Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 230

Seeing Zhu Di throwing things, the eunuch couldn\'t help taking a step forward, but Zhu Zhanji smiled and caught the brush and shouted, "Grandpa Xie Huang will reward you. My grandson will go to his father\'s little kitchen first and honor you a few dishes in the evening."

Looking at the vigorous pace of his grandson\'s departure, Zhu Di couldn\'t help smiling, but when Zhu Zhanji went away, the smile became cold.

"Thoroughly investigate Guanglu temple!"


Miao yuan\'s home doesn\'t look at all, but when you walk into the backyard, you find that the luxury here can be comparable to that of salt merchants.

Here, Lin Zhiyuan, the "eldest brother-in-law", became cautious and smiled at the servant girls who led the way, for fear of offending others and affecting his sister\'s status.

Miao Yuangang went down to the Yamen and two servant girls were serving him.

The hot towel was applied to his face, and Miao yuan couldn\'t help sighing comfortably.

After uncovering the towel, Miao yuan frowned and looked at Lin Zhiyuan, "what are you doing here?"

This is very impolite, but Lin Zhiyuan didn\'t complain at all, and said with a flattering smile: "Lord Miao, the first fresh Fang woke up today and threatened me to be ready to give you..."

Miao Yuan said wearily, "where\'s Xie Wentong? Hasn\'t he finished it?"


Lin Zhiyuan exclaimed, "but I haven\'t seen Lord Xie today!"


The warm towel was thrown on Lin Zhiyuan\'s face. Miao yuan stared at Lin Zhiyuan with triangular eyes and said coldly, "do you think others are your servants who come and go at once?"

However, Xie Wentong didn\'t come to report the results to himself today. Miao yuan was also dissatisfied and wondered if he could find a chance to knock it.

"Go back and inform me before you come next time."

Miao yuan wouldn\'t be so polite if he didn\'t think Lin Zhiyuan could make some money for himself.

"Yes, small, let\'s go."

Although Lin Zhiyuan was driven away, he felt very relieved because of Miao yuan\'s attitude.

Wait, when the Northern Expedition army starts, Fang Xing, I\'ll make you look good at that time!

Lin Zhiyuan followed the servant girl to the outside. When he reached the gate, he took out a small string of copper money from his purse and handed it to him. He held his head high and said, "take it and buy some food."

The servant girl disdained, but she still took it.

Lin Zhiyuan looked back at the mansion behind him and swore to himself: one day, I Lin Zhiyuan will also prosper!


After yelling at the porter, Lin Zhiyuan regretted that he had given too much respect to the door when he came.

After stepping out of the threshold, Lin Zhiyuan saw a group of sergeants trotting in the distance.

"What\'s the matter?"

Lin Zhiyuan looked around, but he didn\'t see the thief.

Be careful. Lin Zhiyuan asked the coachman to pull the carriage to the side to get out of the way.

But these sergeants came straight here and rushed into the Miao family in Lin Zhiyuan\'s dull eyes.

The remaining sergeants saw the carriage and shouted, "who are you waiting for?"

The coachman was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. Lin Zhiyuan only felt his heart beating rapidly and could hear his voice.

"Several officials, the little ones are resting here. Let\'s go, let\'s go."

Lin Zhiyuan walked over, kicked the coachman with his toes and shouted, "hurry!"

The carriage shimmered away. Before long, Miao yuan, who just looked official, was dragged out like a dead dog.

Fang\'s family, Fang woke up and looked at the two women who were working on their clothes. He said softly, "when you get to the army, you can\'t use so many clothes. I\'ll buy them somewhere. You\'d better have a rest."

Zhang Shuhui raised her head and looked around and said, "husband, the stitches in those ready-made clothes stores are not dense enough. I\'m afraid I\'ll wear them soon."

Xiaobai rarely had a time to sit still. She put her feet gently on the back of the bell. After biting off a thread, her eyes turned red and said, "young master, how long will you go this time to come back?"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "about half a year."

In fact, these words have water. Starting from Jinling and waiting for Zhu Di to assemble his army, even if the war is smooth, he can\'t come back for half a year.

Zhang Shuhui knows, so she is just silently preparing clothes. As for food, it won\'t take long. Why not make up more at home.

In the evening, there was another bowl of chicken soup. Fang woke up and felt that if it went on like this, he would be kicked out of the northern expedition by Zhu Di.

"I\'ll get fat."

Fang Xing grabbed Zhang Shuhui\'s small hand and looked down at her.

"Young master, someone is looking for you."


Fang Xing let go of his hand and whispered, "get ready for hot water and let\'s wash together."

In the past, Zhang Shuhui would not promise, but today she gave a gentle, um, sound, which shook Fang Xing\'s heart and went to the front in a happy mood.

Married for a long time, but Zhang Shuhui is still very conservative in some aspects. Today, I opened this slit. Fang Xing believes that this is only the beginning.

But the good mood dissipated after seeing the man in the front hall.

Fang Xing walked in and said coldly, "boss Lin is here. Dare you ask, but do you like my house?"

Paralyzed! What\'s this for? Do you think you have a chance to win? Is this to force the palace?

Fang woke up at this moment, he really had a killing heart.


But the next moment, Lin Zhiyuan\'s performance surprised Fang Xing.

After kneeling on the ground, regardless of the pain in his knee, Lin Zhiyuan begged: "Mr. Fang, I\'m Lin Zhiyuan blind. Just let me go and send the title deed of Mingyue building when I go back..."

When he looked up and saw that Fang Xing was still unmoved, Lin Zhiyuan gritted his teeth, "there are still some floating wealth in the small family. Please accept it together with Mr. Fang."


Fang woke up and looked at Lin Zhiyuan, who was still dead yesterday, but today he has become a poor man. He can\'t help feeling that life is impermanent.

Lin Zhiyuan said happily, "it\'s necessary, it\'s necessary! The little one is willing to give his family property and volunteer to be a servant in Fang\'s house."

This is a complete surrender. Lin Zhiyuan thought that Fang Xing would gladly agree. Then he thought about the women at home, thinking which would be more attractive to the young man, and turned back to send them.

"It\'s late!"

Fang Xing\'s cold way.

Since Lin Zhiyuan is so afraid that he wants to offer it to the Fang family as a slave, it means that the palace has taken over the matter.

According to Zhu Di\'s temperament, this case will not stop until Guanglu temple is turned upside down.

As the initiator of the case, whether Lin Zhiyuan will bear the responsibility or not, his future has been doomed.

This was like a bolt from the blue, which made Lin Zhiyuan burn all over the country. He lamented: "Mr. Fang, the little one is just obsessed. He was bewitched by Miao yuan, which makes him covet the first fresh. All this is under the direction of Miao yuan!"

Fang Xing said coldly, "I gave you a chance, but you didn\'t cherish it. Go back and eat and drink. If you want to end yourself, you can at least suffer less."

Fang woke up and turned away. Lin Zhiyuan, kneeling on the ground behind him, howled: "Mr. Fang, help me..."