Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 233

Peiping mansion has entered the freezing mode, and the old fangjiazhuang is covered up by snow.

Fang Derong and his daughter-in-law stood in the field, with a little more steady smile on their face.

"It\'s snowing heavily this year. I\'m sure I can have a good harvest next year."

His daughter-in-law also said happily, "when this year\'s accumulation is sent to Jinling, the young master must be happy."

Fang Derong exhaled and watched the breath turn white in front of him. He sighed, "I don\'t know when the young master and father will come back."

A burst of rapid footsteps came behind him. Fang Derong turned around and saw his son Fang Yun running with a happy face. While running, he shouted, "Dad, Dad, young master is coming with the army!"

"What? What did you say?"

Fang Derong was surprised to catch his son\'s momentum.

Fang Yun, who was only nine years old, pointed to the direction of Peiping city and said, "I heard what the shopkeeper said. He said he saw the young master riding a big horse and a lot of sergeants behind him..."

At this time, outside the city of Peiping has become a large military camp. Outside a dense camp, a team with some listless spirit is waiting to enter the camp.

Fang woke up and watched Dong PI negotiate with the people in the military headquarters, then walked back with an angry face.

"Mr. Fang, the man said that the camp was full. Our army had to find a camp by itself."

Fang woke up and looked back at the tired sergeants. The civilian husband was naturally picked up. He frowned and said, "just, we have a tent and ask them where they are."

Peter Tung passed again. Looking at his expression, Fang woke up and knew that it was probably not going well.

Who\'s really kidding me?

"Brother Dehua?"


When Fang woke up and was angry, he looked back and saw Liu Pu who had not seen him for a long time.

"Brother Dehua, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time."

Liu Pu came forward excitedly and said, but seeing Fang Xing\'s face blackened, he asked, "brother Dehua, but the camp is ugly to you?"

Fang Xing pointed to Dong PI and said, "madder, let me find a place to camp by myself. Am I the stepmother of the thousand families in Jubao mountain?"

Liu Pu was angry, strode over and shouted, "who are you?"

Liu Sheng was in charge of the peripheral affairs of the army and waiting for Zhu Di\'s arrival, so the civil servant smiled and said, "little uncle, this is not the matter of the lower officer, but the arrangement of the Marquis Wu\'an. The lower officer just did it."

Liu Pu hates to be called his little uncle, which means that his father\'s Anyuan will be degraded to attack the Lord when he comes here.

I don\'t rely on Yin Meng!

"Marquis Wu\'an? Why is he like this?"

Liu Pu was stunned, then turned around and left.

"Brother Dehua, I\'ll come as soon as I go."

Zheng Heng, what does that mean?

Fang Xing is also thinking.

Zheng Heng and Huang TAISUN have a good relationship, so we shouldn\'t make trouble for Huang TAISUN\'s direct troops!

Is it

Thinking of this, Fang Xing explained to Xin Laoqi without hesitation: "just next to the camp, set up camp immediately!"

Dong PI said reluctantly, "Mr. Fang, there are no such bullies! Otherwise, we\'ll wait outside and let everyone see their faces!"

Fang Xing\'s eyes were in the middle of the camp and said faintly: "according to your position, I don\'t even have the qualification to see Wu\'an Hou. Who will defend us? Let\'s start!"

More than a thousand people started unloading at the same time. People roared and let the people in the camp look this way.

Liu Pu had more heart. After entering the camp, he didn\'t go to Zheng Heng first, but to his father first.

"Father, why did Wu anhou embarrass brother Dehua?"

When Liu Sheng was waiting in Anyuan, he looked up at his son and said faintly, "he is the general soldier of Xuanfu. Your majesty intends him to command the Chinese army, so he is qualified to embarrass the thousand households of Jubao mountain. Do you understand?"

Xuanfu town is a big military camp, facing the grassland.

As the chief soldier there, Zheng Heng won Zhu Di\'s trust, otherwise he would not be ready to hand over the Chinese army to him.

Seeing that his son was still ignorant, Liu Sheng sighed, "it\'s all your Majesty\'s family affairs. Let\'s get involved less."

Your Majesty\'s family?

Liu Pu understood the meaning of his words in a moment. He angrily said, "but Wu\'an Hou wasn\'t before..."

"Shut up!"

Liu Sheng stopped his son\'s words and said, "can you talk about your Majesty\'s family affairs? Get out!"

When Liu Pu went out with a disheartened face, a man also came to Zheng Heng\'s big tent.

"Hou ye, I heard that Fang woke up?"

Wang Qian asked with a smile.

Zheng hengguo\'s face looked majestic. He said faintly, "yes, it\'s fast, so you\'re a little surprised, right?"

Wang Qian sat down after saluting and said excitedly in his eyes, "Marquis, this is a rare opportunity! Your highness must have been looking forward to slapping the emperor\'s grandson in the face!"

Zheng Heng looked at Wang Qian contemptuously and said, "it\'s not as simple as you think! The eyes of the whole camp are staring. Go and smoke it for me?"

Wang Qian was blocked for a while and was angry in his heart. However, he had a deep mind and didn\'t show his face at all. He just smiled and said, "yes, the lower officer is waiting for the good news from the marquis. The people of the royal guards in Beiping mansion will fully cooperate."

Zheng Heng looked at the list on the table and said coldly, "there is no need for the royal guards to participate in this matter. I have my own case."

Although Wang Qian was highly valued by Ji Gang, he had to bow down and quit in the face of Zheng Heng, who could manage the Chinese army for Zhu Di.

After Wang Qian left, Zheng Heng threw away the watch book and said to his staff, "Huang TAISUN\'s behavior is not correct. I think you are still in doubt, so you have to get out first. As for the future... Look again!"

The staff said cautiously, "Lord, would you like to write to the eldest childe again?"

Zheng Heng shook his head and said, "since the emperor TAISUN was in charge of personnel, he really didn\'t care about women, and he hasn\'t had children yet. Most of them are just like what neng\'er said..."

The staff buried his head deeply and whispered, "Lord, we\'d better be careful!"

Zheng Heng sneered: "it\'s just a moment to hang him. Does he dare to be domineering when he wakes up? Then I really have to march to kill a chicken today!"

The staff saw that their advice was completely useless and had to smile bitterly.

"Lord Hou, the party woke up and moved!"

At this time, a private soldier came in and told him, "Lord, the commander of the awakening order set up camp by himself on the side of the camp. Many sergeants in the camp are watching."

How dare he

"Is this a demonstration to Ben?"

Zheng Heng thought Fang Xing would come to find himself, so that he could accuse him of being a "domineering senior official" in his speech.

But Fang woke up quietly and put him in an embarrassing situation.

Everyone knows if there is any spare space in the camp - yes!

And a lot!

But today\'s play will probably be regarded as Zheng Heng\'s downfall to thousands of families directly under Huang TAISUN.

Now, instead of stepping down, he slapped Fang Xing in the face. Zheng Heng only felt hot on his face.

"Disperse them!"