Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 234

Xin Laoqi led people to build the camp as quickly as possible, and even had spare time to dig ditches around the camp.

"Where did you come from?"

In the big camp on the side, the sergeants who had been stationed for a long time leaned against the fence to watch.

"It\'s said that it\'s a thousand household office directly under his Highness the emperor TAISUN."

"Then why don\'t you let them in?"

"God knows, maybe the Marquis of Wu\'an and the emperor\'s grandson are wrong!"

"Tut! That\'s the emperor\'s grandson! Which Royal Highness is Marquis Wu\'an going to hold?"

"Aren\'t there two more? But I heard that the king of Han was very quiet in Jinling. Maybe he accepted his fate."

"Then only..."

"All scattered! Return to the team!"

"What\'s good? Hurry!"

I\'m giving directions here, but soon a group of vicious guys came out of the camp and dispersed the onlookers.

Fang Xing stood on the edge of the newly built camp, looked at the scene and said to Xin Laoqi, "these are probably Zheng Heng\'s own soldiers, but they also have some prestige."

Xin Laoqi said in a deep voice: "young master, please rest assured, even if the two sides conflict, we are not afraid!"

Then he patted the Tang Dao on his waist, which was his biggest dependence.

When Fang woke up and saw Dong PI coming, he ordered, "old Dong, go to see the senior official first and come back if you have any problems."

At this time, Dong PI wished that Fang xingcai was the official of the thousand households in the name of the thousand households in Jubao mountain, so he had to go to the camp.

When you arrive at the camp, you will naturally see Liu Sheng and Zheng Heng.

Liu shengzheng was pestered by Liu Pu to wake Fang up with mules and horses. When he heard that Dong PI was coming, he ordered, "I won\'t see him. Tell him to be careful when he goes to see the Marquis of Wu\'an."

Dong PI went to find Zheng Heng again, but Zheng Heng also didn\'t see him. He just asked Dong pi to take good care of his subordinates and not to violate military discipline.

Out of the Chinese army, Dong PI could not help but curse: "fuck NIMA! Don\'t even give a senior official. Is this going to let me live and die?"

A small family without a designated direct supervisor is like an abandoned child who can\'t do anything.

And if anything happens, there will be no one to preside over justice.

"This trip is wrong!"

Returning to the self built camp, Dong PI was surprised to find that people and animals were moving supplies inside.

Did Zheng Heng\'s conscience find out?

Zheng Heng\'s conscience did not find that Fang Xing was complaining about Liu PU.

"Does Zheng Heng dare to be short of food and fodder in our army? You\'re giving him no face!"

Liu Pu stuck his neck and said, "brother Dehua, I\'m not afraid of him. It\'s a big deal. Let\'s go to my father."


Fang Xing was warm in his heart, but he warned: "although your father is in charge of the camp, he is only retreat and not pragmatic, and his power is not as powerful as Zheng Heng. If he knows about your father\'s gift today, the nails in his heart will be buried, okay?"

Liu Pu said bluntly, "brother Dehua, don\'t be superior. My father is a veteran general, and my father is in charge of the firearm camp this time. If Zheng Heng dares to do it, we\'ll blow his mother!"

"Come on, I have to thank your father."

Liu Sheng\'s move is really a timely help. After Fang Xing\'s command was isolated by the whole camp, this move undoubtedly tells you:

You Zheng Heng do some shady things, but I Liu Sheng can\'t see it anymore. I have to stretch out my hand!

"Liu Sheng!"

Zheng Hengzheng and his staff thought about how to wake up. After receiving the news, they trembled with anger.

The staff hurriedly advised, "Lord, if you can\'t bear it, you will make a big plan! Let\'s bear it first and look for an opportunity before making plans."

"Find a fart!"

Zheng Heng\'s ruffian temper broke out and wanted to find Liu Sheng theory. His staff hurriedly stopped him with some personal soldiers.

"Marquis, we don\'t care about this. It\'s also when we go..."

It\'s humiliating to go!

"Ha ha ha!"

It was the time for Liu Sheng to meet Huan. He laughed and stopped Fang Xing\'s salute, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Fang, don\'t be polite. You are the teacher of my evil son. If you salute me, it will be said that my old Liu can still be a man? Please sit down."

Fang Xing also sat down with a smile and said, "Liu Pu is smart. I\'m just icing on the cake. I can\'t be praised by the marquis."

Liu Sheng scornfully pointed to Liu Pu and said, "don\'t I know what this little boy used to look like? He doesn\'t talk. He doesn\'t learn all day. Fortunately, his father is a marquis, otherwise he would have been caught."

Seeing Liu Pu blushing and scratching his head, Fang woke up and said with a smile: "Liu Pu is good-natured. He is not like those people who have a lot of ideas. It\'s the best adjustment. Lord Hou, I congratulate him in advance."

Tiger father has no dog son. How many fathers hope!

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "when he came to me this time, he not only had a sense of propriety and organization, but also helped me manage the things in my account. He has really made great progress!"

Most of Liu Sheng\'s accounts used to be taken care of by his staff, but this time, after Liu Pu came back, he was able to take over the paperwork, and he did it in a methodical way, which surprised everyone.

The key is that Liu Pu has the friendship with Zhu Zhanji\'s classmates. As long as Zhu Zhanji can succeed smoothly, Liu Sheng won\'t worry about the next three generations.

Seeing Liu Pu\'s tail, Fang woke up and said with a smile, "but it\'s not enough. Liu Pu, I happened to be here. After that, you come to me half an hour every day and have homework to explain when you come back."


Liu Pu felt bitter and wanted to beg for mercy, but when he saw his father\'s smiling face, he shrank back.

After finishing his private affairs, Liu Sheng said with a worried face: "Mr. Fang, I\'m afraid there are other thoughts in Anyuan!"

Fang woke up and said, "Your Highness has already known that Zheng Heng is most likely not in his arms. Please tell the prince by letter."

It was a beautiful job. Liu Sheng couldn\'t help looking at Fang again. Then he smiled brightly and said, "Mr. Fang is really extraordinary. OK! I\'ll take it from Liu Sheng."

Liu Pu was a little confused on the side. He is as forthright as his father, but he is somewhat indecisive, which is a big taboo for generals.


Liu Sheng and Fang Xing looked at each other and saw each other\'s ideas.

Liu Sheng said with a wry smile, "take your time. I can still live for decades. I think I can protect them until they grow up!"

The feeling of licking the calf in Liu Sheng\'s words also moved Fang Xing. He comforted: "the Marquis doesn\'t have to worry. Liu Pu is still young. Aren\'t you still teaching?"

As soon as the conversation between them turned, they talked about the northern expedition. However, Liu Sheng was also cautious. He just asked Fang Xing to stay in the camp and wait for the call.

Before leaving, Liu Pu sent it outside. Seeing no one around, he asked, "brother Dehua, what did you and my father just say? It seems that I\'m going to do something bad soon."

Fang woke up, stared at him with bright eyes and shouted, "from tomorrow on, you will participate in the training in our army. If you don\'t practice like an appearance, I won\'t believe in evil!"

The training intensity of Fang Xing\'s army has always been great. Liu Pu\'s entry at this level will probably take off several layers of skin.

"No, brother Dehua..."