Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 232

In the evening, in the study, masu stood respectfully opposite Fang Xing.

Fang woke up and knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "when I go to school this time, I guess I can\'t catch up with your local examination, but you have to take them to study. In this way, your current study has been completed, and the key is the article. You write the article every day, and then send it to TAISUN\'s house regularly. I\'ll tell TAISUN to find someone to correct it for you."

Ma Su hung his head and said, "yes, teacher, I will take care of them."

In the bedroom, Zhang Shuhui specially dressed up tonight and looked at the beauty like jade under the lamp.

When the couple left, it was a night of tossing and turning. It was not until the ugly time that Zhang Shuhui fell asleep.

At the beginning of Yin, Fang woke up quietly, put on his clothes, shoes and socks in the dark, and pushed open the door.

When he turned around and saw that there was no movement on the bed, Fang woke up and breathed a sigh. But he didn\'t see that in the dark, a pair of eyes were staring at the door, and the tears slowly flowed down.

After closing the door, Fang woke up and was ready to go to the front yard to pick up his luggage.


Fang Xing accidentally tripped on one foot and almost fell out.


Fang woke up and looked over. It turned out to be Xiaobai. The girl was sitting on the veranda. She didn\'t respond when she was hit on her feet.


Fang woke up and hugged Xiaobai. When she was confused and wanted to struggle, she said, "don\'t talk."

Xiaobai rubbed her eyes. When she saw that Fang woke up, she hugged his neck and said, "young master, I\'m afraid you\'ll leave without waiting for me."

Fang Xing only felt that the softest place in his heart was hit hard. He took Xiaobai a few steps into the bedroom, put her on the bed, and then kissed her on the forehead.

"Be good at home. Don\'t be naughty around with bells. I\'ll come back as soon as possible..."

Fang Xing let go, touched Xiaobai\'s face, took a deep breath and left.

"Young master!"

In the front yard, except for Fang 11 and Fang 10, the remaining eight servants gathered under the leadership of Xin Laoqi.


The sound of horses\' hoofs broke the tranquility and rushed out of fangjiazhuang like a whirlwind.

It\'s very close from fangjiazhuang to the military camp. If you\'re not familiar with the right way, basically no one dares.

The night wind roared and made Fang Xing\'s face painful, but he ran out a mile, and Xin Laoqi, who opened the road in front, suddenly stopped.


The sky was still dark, but several torches appeared in front of Xin Laoqi.

Under the light of the torch, the big white horse came slowly. Fang woke up, stared at Ji Gang and said with a smile, "is Lord Ji here to send someone to us? That\'s a sign of hospitality."

"Poof poof!"

The night wind blew the torch hunting. Ji Gang barely stood, looked at Fang and woke up: "Mr. Fang is both literate and martial. He will make great achievements on this trip. Ji is waiting for Mr. Fang\'s good news in Beijing. Don\'t let me down!"

Fang Xing looked down at Ji Gang and said faintly, "things will turn around when they reach the extreme. Lord Ji, the moon is dark and the wind is high. Where are you going?"

Ji Gang glanced at the sedan chair behind him, snorted and retreated in.


More than ten riders protected the sedan chair and rubbed past Fang Xing and his party. When they were wrong with the sedan chair, Fang Xing heard the cold sound inside.

"Mr. Fang, it\'s a long way to go, but you have to go!"

Fang woke up and remembered that Ji Gang dared to go in and out of the city gate in the early morning, so he smiled and said, "of course I walked well, but Lord Ji, be careful when you walk too much at night and encounter ghosts!"

Ha ha ha ha!

The laughter startled the birds in the roadside trees. Fang woke up and shouted, and the leader ran towards the military camp.

Ji Gang drank and turned the sedan chair. After lifting the curtain, he looked at the distant figure and said gloomily, "Fang Xing, do you think I don\'t know how many times it has something to do with you? I see how you can come back alive from the North!"


"Beep, beep, beep!"

When Fang Xing rushed into the barracks on horseback, the hundred households on duty immediately blew the whistle, and the whole barracks was boiling.

Fang woke up, met Dong PI and said, "cook immediately, let the brothers have a good meal, and then set out."

Dong PI said angrily, "Mr. Fang, the food was ready last night. Just heat it up."

Fang woke up and nodded, then handed the reins to Fang Wu and squinted at the vibrant military camp.

"Young master, everything is ready."

This is Zhu Fang\'s first time to follow her on the expedition. She has some uncontrollable excitement on her face.

However, when this excitement is met with a dark enemy, it can still retain some points. Fang Xing feels that it is estimated that there is no point.

Breakfast was very simple, steamed bread with meat slices, which was made of the remaining pork yesterday. The sergeants greedily enjoyed the last comfortable meal.

On the road and in the north, it\'s good to be full, big fat? When you reward the army or sweep the tribes of Mengyuan, you can have it.

After dinner, the allotted folk came in groups.

There are not many civilian husbands allocated this time, because these resources will have to be redistributed once they arrive in Peiping.

There was a touch of purple on the horizon. Fang woke up and was ready to start, but he saw a team of knights at the gate of the camp.

When the gate opened, Zhu Zhanji rushed in first.

"Brother Dehua, I almost came late!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "just come and say something to them."

Zhu Zhanji waved his hand and said, "when we arrive in Peiping, we have to wait for the opportunity to go out of the fortress. We won\'t say it now."

What you say now will be consumed on the long way, and the last chicken feather.

As soon as Fang woke up and knew that Zhu Zhanji had come to see him off, he whispered, "we\'ll go to Peiping by water this time. It\'s estimated that you\'ll have to be at least a month late and be careful all the way."

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "I follow grandpa Huang. Naturally, there are no taboos. Be careful."

Fang Xing nodded at Xin Laoqi, then arched hands with Zhu Zhanji and said, "take care!"

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly, "brother Dehua, take care!"

"Let\'s go!"

The brigade went out of the barracks, and the sun also appeared from the horizon. Zhu Zhanji bathed in the morning light and looked at the distant team with firm eyes.

"Let\'s go back!"

In the palace, Zhu Di had just finished practicing his sword and was wiping his sweat. When he saw Zhu Zhanji stride forward, he asked, "have you gone outside the city?"

Zhu Zhanji replied, "yes, but grandpa Huang, I just went out when Ji Gang entered the city, but I didn\'t break the ban."

Zhu Di wiped his sweat, then asked, "Fang woke up and left?"

"Yes." Zhu Zhanji said excitedly, "Grandpa Huang, when shall we start?"

Zhu Di put the towel into the plate in the eunuch\'s hand. As he walked back, he said, "the operation of the army is not easy. According to the calculation of time, when the army can catch up with the season of lush grass, it can save a lot of transportation."

This is another lesson Zhu Di taught Zhu Zhanji.

The action of the army is never a simple thing. The morale of the army should be considered, and the food, grass and baggage should be watched all the time. Moreover, we have to respond according to the rapidly changing enemy situation

Zhu Zhanji nodded heavily and said, "Grandpa Huang, my grandson will be a good student this time!"

Good students?

Zhu Di watched the rising sun rise and couldn\'t help feeling thousands of pride in his heart.

I Daming want to open the world of peace!