Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 231

The next day, when the concubines in the harem found that their breakfast had become simpler, they immediately got up and said they were going to find trouble in Guanglu temple.

"What a shame!"

"I am rich all over the world in Ming Dynasty. I can\'t even compare with ordinary people for breakfast!"

"I think someone is deliberately slack. I don\'t know if his majesty has been wronged..."

Under several peach trees trembling in the autumn wind, a group of beauties are expressing their views on the matter.

At this time, a eunuch came quickly. When they looked carefully, they found that it was the big eunuch next to your majesty. They immediately greeted Your Majesty\'s breakfast.

"I\'m afraid these people have become old-fashioned. They dare to slack off even the meals in the palace. What does your majesty say?"

"Please tell your majesty that my concubine learned some soup at home. If your majesty doesn\'t dislike it, I\'d like to wash my hands in coarse clothes for your majesty..."

"Bah! You gorgeous bitch! Your majesty can\'t eat meals of unknown origin!"


After listening coldly, the eunuch said faintly: "many people have changed in Guanglu Temple today. Your majesty asked the ladies to stay in the palace in peace. There is no need to worry."

What happened to Guanglu temple?

Yes, there was an accident at Guanglu temple.

Zhu Di is an acute person. Last night, after prying open Miao yuan\'s mouth, the Palace door immediately opened. The bodyguard took the sergeants all over the city to catch the suspect.

Today\'s first fresh opened the door as usual. Fang Xi looked leisurely at the door and smiled at Deng Danian who was also outside: "boss Deng, why don\'t you say that the Mingyue building doesn\'t open the door? Has boss Lin committed a crime?"

Deng Danian looked at the closed door and hesitated, "I\'m afraid not."

In fact, he wished that even the first fresh food would be closed, so that his green bamboo house could dominate Zhuque street.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Until noon, when the moon building was still strangely closed, the first fresh business was still very hot.

Fang Xing is checking what he will take away this time, especially gunpowder.

"We have different gunpowder ratios and different manufacturing methods. We must pay attention to keeping them. Otherwise, if we go to the ground and build a new one, everything will be in chaos."

Fang woke up and looked at the neatly placed powder kegs. He nodded and said, "powder is the first item. Everything can make way for it."

There are arrangements for supplies along the way, so there is no need to bring a lot of food.

"None of the catapults. There are more wood in the north."

"Pay attention to the preservation of injury medicine to avoid failure..."

After a series of inspections, Fang Xing was very satisfied. He said to Dong PI, "old Dong is good. If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen his tools. When the preparations are in place, you will have a three-point grasp of the battle."

When Dong PI was praised, he immediately softened his bones and said modestly: "where is Mr. Fang\'s effective command, the junior officer is just..."

Being modest, there came an officer of the Ministry of war, who was Shang Yun last time.

"Ha ha! Mr. Fang has not seen you for a long time..."

Shang Yun was still smiling, but he came over with a little more kindness.

Fang woke up and withdrew, motioning for Dong pi to contact, but Shang Yun smiled and said, "Mr. Fang doesn\'t have to worry about it. The lower official is here to give orders."

Dong PI immediately hugged his fist and said, "all the officers and men of the thousand households of Jubao mountain will come here again. Please announce your order, Lord Shang."

Since it was business, Shang Yun also put away his smile and read the military order seriously to the effect that the headquarters of Jubao mountain would set off tomorrow, led by Fang Xing, to Peiping.

"Mr. Fang, I\'m going to be a duke for thousands of generations. I\'d like to congratulate you on your success!"

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "thank you for your kind words. Fang must do his best and dare not slack off."

Shang Yun whispered and left. In his opinion, young people as old as Fang Xing would probably say something heroic and dry. But Fang woke up and just said some routine words of loyal to the king to serve the country.

"How like an old oilseed!"

After Shang Yun left, Fang Xing explained to Dong PI, "stop training today, rest the whole army, tidy up items, have dinner and kill pigs!"

After the explanation, Fang Xing took the people of fangjiazhuang and left.

I have to go home!

As soon as he got home, Fang woke up and saw that Zhu Zhanji was already there with Wan Wan.

Liang Zhong first sent a peace talisman, "the peace talisman we sent last time seems really good. I didn\'t hear that Mr. Fang was going to Rongji again. Our family went to Tianjie Temple early in the morning, but fortunately we grabbed one..."

Liang Zhong\'s nagging made Fang Xing very warm. He took the amulet and immediately put it on. Then he smiled and said, "Lao Liang, wait until I bring you horse milk wine and cheese."

"What famous brand is our family? We can\'t afford Mr. Fang\'s love."

Liang Zhong lowered his head, rubbed his eyes and muttered.

Wan Wan also brought a peace symbol melancholy. She must wake up and wear it around her neck.

Seeing the dignified atmosphere, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "brother Dehua, this talisman is Wan Wan\'s own."

Fang Xing rubbed Wan Wan\'s head and put it on.

"Fang Xing, you must come back!"

This is Fang Xing\'s last day at home, so Wan Wan is also very sensible and follows Liang Zhong back.

As soon as they left, Zhu Zhanji said, "brother Dehua, the dragons and snakes are mixed in Peiping. You\'d better stay away from those disputes until grandpa Huang and I arrive."

Fang woke up and nodded: "I know that if others don\'t annoy me, I won\'t cause trouble. Don\'t worry."

Zhu Zhanji thought: I\'m just worried that you have a bad temper and will get angry when excited by others!

Peiping is the territory of King Zhao. Fang Xing has only a good friend and father who has been studying hard recently.

"Brother Dehua, the little brother is coming!"

Speaking of it, just when Zhu Zhanji was worried about Fang Xing, a heavy footsteps came. Then, the fat face also appeared in Fang Xing\'s eyes.

Chen Xiao first bowed to Zhu Zhanji, and then hurriedly said, "brother Dehua, let me go with you? Our body can kill several enemies!"

Fang Xing said unhappily, "it is said that Mengyuan people like men\'s style. Are you sure you\'re not going to deliver vegetables?"

Chen Xiao couldn\'t help holding his legs. He thought of that scene in his mind. He was cold all over.

Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji smiled at each other and said, "write a letter quickly and I\'ll take it to my uncle."

Chen Xiao shouted for pen and ink, and then remembered what he came for, so he scratched his head and said, "brother Dehua, I can\'t go back this year. If my sister-in-law has anything to do, ask someone to shout in the Imperial College, I still have a few friends."

Fang woke up and shouted, "don\'t think about these things. After I leave, if you dare to act recklessly, be careful to be thrown into the Qinhuai River to feed fish!"

Chen xiaoang first said, "brother Dehua, don\'t underestimate me. I\'m familiar in Jinling."

Zhu Zhanji smiled on the edge, with some envy in his heart.

This is a friend!

His mouth is fierce, but they are all concerned about each other.