich and oily with a bite! I can\'t bear it!"

"It\'s just that the number is a little less. There are so many people in our camp. It\'s estimated that we can\'t eat!"


Just as everyone looked at the good things, those people pointed at the door.

After receiving the report, Zheng Heng said with a smile: "Your Highness is really too polite. Let\'s go and meet."

When they led a cadre to the gate, the group suddenly realized that they pointed to the small camp on the side and shouted, "it\'s the wrong way. It\'s over there!"

What rice?

Thousands of families waiting for fat sheep inside were jealous at this scene and said angrily, "you\'re dizzy! What else is there to reward except my camp?"

But the leading man turned back and smiled, and then said with an apologetic face, "I\'m really sorry that I came to the wrong place today."

At this time, Zheng Heng had arrived. He frowned and asked, "why did they come and go? But you offended someone?"

Thousands of households shouted, "Lord Hou, the lower officer didn\'t say a word!"

Zheng Heng was furious and thought that I heard you yell and scold just now. Why, did you eat too much wine and meat yesterday? Would you like a change?

Thousands of households knew that they had been wronged when they saw Zheng Heng\'s expression, but his status was far from Zheng Heng\'s, so they had to bear it.

Zheng Heng is competing for power with Liu Sheng these days, so he is very keen on such things as improving morale and prestige.

"Go and invite someone back to me. He said he would have waited here."

Someone immediately led out of the camp and soon caught up with the gang.

Zheng Heng stroked his beard and smiled. He felt that inviting some villagers with the respect of the Marquis would certainly be unfavourable.

Will you excuse them later?

Zheng hengzhan, who wanted to earn his reputation as a virtuous corporal, smiled, then looked up and shouted, "open the camp door."

Since there are villagers coming to work, of course, we have to thank Wen Yan, so the door was opened immediately.

"Hou ye, those people went next door!"

Zheng Heng tidied up his clothes and looked at it with disbelief

The group of people not far away were standing outside the camp of Fang Xing\'s headquarters, and Fang Xing himself was smiling and talking to the man headed by him.

Those wine and meat are on the ground. The weather is good today, so you can see it clearly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zheng Heng only felt that a mouthful of old blood was in his throat, so he had to hide his shame and anger with a dry cough.

This NIMA is beating in the face of red fruit!

This is hitting me in the face!

"If there were no them yesterday, did his highness King Zhao make up for it today? They have great face!"

"Yes, and people\'s pigs are much fatter, let alone sheep."

"Tut! They have more points than ours."


Hearing these words, Zheng Heng\'s body shook. At this time, a confidant whispered, "Hou ye, are you going to expel those people?"

Zheng Heng shook his head, then his body shook and shouted, "go find Wang Qian!"

When others saw Zheng Heng\'s face become iron blue, they were all in silence for Fang Xingsuo, thinking that they would be unlucky now.

I dare to leave the camp and accept the labor force alone. Isn\'t this an eye medicine for Zheng Heng, who had the scenery yesterday!

But Zheng Heng turned away with a green face and stumbled at his feet.

"Hou ye, are you in a hurry?"

"Tut tut! There\'s a good play to see!"

After Zheng Heng arrived at the big account, Wang Qian was already waiting.

Seeing Zheng Heng coming in, Wang Qian said angrily: "Lord Hou, this party is waking up to give you no face! If you don\'t do it again, I\'m afraid..."

"Shut up!"

Zheng Heng was like a wounded tiger. He shouted angrily, "Wang Qianhu, this is the means of your royal guards? Your highness worked first, and then missed Fang Xingsuo. What are you trying to do?"

Wang Qian\'s face was confused, but he was laughing in his heart.

Sabi Zheng Heng! Do you really think you can step on a few boats?

Although Zheng Heng began to contact king Zhao, he hesitated about who would be in the top position in the future, so the relationship did not turn around completely.

Only after Fang woke up, he was encouraged by Wang Qian to give Fang a good look.

Zheng Heng didn\'t know much about politics, so he started with simple judgment.

But it\'s easy to get started, but it\'s difficult to get down!

Zheng Heng turned around and saw the gloom on Wang Qian\'s face. He immediately stepped back and even regretted his intestines.

I was caught up by them!

Wufu is vulgar, which means their words and deeds, but more importantly, many of them do not understand political struggle and are easy to be bewitched.

Why have the generals been restricted since the Song Dynasty? It\'s not because these generals are impulsive and see that things are simple. Once they are bewitched, they are eager to kill and rebel.

Wang Qian said in a gloomy way: "my Lord, your Highness has high hopes for you. You must control it!"

Zheng Heng is worthy of being a general, but he took a deep breath and smiled on his face.

"Of course, your highness, please rest assured that we will not disappoint."

"It seems that I\'m going to disappoint Wu\'an hou..."

In Fang Xing\'s big tent, more than 100 officers were there.

After being ignored twice, these officers were already extremely dissatisfied, so today someone came to work for the thousand households in Jubaoshan alone, which made them all smile.

Dong PI thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Fang, we are proud today. The morale of the brothers is very high!"

Fang Xingduan sat at the head and said faintly, "these are just small mischief. There will be no fewer small shoes in the future. Everyone cheer up. Don\'t be taken by anyone."


The people at the bottom agreed, and then Fang woke up and waved: "look, you\'re all eager to try, then go away, just remember the old rules..."

A impatient family shouted, "we all remember drinking, Mr. Fang."

Fang woke up laughing, shook his head and said, "well, it\'s my white advice."